Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Percy

As Kat and Niall continued to murder themselves laughing, Liam and I made casual conversation. We sat on the bed, chatting up a storm. He was just as remember him when we'd talked at the award shows, his smile was still adorable, the way he spoke was still mesmerizing and his laugh, gosh his laugh was still captivating. I found myself marvelling at how much positivity he projected. It wasn't that annoying super happy cheerleader kind of positive, (I probably would've rage quit if it was) it was the kind that just made a small smile tug at the corners of your mouth with every word.

"You look even more beautiful with out your make up on." Liam said, his eyes fixating on my face. I scrunched my nose up and buried my face into a pillow that was to my right.

"Oh please." I said, but it only came out as a muffled statement.

"No, I mean it, love." He laughed, snatching the pillow away. I giggled lightly before glancing up at him, then our eyes met.

You know in movies, when the protagonist meets the love interest, sometimes it freezes for only a few moments when they look into each other's eyes. I swear that's exactly what happened. As it did, I noticed a few things about him that I never had before. When he smiled, two crinkles appeared by the corner of his eyes. He had a tiny, barely noticeable, dimple on his left cheek.

The sound of another wave of chuckling from the two weirdos beside us broke whatever 'moment' we were having which was sad. I didn't really want it to end.

"Excuse me a second." I said politely, hopping off the bed and marching over to Niall and Kat, who were both in stitches.

"Damn it, will you two stop laughing for five minutes?" I said, giggling a bit myself at the sight of them. They had collapsed into fits of laughter, faces red and clenching their stomachs. When they continued with their merry hyper-activeness, I shook my head and calmly walked back to Liam.

"That girl is going to have a six pack from laughing so hard..." I mumbled, laughing under my breath.

"Like this one?" I looked up at Liam, who'd lifted up his shirt, jokingly striking a pose which caused me to burst out, joining Niall and Kat in laughter. I had never seen this side of Liam, it was fun. His gorgeous chuckle filled my ears, which only made this moment funnier. There was no question that we were going to get complaints about the noise...

"What's so funny there, Percy?" Liam laughed, falling back onto the bed.

"That. Was. Perfect." I gasped for air, finally coming back to my senses. The image of that will probably never leave me brain...

"Do me a favor and never change, okay?" I asked, looking down at him and smiling.

"Wasn't really planning to." He smiled, if he was trying to make me weak in the knees, it was working. Kat and Niall's laughter was finally beginning to die down, which calmed me slightly. I sat back on the bed, crossing my legs.

"Percy?" He asked, turning himself so he could see me.


"Can I call you Perc?" He truly is wonderful, he didn't even have to ask!

"Only if I can call you Li." I said, grinning.

"Of course." He laughed, flashing me an adorable smile.

"So, Perc," He said, putting extra emphasis on the nickname, "Are we still on for tomorrow?"

"Why yes, I believe the plan was for one thirty, Li?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That's the plan!" Liam said, stretching his arms above his head for a moment before dropping them back to his side. I giggled, realizing how much I really liked this boy. It's funny, only a few days ago, I had no idea Liam even truly knew my name, now we're going out? Sweet!

"Perc?" Liam asked dreamily,

"Mm?" I hummed,

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we weren't famous?" He asked, staring at the ceiling.

"It never really leaves my mind." I said honestly.

"I wouldn't be here right now, I'd probably be sitting in my room back home... That's a weird thought. I wouldn't be on tour, I'd just be... me. There wouldn't be a Liam Payne of One Direction. There would just be Liam." He mulled over it, savouring the outcome of his life.

"I know exactly how you feel. Knowing me, I'd be in my room, on my laptop... Probably on twitter. Fangirling, definitely fangirling." I snickered, shaking my head back and forth.

"What would be fangirling over, might I ask?" Liam retorted, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Well probably over this boy-band that I really like..." I began,

"Go on."

"I think they're all really cool, and I follow them on twitter..."

"One Direction!" Liam stated, throwing his arms in the air.

"Actually I was going to say the Janoskians but whatever helps you sleep at night, babe." I winked. His expression was absolutely hilarious, ever so that I actually doubled over as laughter spewed from my lips.

"Weren't you the one who, five minutes ago, told us to stop laughing?" Kat spoke up from her own bed, where she and Niall had finally calmed down, only to see me crack up.

"She finds my expression funny." Liam pouted, giving me his puppy dog face.

"Liam, don't challenge her she'll-" Kat warned, but it was too late. Whatever happiness filled my body moments ago, I put on hold and replaced it with despair. My eyes grew huge and my lower lip jutted out once more. I made my eyes water slightly, just enough for a few small tears to escape my eyes.

Liam was good, but not good enough. Everyone who's anyone knows I've got the best puppy dog face in Canada. I have to give it to him though, he lasted a good thirty seconds - a new record - before breaking and giving up. He looked away and exhaled,

"Damn girl, you got it good." He said, did he just go all ghetto on me? Oh, Liam.

"Not to shabby yourself, Payne." I laughed, smirking to myself.

"Whatever." He mumbled grumpily, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting again. I chuckled and hugged him,

"You're still a winner in my heart, Li." I whispered, because I knew if Kat overheard, she'd tease me for the rest of my life for using such a cheesy remark.

"I guess that's all that matters then..." Liam smiled, hugging me back.


(A/N): Heyyyyy guyyyyysss!!!!! How are my beautiful, wonderful, fabulouis(It had to be said) readers?

I just wanted to thank you guys for reading and ask you to comment your thoughts. This book is open for suggestions as to what you think should happen! Type and post whatever you like (as long as it isn't hate!).

Don't forget to check out my other book Everyday. And my other account @Niallscanadiangirl I have a pref book and another fanfic on it so go enjoy them! Also, I want to give a shout out to @Katie_Official (My bffl) bc you know... she's coolio.


So anyways, vote comment and promote for me lovlies! It means the world!

Live long, fall hard,

- xForgetMeNotx

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