Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Kat

And to think that after twelve hours of sleep, I can still be absolutely exhausted. 

I groaned and - very literally - rolled out of bed and on to the floor. I laid there for a few moments, trying to will myself back to sleep but of course, I was awake. The buzz of my phone didn't help much either.

"Why!" I moaned, throwing a discarded pillow at the table where my phone rested, causing it to wobble off and smack next to me on the wood. I cringed at the noise. That didn't sound good. I reached for it, hoping it wouldn't be cracked. Thankfully, it wasn't. Dorothy would be livid if it was and believe me, angry managers are not a pretty sight. 

The shock of discovering another celebrity dmed you is something to admire, especially when you're half asleep. I practically flipped out of the window when Niall's dm showed up. 

Oh wait. I knew this was going to happen.

I shook my head and laughed at myself. I'm so weird sometimes.

'Hey, love! Thinking about grabbing a bite and seeing a movie, you interested?' 

I read his words over and over until I finally convinced myself they were real. This is actually happening.

'You bet! What time? x'

I dmed him back, hoping for a reply as soon as possible. My mind wandered for a while, just thinking about everything that's changed mine, and Percy's, life within this past year. I remember the very first time we were ever contacted by Dorothy. That was surreal to say the least. 

On cloud nine at the time, Percy and I decided to post another video, our last one. We apologized to our viewers, saying we would never forget the support they gave us, and then sang one last time. 

The viewers never clued in as to why we stopped, until a few months later when our first single was released. The shock exploded throughout twitter, facebook, the Internet, you name it. Forget Me Not was huge. 'A massive hit with the teenage population', as Dorothy had put it. A dream come true.

I smiled at the memory, knowing how loving the fans were.

'I'm thinking around 3 but it doesn't matter really, as long as I'm with u :) x'  

How adorable is he?

'Of course! 3 sounds great, I'll meet u @ the theatre on Queens, I'm guessing xx'

I drummed my fingers on the floor as I awaited for him to reply, which to my luck, happened only seconds later. Oh yeah, I'm popular.

'That's the one! I just hope we don't get noticed... Oh well, fan mobs are the usual right? Aha x' 

'I don't think I'll ever get used to them tugging at me though, I JUST NEED SOME SPACE UGH x' I replied, joking around. It's true, however. I really don't like people tugging at my hair, ow.

'I know how you feel, babe. I just hope it doesn't happen lol x' 

Help me, I'm falling in love with Niall Horan. 

Calm yourself down Kat. Calm down.

Now, all I have to do is get ready in about thirty minutes, game on.


"Kat! Kat, over here!" I would've sworn that was a fan, but the deep Irish accent kind of gave it away. In the sea of people trying to find a movie to see, it was hard to see Niall until a perky blond quiff appeared over the brim of movie-goers. I smiled when he finally managed to push and shove his way through the crowd outside the theatre. 

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