*~*Chapter Seven- Tears of Ice*~*

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*~*Chapter Seven*~*

I watched the pack as they headed back into the house, no need to stand out in the cold. My mother rubbed my shoulder, tears streaked her cheeks. I waited until I heard the door of the house close before walking into the woods, the opposite direction from which my father went.

I waited until I was at the lake to sit down and bawl. I wrapped my pale arms around my legs and cried in the snow. I shivered in regret of not bringing a heavier jacket.

The wetness from my tears on my cheeks felt as if they were turning to ice. I wiped my cheeks with my sleeve and sniffled. I rubbed my legs a bit with my hands and laid my head on my knees. The thought of my father came back. Tears made their way back out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

My eyes jerked me head up as I heard a twig snapping. I glanced behind me to see Gryffin slowly making his way torwards me. Sudden aner raged through my body as I jumped to my feet and marched towards him.

"What the hell did my father do to you?! You made him run away! You took my father away from me! You filthy bastard!" I screamed at him, hitting him in the chest. He stood there shocked for a moment before wrapping his thick arms around me.

I snuggled into him as his warmth embraced me. The tears fell from my face like ice that falls from the clouds above. He petted my hair and stayed silent as I cried.

After I cried my eyes out til they were red, I realized just how cold I was. I looked up at Gryffin. He gave me a small smile. He unwrapped one of his arms from around my waist and wiped a tear from my face. I snuggled my head back into his chest. I felt him lean down a bit and give the top of my head a little kiss before sweeping me up into his arms, carrying me bridal style.

"W-where are you taking me?" I asked him, my voice still quavering from all my crying.

"To my apartment. We're going to freeze to death out here." he said. I nodded and laid my head on his chest. All worries that I had were gone as be held me there. I faded to a land where there was nothing. No happiness, no color. But also no worries and no more regrets.

I woke up to a sweet smell of pine and basil. I snuggled deeper into the pillow that I rested my head on and scooted over a bit. Or, well, tried to scoot over.

I was being held by an unknown arm. But, as I woke up some more, yesterday came back to me. I jumped out of the bed and stared at the one who chased away my Alpha, my father. He looked at me with confusion.

"I can't believe that I let you take me here! What was I thinking!? You and your filthy ass family took my dad away from me!" I yelled. I shook my head in disbelief at myself. How could I let him take me back to his apartment?!

I paced back and forth, shaking my head and throwing my hands up in the air. I stopped suddenly and looked at him. I felt like braking down and crying as I remembered my father. I took a deep breath and spoke the words that had been going through my head.

"Why are you after my father anyways? Why are you here?" I whispered. Gryffin looked down at his hands and started fidgeting.

"Your father... Your father killed my mother. I was sent here as a spy. They thought that since know one really has ever seen me, then they could use me as a advantage. They also knew that he, your father, had a daughter my age, so they also though that I could use her to lead me to him. Then after she did-you did, I was supposed to kill you and your father. But when I saw you that evening at the lake. I-...I couldn't do it." he said.

My hardened gaze softened a bit, but soon turned to shock as unrealized something. My father was a murderer. No, my father? Never. He's afraid to kill a spider in the house, yet he can take on a small pack of rogues. But still, my father would never hurt anything that is innocent.

"My father would never murder anyone." I spat. "Plus, why couldn't you kill me? A lot of you in your pack have no problem with killing a two year child, much less a sixteen year old."

"I-Because-" Gryffin let out a sigh and shook his head, still looking at his hands. "I can't tell you. You'll freak." he whispered.

"Fine then. Don't tell me. I'm leaving." I said. I started for the door when Gryffin called out to me.

"Wait!" I slowed and turned around to look at him. My patience was growing thin. "You...uh, need your jacket right?" he asked. I looked down at my clothes and rolled my eyes.

"I'm wearing my jacket."

"Right..." He said, looking anywhere but me. With that I turned and left. I absolutely hated it when someone hid something from me. It made me feel like I wasn't trusted.

I walked down the hallway that was lined with doors to apartments. I quickened my pace as I found the silver elevator. The elevator sounded a high pitched ding noise and it's doors opened. Inside stood an older man in his mid-forties.

Immidietly I felt a bad aura around the guy. The types that give you the creeps and make you want to run. He wasn't human, you could tell by his stench. He stunk of alchohal and cigarettes. I took a slow step into the elevator as the man gave me a near-toothless grin. I gave a small, weak smile back and pressed the 'G' button that stood for ground floor.

"He-llo there." he said. He took a step closer to me. I took a breath to calm myself and politely gave back a small "Hi."

"Where are you headed to?" he asked. Nosy much?


"Is that so?" he asked, placing a dirty hand on my shoulder. I backed away from him into the corner of the elevator.

"Ye-yeah." I whispered, my voice quavered a bit. I did not like where this was going. A ding sounded and I rushed for the door. The man grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in, placing a switchblade at my throat.

"Don't make a sound." he whispered into my ear.

"Kassidy!" My eyes made there way to Gryffin who was running down the stairs torwards me. My eyes were wide in terror. On the inside I wanted to transform into the wolf I was, but if I did so my neck would get sliced by the switchblade, and considering that I am not yet 18, I haven't gotten my strength either.

Gryffin ran at inhuman speed and stopped infront of me and the man who was holding the switchblade at my neck. I took shaking breaths as I saw Gryffin grab the man's hand and pin him against the wall.

"Don't. Touch. Her." he growled. I stood there, still as a statue, as I watched Gryffin release him and walk backwards, never taking his eyes off the guy that stood in the corner shaking. He slowly grabbed my hand and pressed the top floor button.

He turned his back to the man and walked out if the elevator, his hand still holding mine. I blushed when I noticed how he didn't let go, but quickly scolded myself. How could I blush from something so simple!? I don't like him! He took my father away!

I tried tugging my hand back, but his hand only gripped tighter. I dug in my heels and pulled on my arm. I squirmed and struggled, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Let go."

"No," he snapped. "I am not letting something like that happen again. I am and will be walking you home. That rogue could have killed you! I will not let my-... You get killed!" he yelled. I stopped short and looked at him. All of my emotions were swept off my face.

Did he really care that much about me?


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Haha. This is where some stuff is explained. So, enjoy! :3

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