Getting to know EllieTyler562

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Hey everyone! I'm here today with EllieTyler562! She's the amazing author of Luna Brown: Ignored, ForgottenDo You Know? and many more.

HasiVA: Hey EllieTyler562! Why don't we have an introduction?

EllieTyler562: Hey! I'm Ellie. I'm 16 and I live in Australia. That's not much of an introduction but anyway...

HasiVA: Since you're a blogger, tell us about what you enjoy about blogging.

EllieTyler562: Being able to write my thoughts. It's good to be able to express my opinion on stuff, even though no one really cares. 

HasiVA: Something I find very interesting about you is that you're a Wiccan. Can you tell us some interesting things about being a Wiccan?

EllieTyler562:  Well, for those who don't know, Wicca is a religion. It's about finding a connection with nature and everything in the world. One of the things I believe is that everything we do comes back to us three times as strong. Unlike a lot of religions, there aren't a strict set of "rules" and beliefs we have to follow. It's more about finding your own path and your own truths within the religion. 

HasiVA: Was your profile pic a random choice, or do you have a reason for picking that particular pic?

EllieTyler562: Well, the five point star with the circle around it is a symbol of belief in the Wiccan religion. Also, each of the five points represents on of the five elements (including spirit) so I think it's a pretty cool symbol. Also, I loved how it was decorated. 

HasiVA: Hmmm. Yeah, I love it, too! What makes Luna Brown: Ignored, Forgotten so special for you?

EllieTyler562: Luna Brown is special because it's the first story I've written where I have planned out so much of the story. For example, I actually have a breakdown of the whole plot and everything and I have made character files and stuff for the characters. Also, I think Luna is my favorite character, at the moment.

HasiVA: Aside from reading and writing, what other activities do you enjoy doing?

EllieTyler562: Well I do guides, that's an activity. I'm currently working on my Queens Guide award (which is a pretty big challenge, especially since I have only left myself a year to do it in). I also like listening to music and watching movies, although they aren't the highest priority at the moment. 

HasiVA: What skills do you think a professional writer should possess?

EllieTyler562: Imagination, and lots of it. I think that's the most important thing for any writer. 

HasiVA: Is there something about yourself that you are really proud of? If so, what is it? Why?

EllieTyler562: I can't think of anything in particular.... 

HasiVA: Who do you think has helped you the most when it comes to writing?

EllieTyler562: I think the writing course I have just finished, and my writing tutor from that course helped me A LOT. I look at stuff I thought was good before I did the course, and the version of the same chapter from after and there is a BIG difference. 

HasiVA: Any words for the wonderful people out there?

EllieTyler562:  Hmm.... 

HasiVA: Thanks a lot for the awesome interview, EllieTyler562!  

Until next time, people! Stay tuned!

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