Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Percy

Way to go, Everlynn.

I grumbled in my head as I sat, waiting patiently in the closet for Liam,

You finally get a boy to like you and now you tell them that you're - not only a total virgin - but you haven't even truly been kissed. Gosh you're such an idiot someti-

"Hey, Perc..." The doorknob twisted as a dark figure emerged from the light. Liam.

Oh. My. Gosh.

"H-hi." I stuttered. Oh fabulous, my nervous stutter is back. Isn't that just dandy? Note my sarcasm.

"So uh... I think we have to um..." He began, trying to find the words that were jumbled up in his mouth, much like me.

"Listen..." I started, making sure he was fully and intently. He sat beside me and tried reading my face, searching for expression.

"I get really nervous around guys and I think it's because I've never been in a real relationship. I'm so scared of being heartbroken and I don't think I can do this because I've never really even been kissed and I totally ramble when I'm anxious and I guess it's the fact that I think I really like you and-"

"Perc!" Liam stopped me, letting me take a massive breath of air that I had needed so badly a few moments earlier.

"It's okay!" He let out a nervous chuckle, which allowed my tense muscles to relax only slightly.

"Sorry... I don't exactly know what you were hoping for but-"

"I would never - ever - take advantage of you like that, Percy. I can promise you." He whispered. I looked into his eyes for only a second before we both instinctively started leaning in.

Is it really this easy?

I thought, wondering if it would really be like the movies. You know, boy meets girl, they fall in love after they kiss and live happily ever after?

As our lips were mere millimetres apart, he asked very quietly, for only me to hear;

"May I?"

"Please." I replied with confidence I didn't know I had. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and brushed his lips against mine.

Everyone's first kiss is supposed to be magical. Even though your heart is beating a million a minute and you feel like you're blushing brighter than a beet, it really holds a precious variable that is completely indescribable... It's who you're kissing.

Liam pressed his lips to mine, it was surprisingly easy when he led me. I followed his movements in perfect harmony, it was incredible. He carefully lifted my hand and placed it on the side of his face, the prickle of his stubble tickled my palm. It was then that he subtly stuck his tongue in my mouth. I let out a small squeal in reaction, not exactly knowing how to respond. He let out a small, breathy laugh, then went straight back to kissing me.

Eventually, you do get the hang of it though... Especially when you're kissing Liam. He's such a great kisser...

My head was spinning as my back pressed against the wall of the closet, which I had forgotten we were even in, I had abandoned everything else but Liam as soon as our lips met. With Liam's one arm around my waist I felt safe, protected even. It was the first time that I actually felt spontaneous, completely unscripted, at the hands of my own imagination.

I could tell Liam was just as engaged by our actions as I was by the passion he was pouring into this kiss. He never even faltered, his focus was souly on me, like I meant the world to him. He was so gentle, I knew he didn't want to scare me or freak me out and cause me to become a kiss-a-phobic or something like that, it was really sweet to realize how much he cared.

Neither of us noticed the door swing open until someone cleared their throat. It scared me, completely shitless I might add.

Liam never broke my gaze as we pulled apart form each other. He gave me another, agonizingly soft peck on the lips, which sent shivers down my spine. I smiled and blushed, I should really get that checked out by a doctor, no one should blush this much. Ever.

"Ow!" Much like famous one in heart attack, this came from none other than Niall Horan.

"Get it in, get it in!" Someone hollered, which caused my face to heat up even more. Liam grinned and pressed his lips to my forehead one last time before standing up, and putting out his hand, which I gladly accepted. He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me out of the room...

Did that actually just happen?

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