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(Y/n) reluctantly crossed the threshold of Uta's shop

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(Y/n) reluctantly crossed the threshold of Uta's shop. It felt as though countless empty eyes were watching and waiting for her to make her next move. Of course, they were only the masks that hung around the room, with nothing to embody them. They were eerie and almost mocking.

Why was she feeling so empty, and so unsure? It was an odd feeling, one she hadn't experienced in a long time. Feeding on humans, feeling their blood slide satisfactorily down her throat, was something that helped to ease the emptiness she felt.

But that was in the past. And now, not even the sight of Uta could help fill the void.

The hole that was deep.

Speaking of Uta, he had entered his apartment long ago and had probably forgotten the female ghoul who was still standing practically at his door. Although, that was only what she presumed.

She breathed in and out, calming her rattled nerves. (Y/n) gathered up the little courage she had and made her way through the shop, ignoring the vacant eyes as she passed until she reached the stairs that led to where Uta lived.

She pushed open the door and found the raven-haired male stood by the entryway. In his hands was the bloodiest meat she had ever seen, and for her, that was saying something.

Was he taunting her?

As always, he was hard to figure out.

He knew better than anyone that (y/n) detested the stuff, and here he was brandishing the delicious meaty goodness in her face.

She resisted the urge to snatch the stuff out of his bloody hands; somehow, she kept the ravenous inner-ghoul at bay.

Shutting her eyes and breathing deeply, she pushed past the smirking male ghoul and collapsed onto the sofa, avoiding his gaze.

Which was quite hard, admittedly, but she managed it, and she focused her attention on the far wall; acting like the paint was more interesting than Uta.

"(Y/n), we need to talk..."


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