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A forest of trees surrounded them on both sides as they ran

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A forest of trees surrounded them on both sides as they ran. Sounds of ghouls chasing them, and their feet pounding on the ground, filled the silence that used to be there.

(Y/n) couldn't run anymore, but she had to. So, she forced her feet to move faster and held Uta's hand, as tightly as she could.

Soon, they were out of the woods, and they had finally lost their pursuers. They didn't know why they didn't continue to chase them. Perhaps her father had called them off? She guessed he had given up and had gone to plan to get her back, a different way.

She heaved a sigh of temporary relief, and a small laugh left her lips. For now, she was safe. Then, she realised that Uta, and she were quite close to the town they lived in.

A short while later, they arrived at Uta's mask shop. And they went up to the stairs to the apartment, that was above the shop.

She slumped on the sofa and shut her eyes, so as to rest them for a moment. Uta sat beside her and gently moved her head so it was now resting on his shoulder. He intertwined their fingers and then he spoke:

"(Y/n), I'm really sorry." Remorse dripped off Uta's word, and it was a tone so unlike the male ghoul. But like (y/n), he was also exhausted.

"No, Uta. You don't have to apologise anymore. My father is the one to blame." She snuggled closer to him. "Will he come back again?" She involuntarily shivered, and Uta wrapped his arms tighter around her.

"Before we left, I set off a few... Things and it'll take him a while to recover, so he won't be bothering us for a while."

Relief washed over her and then a thought struck her. "Where am I going to stay from now on? I can't go back to my apartment. He knows I live there."

Uta turned his body, so he was facing her more and lifted her chin with one of his slender fingers. "Just move in here. You practically live here, anyway."

(Y/n) didn't even have to consider it and nodded her head in confirmation. A smile spread on Uta's face, and he bent his head so his lips could lock with hers.

(Y/n) knew that her father would be back, and it would probably be worse than before, but as long as she was with Uta, everything was going to be okay. She would survive and forever she will be with Uta.

 She would survive and forever she will be with Uta

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