1 | Bleeding Out

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Rivers of blood ran like rivulets down the alleyway, as it made its way down to the streets outside and stained everything in a dark red

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Rivers of blood ran like rivulets down the alleyway, as it made its way down to the streets outside and stained everything in a dark red.

Breathing heavily, her body was still in excruciating pain, mostly in the places that had been torn apart or ripped off. As for the parts that had been lost, they had left behind a dull ache, and her still beating heart struggled to keep up a rhythm. To say she was in the greatest of shapes would be an understatement. It was only thanks to her regeneration and ghoul body that she was still alive. If she was a regular human, she would've been dead long ago.

She was weak, and she knew it. It had been so long since she had feasted on human flesh, and that made her physical and mental condition, not at its finest.

Earlier that evening, the hunger had gotten the better of her and against her better judgement, she had ventured outdoors in search for a bite to eat. Even if eating humans was something she didn't enjoy doing; not since a particular event happened, anyway.

In the past, she enjoyed eating humans, and she would laugh as she watched them writhe in pain beneath her. Their screams of anguish were like music to her ears, but nowadays, the feeling of ecstasy had evolved into something like a trauma for her. It made her stomach turn just thinking about how it felt for the broken bits of flesh to pass through her mouth and swallowing it now tasted like tar.

Unfortunately, for her, it was the only way for her to survive. Just like the humans needed their food for nourishment, (y/n) needed a different kind of food, and that was the humans themselves.

No matter how much she resisted it, no matter how much she ignored it, the hunger was always there, resonating in the pits of her stomach.

Tonight was just one of them nights where it had become too much for her, and just as she had exited her apartment to go hunting, she felt arms circle her neck. Struggling was no use; her attacker was stronger than she currently was, and they choked her until she passed out.

After that, she had regained consciousness and locked eyes with one of the four men who were surrounding her. Next, she noticed that most of her chest cavity was missing, and bits of her flesh were torn and bloody. Now, she was nothing more than a breathing carcass.

Maybe this was what she had been waiting for, a chance for her to die. (y/n) had given up on being a ghoul a long time ago, thanks to a particular tattooed, eye-loving ghoul. If this was how her life was to end, then she was happy for it to be this way.

When the male ghouls had finished their meal, they had abandoned her where she was - bleeding out and virtually lifeless.

She shut her eyes and allowed a few tears to slip out. Even if she wished to die, there was no way she could, not with her body slowly recovering. Already the bones were righting themselves, and the skin was grotesquely stitching itself back together.

Soon she could move, but right now that was the last thing she wanted to do; she just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay there.

Evidently, that was something that she wouldn't be able to do, as swift footsteps could be heard drawing nearer to the crime scene Splosh, splosh, splosh went the footsteps, as they noisily came into contact with the blood, that was still making its way down the alleyway.

Cigarette smoke wafted in the air and seemed to surround the broken body of (y/n). The first thing she saw were military boots that were followed up by a knee, and then she saw the male kneel down beside her.

Her eyes moved upwards, and they were met with the red eyes of Uta, a smirk playing on his lips. He reached out towards her face and wiped some of the blood that spilled from her mouth; his actions caused her to flinch.

"Uta you bast..." She started to speak but could not complete the sentence, as the world around her started to fade to black. Her ragged breathing slowed down, and (y/n) found herself lost in the darkness.

"It's good to lay eyes on you again, (y/n)." Uta smiled a genuine smile, and gingerly picked up the half-dead girl in his arms, then turned towards the direction of his shop.

" Uta smiled a genuine smile, and gingerly picked up the half-dead girl in his arms, then turned towards the direction of his shop

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