*~*Chapter One- Amber Eyes*~*

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*~*Chapter One*~*

"This really couldn't get any worse. I mean, he just isn't right in the head. I swear. Who goes into a closet and screams 'Where the fuck is Narnia!?' Seriously." I said to my friend, Mary. She started cracking up.

"That is what was so serious that you had to talk about? Kassidy! That's fricken comedy, my friend. He was probably drunk." She said, a smile played at her lips as she popped another skittle in her mouth. Her straight, brunette hair that was cut to her mid-shoulder, bounced as she laughed. Her hazel eyes were bright with laughter.

"Well... I guess that explains why he passed out in the closet."

"Wait... You left him in the closet when he passed out?!"

"...Yeah? What else was I supposed to do with him? He weighs like 100-something pounds."

"Idiot. He's gonna wake up and puke all over your clothes."

"...Sh- Hey... Mom."

"Honey, why is Clark in your closet?" My Mom asked. I looked at Mary and mentally screamed 'Help!'... of course she couldn't hear me.

"Well, Mrs. Humes, Clark walked into Kassidy's closet and bumped his head on the wall on accident when he had his eyes closed."

"Why did Clark have his eyes closed?" she asked.

"Because we were... playing tag with our eyes closed and Clark was it." Mary said.

"Okay... Just make sure that when Clark wakes up to tell him his mother called." I nodded. She gave me one more look a suspision before walking out of my room. I slapped Mary on the arm.

"Playing tag with our eyes closed? Really?"

"Well you didn't have a plan!" I shook my head as my palm went to my face and slowly dragged down my hand down my face.

"Well, we should get Clark out of my closet before my dad goes all Alpha on our asses." I said, getting up from the basement floor. I opened the door and looked left and right for my parents. After give Mary the 'Ok.' I walked up the carpeted stairs to the hallway which led to another staircase! Note the sarcasm.

I went up the finally staircase to my white, bedroom door that said 'Kassidy's Room Stay Out!' in black letters. I opened my door and walked over to my walk-in closet. I stood in the door way, looking at Clark.

"Kassidy? What happened last night?" he asked, making an attempt to stand up, but failing miserably. I took his hand and tryed to pull him up.

"Why are you so heavy?" I asked, puffing my cheeks out and letting go of his hand.

"Because I work out." Clark said, showing off his biceps. I rolled my eyes, even though I knew that, in the truth, Clark would always be stunning. His blonde, slightly shaggy hair, beautifuly creamy chocolate brown eyes, and chiseled muscles. He was like a statue, perfectly designed peice of art. Mary shook her head and rested a hand my shoulder.

"Even when you've already got her, you still try and show off. That's sad, just plain sad." she said, shaking her head.

"Well, if I don't keep her coming she might run off." he said, encircling his arms around my waist. He lent down and gave my a peck on the lips before turning to Mary. "Plus, you're just jealous." he said, a smirk making it's way to his face.

"I am not! You know what. I'm leaving. You guys are too lovery-dovey. See ya Kassidy." Mary said, exiting the room and shutting the door lightly behind her. I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Why doesn't she ever say goodbye to me?"

"I don't think she likes you that much." I said, patting him on the chest. "Oh and your Mom called." Clark nodded. He gave me one last peck on the lips before leaving.

"Bye Kassidy." With that he was walking down the hallway. I could still hear the light footsteps of him making his way down the stairs.

I sighed. Could anyone get anymore, sweeter, stupidier, and funnier than Clark... I think not. I flopped onto my bed and grabbed the TV remote. I pressed the power and and flipped through the many channels, but failing to find anything entertaining enough to excite me even the slightest bit. I groaned. Making my way off the bed, and walked over to my bedroom door.

I walked out the bedroom door and down the stairs to the living room. I went to the door and walked outside, the smell of pine exciting me. I smiled and walked into the forest. Once far enough instide the dense brush, I stripped myself of my clothing.

I quickly shifted into my wolf and my senses heightened. I trotted through the woods, happy to get my first run in since at least a week ago. I my quiet pace quickened as I neared the lake.

I looked at the reflecttion of the white wolf. It's blue eyes a striking feature that seemed to allure some. I dipped my paw into the lake, a ripple affect taking place in the water. The cool water cooled my skin as I waded farther into the sparkling liquid. I took a glance at the sky, the sun was close to setting. I let out another deep breath of air, knowing that Father would not permit me to be out after dark.

Taking my gaze away from blue, cloud-covered sky, I noticed a pair of striking amber eyes staring back at me. They were eyes of a wolf, yet I knew it was a werewolf. The eyes were higher off the ground than a regular wolf's, however, i could not see it's body. It appeared to be around a blackish color, but i was too far away to tell. I lifted my eyebrows in confusion, I knew every pack member and not one had amber eyes.

Making my out of the water, a snarl sounded from my throat. My lip curled up menacing as I walked forward to inspect the trespasser. It blinked at me once, twice, then a third before backing away and disappearing, as if it were only an illusion.

I shook my head in confusion. What the hell? I went into a full-out run after the strange wolf, but came up empty, no scent was left. I growled, this wasn't possible. The only scent left was pine. But, stronger than the normal pine scent that could be smelt throughout the forest.

I sulked all the way back to where I had left my clothes. I shifted back and redressed quickly. Father was not going to be happy about this. I ran back to the door and opened it quickly, but was cut short with a yelp of slight pain. I looked around the corner to see Father rubbing his forehead.

"Ow, Kassidy. Why in such a hurry?" he asked me.

"Well, I was just going out for a run and I was just taking a swim in the lake when these eyes. These bright amber eyes, they were watching me. Like... studying me and-" I was cut off by my Father's grip on my shoulders.

"Kassidy, breathe. In... Out..." I breathed to the sound of his voice, calming my nerves a bit. Whenever I was a bit wound up, like so, I tended to speak quickly. "Now, I will send out a little search party, don't get worked up over this. It will be settled quickly." he said, he gave me a pat on the shoulder. That was why he was Alpha, and my Father.


Picture: Kassidy

So Chapter one is up!

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