Getting to know mjt123

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Hey, Wattpadians! I've got an awesome writer with me here today. Meet mjt123, author of How To Be Successful On Wattpad, Random Stuff and much more!

HasiVA: Hey mjt123! How about we start this interview with an introduction?

mjt123: My name is Marissa... But as you can see my Wattpad name is mjt123

HasiVA: How did you come across Wattpad?

mjt123: My friend told me about it (MrsRobsessed)

HasiVA: Which genre do you enjoy writing most? Why?

mjt123: I probably enjoy writing adventure the most. Why, I'm really not sure. Probably because I find it to be the most exciting and thrilling!

HasiVA: How did you end up writing?

mjt123: I've been writing my whole life, but by the time I got into 5th and 6th grade everyday I came home from school I would go on the computer and write a story that I've been writing for a LONG time. But I never finished it... :(

HasiVA: I totally understand how you feel! Which work are you most proud of & why?

mjt123: Which story? Well, on Wattpad it would be How To Be Successful On Wattpad because I have the most votes on that. However, in terms of stories I think my story By Dawn I am most proud of. I feel it is a unique plot, I put a lot of time into it and it is very descriptive and has some good characters, something that I always look for in a story.

HasiVA: What are your favourite books (not in Wattpad) & why do you like these books?

mjt123: I love the Hunger Games. I've only read the first two books but I'm going to try and read the third one before the move comes out *Crosses Fingers*. I'm also a big fan of the Percy Jackson series. Both of these stories are very exciting and (as you can see) both are adventure! Another book I like is called Ingo which is very good. It's very descriptive which and in fact, Ingo inspired me to write By Dawn.

HasiVA: What is more important to you? Fans, votes, or comments?

mjt123: I really enjoy getting votes. I like votes because it tells me how many people have read and enjoyed the chapter. I also really like fans because the certain amount of fans tells me if I actually had a book published they would buy it.

Votes= How many people enjoyed chapter

Fans= If I were published, how many people would buy my story.

HasiVA: So where did your inspiration to write RAGS come from?

mjt123: Well, when my friends and I were, like, 8 years old, we had a sleepover at a friend's house and she had a HUGE piece of property! So, we ran around, and began to play a game where we pretended to live life on our own, like most children do at some point in their lives. I began writing RAGS a few years after that, but I only had 3 main character, not 8.

HasiVA: Sense and Sensibility is different from RAGS. What brought about this story?

mjt123: Well, I have actually never seen or read Sense and Sensibility, but I have seen a movie based off it, but in a modern version, similar to mine. I really liked the plot and thought it would be a great story to write! I haven't been doing so well on it, but because I like the plot so much I kept it up on Wattpad.

HasiVA: So any words for your fans, idols, and fellow Wattpaders out there?

mjt123: Well, I would just like to apologize for not being on Wattpad very much recently, for those of you who are my fans or secretly read my work, don't vote or fan (And yes, that does happen to EVERYONE a lot!). I probably won't be coming on Wattpad as much, and I do apologize for that, but I do suggest for you new people reading this to check out How To Be Successful On Wattpad. It has really helped a lot of people and I think you will all find it helpful in some way!

HasiVA: Thanks a lot for doing this interview with me, mjt123. And thanks a lot for being tolerant of my laziness. Guys, you just met mjt123!

Well, guys! That's another interview done and set. Sorry for the delay. I was running out of motivation for this, but then this sudden spark hit me and I was like, "I gotta do this!" So until next time, toodles!

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