Chapter 11

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Olivia's Point Of View

"Thanks for supper, and the ride home." I say to Jonathan when he pulls into the driveway.
"Thanks for being so amazing." He responds.
"Uh... no problem?" I laugh.
"Olivia, you are seriously the best. You really are amazing." He continues.
"Okay. Thanks. Uh, I guess I should go inside then." I say as casually as possible.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" He asks, a smile plastered on his face.
"Well I do go to your school. See you." I say while getting out of the car and shutting the door before he can say anything else. I hurry into the house, its 8:07 so I'm basically on time. I walk in quietly because they're usually recording around this time.
"Josh is that you?" JJ yells down the stairs.
"Uh no, its just me!" I yell back. I hear footsteps coming and in an instant JJ is in front of me.
"How was your date?" He asks.
"It wasn't really a date," I say walking past him into the living room. He follows and we sit on the couch. "He's a friend- my only school friend- who I got supper with. Anyways, he's nice, sporty, funny. He's a good guy, you would like him I think, I think he has a thing for me though. He doesn't ever stop complimenting me. But the attention is nice for a change." I tell him, remembering how he made a point to compliment me as often as possible.
"You know if you the attention is what you like from this guy all the people in this house could give it to you. Hell, Simon could give it to you alone. He's pretty pissed about this whole thing you know." JJ tells me.
"Simon? He has no reason to be mad. I was talking to him earlier anyways. And I don't 'just like this guy for the attention'. I don't like this guy for any reason other than that he's a nice guy who's willing to be friends with me. I don't like him 'like that' per say anyways." I say.
"How much earlier were you talking to Simon?" JJ asks.
"I don't know exactly, It was when I was watching Jonathan's football practice." I respond.
"Oh. Well Manny came over after that. Simon and the guys asked him some questions about Jonathan and-" JJ starts but I cut him off.
"Wait you interrogated Manny about my friend?" I exclaim.
"No! Well, sorta. The point is Manny says this guy is bad news. Hes the sort of 'fuck and chuck' kinda guy. He flirts with a girl, gets in her pants and then never speaks to her again. That set Simon off since he's so protective of you. I mean I'd be pissed too if the girl I liked was going on a date with some fuckboy." JJ exclaims.
At first I'm astonished. Did he just say Simon liked me? He must've meant as a friend. I'll just ignore that for the time being. "JJ. First of all, Jonathan isn't that type of guy. Him and Manny probably just have some bad history. And anyways, I wouldn't sleep with Jonathan in a billion years. He not my type really." I tell JJ honestly. Yes Jonathan is really hot but his personality just isn't the dating type for me. He's a bit too, fake nice. Like he's nice, but sometimes you can tell he's faking it. Plus he's the 'pretty boy' type, he does things that make him look good, mot that make him happy and he always has to be wearing designer stuff or he has to have his hair perfectly done. I learned that today when he got out of the shower and it took him 30 minutes to get his hair to the perfect 'messy look' as he would say.
"I'm not going to make you do anything, but please try to be friends with Manny. He's really easy to get along with and so are his friends. Plus we all know him. He's willing to try if you are." JJ says, a hint of pleading in his voice. I agree to it and get up off the couch. Before I can leave the room he speaks again, "Hey one more thing? Can you try to talk to Simon, he's not really talking to anyone and maybe you could change that. And call Josh, he stormed out out the house a few hours ago and no one has seen him since." I'm almost glad JJ wants me to talk to Simon. I want to see him.

"Hello?" Josh's familiar voice answers.
"Hey Josh. Its me, I was just wondering where you are?" I say.
"Oh! Livers! I'm glad you called. I'm at Freya's. I think I'm going to stay the night here. Tell the guys, please." He asks me.
"Uh, yeah sure. I'm gonna go, I have to, um, call my mom." I lie.
"Ok. Sure. Text me if anything happens." Josh says and hangs up.
I walk out of the second floor bathroom I was just hiding in to call Josh so no one could see me and talk to me and jog to the staircase that'll take me up to the third floor where a very pissed (as I've been told) Simon is waiting.

After changing into my pyjamas and putting my hair in a bun (or in other words, stalling) I lightly knock on Simons door.
"Go away." He says.
"But Simon. I wanted to talk." I say.
"Liv?" He sounds surprised, "What do you want?"
"Do you want the truth or what I should really say so I sound mature?" I ask.
"Both." He responds.
"What I should say to sound mature is that I think we should talk about everything thats going on. And while that's partially true, I kinda just want to see you." And you're adorable dimples, and hear your laugh, and hug you I think to myself. The door opens and I see Simon. He's wearing gray Rascal brand sweatpants and the matching sweater. His room is dark except for the bright light coming from his monitor.
"Hi." He says. I throw my arms around him without thinking but luckily he accepts it and puts his arms around my waist, holding me tightly. He buries his head into my shoulder (which he can only do when I'm on my tippy toes, like I am now).
"Hi." I finally respond. He laughs and after a moment or two more of hugging he lets go. We smile at each other for a second before he goes stiff.
"How was the date?" He murmurs with a loathing tone in his voice.
"It wasn't like that. We're friends and we got supper. Its like you and Josh getting Nando's and me calling it a date." I explain, hoping he'll understand.
"Alright. I'm over it." He says but its an obvious lie, "You know I don't like him, right?"
"Yeah I've been told, not that I hadn't already figured that out. He's a good guy, I think you would like him." I tell him honestly.
"You know, Manny was over and-" He starts but I cut him off.
"I know. He said he didn't like him and said he was a prick and stuff. Jide told me." I say, we look at each other for a moment, he looks weary and I'm sure I look like I haven't slept in weeks. This whole subject makes me exhausted just to think about, and I've been arguing with people and repeating the same shit over and over all day. I decide to put his mind at ease, "I'll try to be friends with Manny."
"Thank god. The most you can do is try. I get if you just don't fit in with their crowd or something, but they are really nice and easy going." Simon tells me, obviously trying to soothe me or something I guess.
"I just don't think they like me very much." I tell him.
"Manny likes you. They just don't like James or whatever his name is." Simon tells me.
"Jonathan." I correct him.
"His name should be douche bag." He mumbles.
"Simon!" I exclaim, laughing while I playfully hit him. He laughs too.
"Don't make me beat you up!" He warns me playfully.
"You couldn't beat a fly up!" I tease him. He smirks and then swiftly picks me up. I scream as he throws me over his shoulder and runs into his room.
"Don't make me throw you down onto this bed!" He says as he pulls me up into the air from his shoulder. I wrap my arms around his neck and snake my legs around his middle, preventing him to move me.
"Now you can't hurt me." I say.
"I could never hurt you. Not intentionally at least. And if I did, I would hurt me too." He tells me. I smile into his shoulder. He smells like cologne. He gently bends over so I'm on his bed and I let go of him. He flops down next to me.
"Jonathan-or douche bag as you would say, has a football game on Saturday. I told him I would go. Do you want to go with me? Manny will be playing too so Tobi will probably go. " I say, hoping he'll come with. There's a long moment of silence before I continue, "I mean, you don't have to come. But I thought you might want to."
"I want to." He finally replies, "It sounds like fun. I can't wait."

The Unfathomable Girl // A Sidemen FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora