3 | Shared Past

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Through blurred vision, she could just make out the blood that stained the walls and coated the floor

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Through blurred vision, she could just make out the blood that stained the walls and coated the floor.

Excruciating pain racked her body, making it hard to think let alone move, and her perked up ears picked up on the sounds of the blood-curdling cries of her mother and siblings. Scanning the room, her eyes locked with the black eyes of the very ghoul who was bringing out those pained voices. The people she cared deeply for were being devoured by him.

Someone awoke her by roughly shaking her shoulders, and distant laughter faded away into nothing. Her confused mind from having been suddenly waking up cleared a little, and soon she could focus on what was in front of her.

The eyes that were set in his handsome face matched the ones of the ghoul in her dream.

Laboured breathing escaped past her lips and sweat beaded on her forehead at the sight of the eyes that belonged to Uta. He destroyed her home, her family and who she used to be, but there was a part of (y/n) that couldn't stop loving him. It was stupid but she couldn't forget the years she had spent with him.

It was a good thing that she was so used to putting on a facade and at hiding what she felt under a hardened exterior. True feelings were buried deep, and there was no way in ghoul-loving hell she was going to submit to Uta.

(Y/n) abruptly sat up and swept away his hand, the one that had been pressed to her clammy forehead.

"It seems you don't have a fever." He got to his feet and lifted up something that was placed on the coffee table before tossing it to her. "Bad dream?"

"Something like that," she mumbled, examining the thing in her hands.

The thing was a half-mask. It was jet black and would only show her eyes. She already had a mask, so why would she need this one? She asked the same to Uta, who just said to put it on and follow him. With nothing else left to say, he picked up a set of keys and exited the apartment.

She looked about the room as she got ready to leave. Living in the same place as Uta wasn't something she had planned on. With the attack that happened the other night, he felt it would be best if she stayed with him. She hated the idea, but as of right now, she had nobody else to rely on.

Sighing, she shrugged on her jacket and left the apartment.

A short while later, she met Uta in the mask shop below and asked him where he was planning on going.

He simply replied, "you'll find out when we get there."


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