4 | Shadows

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(y/n) found herself in the passenger seat of a large van, and from the putrid smell wafting from the back, she didn't even have to ask what was back there

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(y/n) found herself in the passenger seat of a large van, and from the putrid smell wafting from the back, she didn't even have to ask what was back there. The smell of blood and urine was too thick for anyone to be unable to work it out. There were humans and lots of them.

If it was the old (y/n), she would've lost all of her senses and gone crazy for even a taste of some meat - now it just made her nauseous.

Why was she allowing herself to be dragged along like this?

She didn't even want to be anywhere near the ghoul beside her. Be that as it may, as much she disliked it, there was just something about him that enticed her in. This was just how it's always been for them: it didn't matter how much distance was between them, they would always instinctively find each other.

(y/n) felt like her brain would explode from all the overthinking she was doing. She closed  her eyes, and soon she felt her consciousness drift away.

What seemed like only a minute later, she woke up, and before she could fully compose herself, Uta pulled her off the van. He kept a tight hold on her hand as he directed her towards the building, and it rose up before them. "What are we doing here?" she questioned, raising a delicate eyebrow and eyeing the building, suspiciously.

"You'll find out soon enough." Uta winked and put on his mask: it was wooden and had a long, pointy nose. It reminded (y/n) of a certain one-eyed ghoul, maybe that was what he was going for?

Uta stopped before the door that appeared to be the back entrance. Then, moving in front of (y/n), and taking the mask out of her hands, he helped her put it on.

"Let's go." Uta took hold of her hand again and opened the door, revealing a long hallway. Loud cheering and the sounds of thousands of hungry ghouls made their way to them, mingling with the wind outside.

(y/n) gulped, discerning what it was Uta was planning.

Human auction.

It used to be a favourite hobby of both (y/n)'s and Uta's. Hosting such auctions and making bids was a pastime that they both took part in.

Fun times. Old times. Long-forgotten times.

Why... Why had he brought her here?

She hadn't been to one of these since her mother and siblings had been alive. Just thinking about it made her blackened heart squeeze painfully in her scarred chest. She had half a mind to hightail it out of there, but the voice in the back of her head urged her forward.

They continued down the hallway and came to a stop when they reached the heavy, Victorian double doors. Uta pushed on them and they swung open revealing an auditorium that was packed with ghouls of all statuses, even some that (y/n) recognised from her hunting days.

How many years had it been? It was all so nostalgic.

Yet, all so frightening.

Uta led (y/n) to an area behind the stage and lifted his mask, so he could lightly kiss her on the forehead. After he left her standing there, so he could make his appearance on stage. The curtains were lifting, and the show was just about to begin.

(y/n) shivered inwardly as she held her arms close to her chest. And that was when she felt the feathery touch of a hand on her shoulder and heard the even softer whispers in her ear.

"Isn't this captivating, (y/n)?" A dark silhouette could be seen behind her, and an even darker smile graced their shadowed face.

"Isn't this captivating, (y/n)?" A dark silhouette could be seen behind her, and an even darker smile graced their shadowed face

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