Getting to know MademoiselleCliche

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We're back once again, guys and this time we have MademoiselleCliche, the author of Colorless, The Confession Diaries and many more!

HasiVA:  Hey MademoiselleCliche! How about an introduction?

MademoiselleCliche:  HI! I'm Elizabeth. I like the color blue and writing and coffee.

HasiVA: How does poetry affect your life?

MademoiselleCliche: Poetry for me is pretty much my preferred way of expressing myself and my feelings... And you can say something that's totally obscene and people can still be like, "WHOA! I love how this poem describes the height and weight of Slinkies" when really it's aimed to personally offend pink yard flamingos. Not that I would ever do anything like that.

HasiVA: Ha ha!! What do you like about your writing?

MademoiselleCliche: Hmm... I personally like how it's all true to me, I guess. That sounds corny, but oh well. I never try really try to write a poem if I'm not inspired or feeling in the poetry mood, at least not yet.

HasiVA: Your poems seem to be inspired by everyday issues, except for Pretty Eyes and some others. What were you thinking when you wrote Pretty Eyes?

MademoiselleCliche: Eh, I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote it, honestly. I think I had the whole issue of 'humanity lacking empathy' somewhere in that ol' coconut of mine, which shows up somewhere in there I think, and the rest is just... Eh. I honestly don't know. =P

HasiVA: Ha ha!! Guess that was hard to answer =P!! Juliette is the only short story you have wrote so far. What do you feel about this?

MademoiselleCliche: I'm not really a short story person, I guess, except for ones I have to do for school... Juliette was for school, actually, I believe... I just have problems fitting everything I want to say into less than ten pages.

HasiVA: What piece of poetry are you most satisfied with?

MademoiselleCliche: Umm... I'm not sure. I think either I Want to Be or Seeing Red.

HasiVA: What can you tell us about your big project [Instruction Manual]?

MademoiselleCliche: Um, it's not going so well right now... But I'm doing the NamoWrito or whatever it's called, I can never remember how to write it, so hopefully that'll kick me into it again.

HasiVA: In your opinion, what is the deepest poem you've wrote so far?

MademoiselleCliche: Heh. I'm not sure... (I totally overuse that expression or speech pattern or whatever, sorry) Maybe Madame Cliche? It kind of goes in depth to all of the romance novel heroines who practically brainwash some girls into thinking that THAT'S how love works, I guess.

HasiVA: What inspires your writing?

MademoiselleCliche: It's really weird, all the little things are what mostly inspire me for novel writing... Like Ferris Wheels. And fountain pens. It's odd. If I see something that's extremely awesome in, like, a trinket store or something it'll be like, "Aw, that's so cute... I must somehow have my character use that. OOH!" And for poetry, it's just whatever ever so deep and depressing experience of thought I've been brooding on.

HasiVA: What can you tell all those writers out there?

MademoiselleCliche: I must say that I am really in no place to give advice on writing right now, but I will say that it's been pretty dang awesome being able to create my own world and people (not to get corny again), even if sometimes my writing is absolutely terrible. So, if you really love writing, keep doing it, even if some people disagree with it. And try to just write for yourself as long as possible--try not to care what other people think, just do it for you. Especially until you get that first draft done, because I've noticed (at least for me) the more people give suggestions while you're still trying to figure it out yourself interferes with what YOU ultimately want.

HasiVA: Thank you so much for those words, MademoiselleCliche!

Okay, guys!! So there won't be any recent interviews coming up, since I have to go on a family trip, so just to remind you guys, read all my interviewees' works when you have time! Au revoir!!

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