*~*Chapter Six- Runaways*~*

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*~*Chapter Six*~*

Classes were all too long for my liking. But, I also had to add detention to that list. I alked through the emptying hallways to where the library stood. I opened one of the wood double doors and walked onto the carpeted floor.

Th carpet was a dirty cream from all the shoes that had walked over it. I walked to the library teacher and handed her the orange detention slip. She nooded, not one emotion laid on her face.

"Take a seat anywhere." she said. Her voice sounded like a robot that was programmed. I nodded and walked to one of the tables near the window and watched as the librarian continued stamping books.

Itapped my fingers on the oak wood table and looked out the window to see the snow that littered the ground. In the midst of the woods I saw the amber eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him and looked away. I laid my head onth table and closed my eyes, taking a nap.

The librian stood infront of me. She looked uncomfortable as she shook my shoulder. She wet her chapped lips and glanced at the clock.

"Your Mother called, there seems to be a family emergency." she said. I nodded, butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I got up and grabbed my bag that sat on the floor next to me. I shot like a bullet out of the library and through the school. I ran out the school doors, my feet coming in contact with the white snow.

My feet had a mind of their own as they raced acrossed the snow covered siewalk to the house. I burst through the white front door and called out to anyone who might be in the house, but the house was silent.

I walked back outside and saw many footsteps in the snow leading into the forest. I followed the prints to where pack members were crying, others were arguring, and some were jsut standing there with no expresion on their face.

"Father? What's going on?" I asked him. He turned to me and embraced me in a bear hug. "Dad?" I said, using the name I used to call him by when I was little.

"I'm sorry, Kassidy." he whispered.

"Why Dad? What's happening?" I asked him, distress clear in my voice.

"Kassidy, I'm leaving. I have to protect you and the pack. My time as come. I did a horrible thing and they have come to return the favor to me and anyone around me. They are close and will be here in a day or so. Therefore, I must flee. It is time you took over my place. My beta, your uncle Carlos, will help you. I love you." he said, he looked into my eyes. His sky blue eyes, which resembled mine, were shimerimg with unwept tears.

"Dad, just don't go, please. I don't care if they are after you, we can fight them together. As a pack. I'm to young to take over. I haven't even found my mate! Dad, please, I'm begging you. Don't. Go." I pleaded. Dad looked down from my teary eyes and shook his bald head.

"It's too dangerous for you, your mother, and the pack to be around me. You know this Kassidy. I don't want to put you in more danger. I've already been here to long. I really have to go. I'm sorry." he said. Tears were on the brink of rolling down my face. I knew, if he left, that they would come anyways. I was his daughter, flesh and blood. They wanted to get rid of anything that had something to do with him. That includes me, my mother, and the pack.

My Dad shifted in his wolf form. The familiar shade of light brown, smokey grey, and white covered his wolf. He picked up his bag from the ground and looked up at me once more. His golden eyes shone with sadness as he gave me one last blink and walked off into the woods. His pace quickened and he went into a run.

The tears that lined my eyes were spilling over in buckets, streaking my cheeks in wet rivers. I cried in my mother's arms as I watched him go. The last I saw of him was the tip of his tail as he ran deeper into the woods, away from us, away from me. I buried my face into my mother's shoulder and held her tight. Together we shed tears.

Sniffling, I looked up from my mother's damped shoulder and saw the pack. Some cried, some stood with anger plastered on their faces, some showed no emotion. But, we all knew that the cause of my Father running away was on one pack, the high pack.

The Blood Pack.


Yay! Action is coming! I am, hopefully, rid of my writers block! Let's just cross our fingers! Some may think hat it is moving a bit too quick, but her father running away is just where the first problem comes in.

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