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Campsite exploded into millions of pieces. Fire burning our supplies and shelter. As WCKD helicopters landed and the troops stormed out capturing us one by one.

"Luna!" I panicked. My eyes darted all over the place. People were screaming running.

"Luna!" Newt called for her. My eyes teared up. Where is she?

"Mommy!" I hear Luna call for me. A WCKD person dragged her towards a helicopter.

"No! Let go of her." I took off running and charged at the person. We rolled down a hill til I hit a rock. Luna hit the ground with WCKD. I unclipped the gun off my belt holding it up at the WCKD. I aim and shoot hitting the guy in his arm.

"Sweetheart get over here." Luna runs behind me climbing up my back.

Bullets flying past our heads as Newt and I ran with fry and Minho right behind us. Ducking so often so we wouldn't get shot at.

"Where's Thomas?" Fry shouted over the screams.

"Harriet! Ammo!" Vince yelled. Harriet grabbing a small metal box unloading it.

"Vince. Harriet." Minho calls for them. We run in their direction. Hiding behind their truck.

"You need to cover us!" Harriet yelled.

"You know how to use this thing?" They started to hand us guns.

"Cover me! This could be our only chance!" Vince yelled.

"Ember go, get in the truck!" Newt yelled. I take Luna off my back and put her in the truck.

"Keep these doors locked. If anyone comes over here that you do not know hide. Do you understand? Luna look at me." She held fear in her eyes. Shaking like the ground under our feet.

"Do not come out. No matter what. I love you." I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too mommy." She whispered.

I shut the truck door and covered behind the truck. I thought about all the time they did to us back in the glade. All the time that we got out of the glade. They wanted to kill me. They wanted to kill Newt, Minho, Fry, Thomas, Aris and Teresa. They killed Alby, Chuck, Winston, Zart, Clint, Jeff and so much more. The cold metal gun started to warm up in my hands as I pulled the trigger repeatedly. More troops came in surrounding us. Soon I felt a pair of arms around my back pulling me away from the group. I scream and struggled to get out.

"Get off me! Newt!" I screamed.

"Ember!" Newt raised his gun at me.

"I'm out! Look out!" They threw a small device into the truck as it took everyone out. Newt fell to the group.

"No!" I screamed. Fighting my capturer. Tears running down my face. Newt. Luna. Please be ok.

They shoved me with the other kids. Rough handling me kicking the back of my legs as I kneel. They dragged Newt's body next to me as he wakes up.

"Newt." I gasped.

"Em, you ok?" He exhaled.

"Yes." I croaked looking over at the truck. I saw no movement. They pulled Sonya towards us kneeling her down next to Aris. They scanned her neck.

"B4." The guy said.

"A4." They scanned Minho neck. Then they came up to Newt.

"A5." The guy scans him. Then he walks up to me. His hand pushes down on my neck roughly scanning it.

"A3." His voice echoed. My eyes stayed glued on the truck.

"Where is Thomas?" Janson asked.

"I'm right here." Thomas comes out from around the corner. A troop pushes him toward us.

"Thomas." Janson walks up to him and hit Thomas in the gut.

"Get him in line. Okay." They take Thomas kneeling him down next to Minho.

"Bring her in." Janson whispers to the laptop guy. Then I heard a buzzing around. Seconds later a giant helicopter landed with Ava Paige getting out of it.

"Is this all of them?" She came up to Jensen.

"Most of them." He responded.

"It'll be enough. Start loading them in." She walks over to Thomas as the troops started to take all of the right arm into the giant helicopter.

"Hello, Thomas." She says. Then I saw Teresa. Wait, where has she been? Isn't she supposed to be with the rest of us getting our neck scanned? What is she doing with them and dressed so nicely with a wool coat?

"I'm glad you're safe." Ava said to Teresa. What?

What the hell?" Minho mumbled as each of our group stands up.

"Teresa." Fry exclaimed.

"Wait, what's going on?" Newt asked.

"She's with them." Thomas said heart broken. Oh no.

"Since when?" Minho said angrily.

"Oh, Teresa always had an amount of appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories, it's only a matter of time." Janson smiled.

"I'm sorry. I had no choices. This is the only way. We have to find a cure."

"You bitch. How could you? We trusted you. You put us in danger." I shouted.

"She's right. This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that, Thomas. No matter what you think of me I'm not a monster, I'm a doctor. I sworn an oath to find a cure. No matter the cause. I just need more time." Ava said.

"More blood." The doc got up walking towards us.

"Hello, Mary. I'd hoped we meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." Ava greeted our doc.

"I'm sorry about a lot of things too.
But not this. At least my conscience is clear."

"So is mine." Ava whispered. Then a gun shot was fired. I look to where the sound came from, from Janson. I followed where his gun was aimed. To the doctor.

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