2 | Conscious

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Uta laid (y/n) on his sofa, not caring if she was bleeding out on his clean floor or furniture

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Uta laid (y/n) on his sofa, not caring if she was bleeding out on his clean floor or furniture. At this moment, he only cared about her body's condition, and despite himself, he was happy to be able to even lay his eyes on her again. It had been so long since he had seen her, and it was probably his fault that he had lost contact with her, not that he would ever admit it to anyone but himself.

Right now, he was rummaging through his cupboards, searching for the bits of meat he had been saving for a special occasion, or when he really needed it, clearly this was one of them times.

He stood up from his squatting down position and made his way over to the struggling girl. Her eyes were rapidly moving behind their lids, and no matter how you looked at it, she wasn't in the best of shapes, and in a lot of pain. Although some parts of her body had been repaired, there were still some parts that were having a hard time fixing themselves.

Uta still found her beautiful, and she had always been that way in Uta's biased opinion.

Honestly, Uta found her the sexiest when she was laughing wildly with blood covering her whole body, as she devoured human after human.

There was no point in asking why (y/n) had stopped all of that and gone on a non-human diet, because the raven-haired ghoul knew the exact cause for it; he was the one who had caused the incident.

Frowning, he held the meat above her and squeezed it, making the blood trickle down his hand and enter the mouth of the female ghoul. She visibly gulped, and some of the colour on her face slowly returned to what it once was. (y/n) cracked opened her mouth, and Uta fed her some of the meat - the one thing she was so obviously craving.

"Why have you starved yourself to this point?" Uta asked her, concern lacing his voice. "You're such an idiot, (nickname)." He bent down, so he was resting on the balls of his feet and watched as her body finished regenerating.

Once her body returned to his previous condition, (y/n) shot up into a sitting position and coughed up some blood. Wheezing, she wiped some of the blood off her mouth and heard someone clear their throat next to her. With one hand still at her mouth, she faced the man who made her heart squeeze in both hatred and affection.

How could she love someone she also hated?

Her strength had somewhat recovered, so she could leap off the sofa, and she stumbled away from him until her back was against the wall.

Uta slowly made his way over to her and grinned.

"Uta! Why am I here?" she spat out. "I didn't want to see you again." Tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes and she furiously wiped them away. No way was she was going to let him see her cry.

The male ghoul came to a stop in front of her and just continued to grin at her. He didn't utter a single word. (y/n) raised her fist and pounded him on the chest. Why, why did he always confuse her? She was supposed to be angry at him for what he had done, but whenever she saw those eyes of his or the smile she loved so much, it sent her mind into turmoil.

Weak, she was so weak, especially when it came to him.

Uta grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms above her head. He leaned over her and he was so close she could even feel his breath. "Aren't you happy to see me? It's been so long since we saw each other."

"No, I'm not happy!" She lied through clenched teeth.

However, Uta saw through her lie, and let go of her so suddenly that she collapsed to the floor.

"You're pathetic, (y/n)." He towered above her and coldly looked down at her. "Go take a shower and clean yourself up. I have to go back to the shop."

And with that he furiously slammed the door, leaving (y/n) still slumped on the floor.

And with that he furiously slammed the door, leaving (y/n) still slumped on the floor

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