*~*Chapter Three- Rude, Much?*~*

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*~*Chapter Three*~*

Everyone turned around to look at him. He was wearing a tight, white muscle shirt over his tanned skin. His dark brown hair fell into his amber eyes. I just couldn't tear my eyes away from his. They were so familiar.

I turned back around in my seat as Mrs. Krungel started her Algebra lesson. I leaned my head on my hand, already getting bored with the lesson. Sure, I know school is important, I always want to be good in school. But being in Mrs. Krungal's class is just so hard and boring! Slowly I started dozing off, racking my brain to see where I had saw those eyes from.

"Wake up sunshine." I heard from the right of my ear. I opened my eyes and saw amber ones staring right back. I jumped back a bit, but covered it up quickly.

"Hmmm?" I mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck and stifling a yawn.

"Algebra is over." Gryffin said in a voice that sounded a bit to hard. He swiftly turned away from me and walked out of the classroom, not even saying a goodbye. Jerk.

I closed my eyes tight for a second, trying to tune out the slight burning the sensation that was caused from being a bit to dry... and well, tired. I got up from my chair and walked out of the classroom and torwards my locker. After, putting in my combonation and opening the door, I dropped my Algebra book in and grabbed my Science book.

I took a look at the hallway clock and quickened my pace. If I walked fast enough I could get there before the late-

My thoughts were cut off as the late bell rung. My grip tightened on my Science book as I stifiled a growl. I can't believe I'm late, again! I entered the classroom and took my seat. My eyes stared at my desk as Mr. Smith came to give me one of his famous lectures about being late.

"Mrs. Humes? Do you have a late pass?"


"Well, being late is not acceptable in my class, you know this. This is your fourth time this year, and we are only a few months into the school year. I will see you after class to get your detention slip."

I inwardly groaned. My first detention of the school year. God, this sucks. I was supposed to be helping with patrol after school tomorrow. My Father is going to be pissed! I grabed the front of my desk, taking out my anger of the wood infront of my. I squeezed my hand tight, my knuckles turning white.

I released the innocent object infront of me and focused on doing the worksheet Mr. Smith had handed out. I quickly and randomly checked answers to the questions. Mr. Smith never graded these, it was just something to, quote "Stimulate your education of Science."

I watched as Mr. Smith stood from his desk and started collecting the papers. He stopped infront of my desk and took my paper and continued down the line behind me. I sat there waiting for him to finish. When he did, it seemed as though a few days had gone by, but in reality, it was only a minute or so.

He went back to his desk and 'sneakily', if you would even call it close to that, threw the papers into the recycling bin. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic attempt to look like his was putting them in a drawer instead of the recycle bin he had under his desk.

He straightened up and began his lesson. It was the same routine everyday, unless we had a test or quiz of some sorts. He would start out with the little worksheet, then lecture some student, then begin his lesson, hand out yet another worksheet, collect the worksheet after it was done, then start to lecture yet another student, but get rudely cut off by the bell.

I watched the time closely as each second ticked by. I inwardly groaned as he finished his lesson and handed out anothyer worksheet. He gave me a quick glare and continued down the row. I picked up my pencil and read the questions through, slowly checking to what I thought was the right answer to the confusing question.

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