Getting to know PkmnMaster

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Hey guys! I've got PkmnMaster here with me today! He is the author of Demons of the Hunting Hour, 6ixth Sense: Through The Flame and the co-author of The Speed of the Leader along with makenajade.

HasiVA:  Hey PkmnMaster! Okay, so you are gonna have to start with an introduction like everybody else.

PkmnMaster:  My name is Josh King. I was born in Brooklyn New York where my writing started. I had my third and fourth grade teachers always tell me I was good at it. I even wrote a book with my best friend at the time. His name was Aaron Davis and actually had it put into a museum.

HasiVA: Wow! The wolf is your favourite animal. What do you find so amazing about this creature?

PkmnMaster: The wolf reminds me of myself in so many ways. One of them being that we are both loners. I like being to myself and away from huge crowds. Another is that we both have a small group of friends that we find ourselves with the most. The wolf is just an all around beautiful animal. I took it to the extreme and got a wolf tattooed on my right shoulder.

HasiVA: That is extreme! Why is purple such a great colour?

PkmnMaster: They say purple is color of royalty and I find that quite ironic simply for the fact that my last name is King. Not many people like purple and I like being slightly different.

HasiVA: That's a good reason. Demons of the Dark Hour is a unique concept. What inspired this story?

PkmnMaster: For that I just pulled my deepest, darkest thoughts and threw them together with a slight plot. Everyone thinks the world is a wonderful place where everything is beautiful and bright. Demons of the Hunting Hour will show the complete opposite of that.

HasiVA: It does show that! Are the characters in 6ixth Sense: Through the Flame based on people you know? If not, how were they developed?

PkmnMaster: Most of them, yes. Two of the characters are fictional. I manifested two personas that would best fit the 'holes' in the personalities of the team. Aiden is mostly based off myself, Aurora or Ice is based off my former best friend. Ken is based on my best guy friend and their two interactions in the book are similar to our actions in real life. Enzo is based off another former friend of mine. Leah and Adrian are the two made up characters.

HasiVA: Both your stories have good covers. Did you make them or did someone else make them for you?

PkmnMaster: I did not make them. I give all credit to the amazing yellowumbrella. If you want an excellent book cover, she's the one.

HasiVA:  How does writing affect you? Does it help you a lot or is it just a random thing you do?

PkmnMaster:  Writing impacts me in a major way. It's my way of living the fantasy life I've always wanted to live. Writing lets me escape into a non existent world and let me become who or whatever I please.

HasiVA:  How's your joint account with makenajade going?

PkmnMaster:  Our account is going great. She hasn't been on in almost a month and seeing her as my new found friend, I'm naturally worried something might have happened. Other than that, we're doing great!

HasiVA:  What can fans expect in you 2 ongoing books?

PkmnMaster:  In The Speed of the Leader fans can definitely expect a twist and turn every here and there. At some point and time in the book, there will be a definite mood changer that no one will see coming. Readers can expect pretty much the same intensity and writing style in other books. I have other books in mind and I have written them down on paper. One book is called The Cardinal Sins. Another is called Kinesis: Power of the Mind. More on those later, though.

HasiVA:  Any words for writers out there?

PkmnMaster: If you want a good, clean, solid book just focus on these few things: descriptions, excellent plot planning, no rushed actions, surprises and smooth flowing writing. Descriptions open a world to your readers. It gives them a door straight into your book and allows you to witness the unfolding of your spectacular book. Plot planning is a major key in writing. Plan the blueprints of your book COMPLETELY before you begin writing. It's okay to stray off the path, but don't go too far. No rushed actions means don't jump the gun if you have any type of action in your story. Let things build up. Keep the readers mind moving at a hundred miles an hour but also at fifteen miles an hour to where they do not get lost. Following that would be surprises. Have your readers expect you to go left when you actually go right. Blow their minds, keep them guessing. Lastly, smooth flowing writing is another key component in a successful book. Have your words come off the page nice and easy. The only effort your readers should put into your book is picking it up and letting the gears turn as they read a written movie. I believe that is all I have to say. Focus, focus focus. :)

HasiVA:  That's awesome advice, PkmnMaster! Thanks for interview, too!!

Well that was our interview with PkmnMaster and we'll be back with another interview soon, so stay tuned!

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