Getting to know LoveMeOrLeaveMe

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Hey guys! Today we have LoveMeOrLeaveMe here, our first interviewee. She is the author of A Certain Revenge (An Uchiha Love Story) and Eternal Flame (Naruto Fan Fiction).

HasiVA:  Hey LoveMeOrLeaveMe! Can you introduce yourself to all those writers out there?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe:  Well, I'm Linnea, I'm an ultimate bibliophile. I love reading, writing, listening to music, and just having fun. My stories revolve around the anime world of Naruto, which I love deeply. I have an obsession with love stories, and can never seem to put a book down. I'm generally a sincere person, and like to help others in need. I try my best in my writing, and hope people enjoy my work.

HasiVA:  You are a fan fiction writer. Both your novels are Naruto fan fiction. What inspires you to write fan fiction?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe:  Well, I think you can use the characters to your advantage, it helps attract attention to your stories. People search the characters they like, and so fourth. And I genuinely enjoy writing fan fiction. I love that I can incorporate my favorite characters into my story.

HasiVA:  The Uchiha brothers are your favourite characters. What draws you to them? What qualities do you like about them?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe:  I think they are complex characters with an interesting history, and fun to write about :)

HasiVA:  Does writing help you? Are there any special feelings you have towards writing?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe:  Writing helps me with many things; sometimes my feelings, or just getting my thoughts out there, but I always feel better after I write.

HasiVA: . You have 44 fans currently. Does this help your writing?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: It does inspire me, and I'm surprised that I have that many supporters.

HasiVA: Both your books are ongoing. What can fans expect?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: Well, action of course, and maybe some little twists and turns to throw you off ;)

HasiVA: In both books, there are two sarcastic & smart-ass female protagonists. Are they based on yourself? If not, how were these characters inspired?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: I try not to base them too much on myself, but a few things do sneak in there, but it's definitely not about me. I just jumble everything together, and hope they turn out as a good main character.

HasiVA: What do you like most about your writing?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: Descriptions. I love being able to describe things. It's just an amazing feeling for me.

HasiVA: Do you think you will ever be able to grow up to be a professional writer? Are there any other professions you can perceive yourself in?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: Haha, no my dream is not to become a professional writer. It's a great pastime. I don't really have an idol for writing, but it would have to be the creator of Naruto in this situation. XD

HasiVA: There are many writers in Wattpad. Is there anything you would like to tell them?

LoveMeOrLeaveMe: Just keep writing your story, you never how many people really appreciate it. Try not to get side tracked with other ideas you have though, always focus on your main story atm.

HasiVA: Whoo! That's our first interview all wrapped up and done! Thanks LoveMeOrLeaveMe for your support and cooperation. I truly appreciate it!

That was our first interview, guys! Like it? Got more questions? Comment and we will reply. Until next time, sayonara!

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