Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my Second Story hope you guys like it, Enjoy reading.

First I wanted to introduce what the main character went thru in her past and presence and afterwards the drama and action begins......
Yes its Third POV so AGAIN its not Edited....... After all I am a Human like everyone


It has been three years since her beloved fathers death but still for Asya it seems like yesterday, she still couldnt get use to it, how could she?. He was her hero, as growing up she always looked upon her father. That is why she refuse to visit her fathers grave. She was afraid of the reality. Reality that will shatter her heart into pieces.
One day when Her father and Asya were heading back from the city to their village, until a horrible accident have accrued. Which made her heart forever locked and cold.

Three Years Ago.........

She was happy and had a big smile on her face as usual. She was the light in her fathers life. She was everything to him and for her was the same. The father daughter bonding was very strong and they believed nothing would tear it apart until fates decides otherwise.
As her father started the car engine, he automatically notice something was wrong with the car but didn't bother to check it.
Anyhow as he was driving, the roads were muddy and the heavy rain made it worse. He press the break to slow it down a little but the break refuse to work. He tried over and over again, until panic to over his body as he realized there was no use, the breaks wouldn't work. Inside he was in panic, his heart increased its beatings every second, sweats were gathering at his palm and forehead. Still he had to be calm for his daughters sake. He looked at her seeing her made him calm a little. She smiled softly at her father and kissed his cheek.
"Kizim(daughter) can put your seatbelt on" her father told her sounding normal as much as possible. She just nodded her head as an 'Yes' and then buckled her seatbelt.
She knew something was bothering her father. She wanted to ask him what was the matter but she let it go this time. As she was in deep thoughts a loud sound of thunder awakes her.
"Bismillah" she whispered loud enough so her father can hear. Her father looked at Asya one last time and said the words that Asya would remember her whole life.
"Asya I want you to be strong in this life don't let anybody bow your head only bow before your creator Allah, and dont forget I'll always be with you" he said in deep voice a tear escaped from his eyes. He knew his time was up in this temporary life he can feel it. The car was now speeding making Asya worried even more.
"I love you kizim" he told her.
"I love you too baba but what is going on?" she asked, before she knows it, the car flew out the small bridge. The car had flipped so many times that Asya had become disoriented before she even sustained the concussion that had her drift in and out of consciousness. She was fleetingly aware of the blood taste in her mouth but she couldn't figure out what it was. At times her eyelids fluttered and she thought she must be at home in bed because it was so dark.

Asya felt as if somebody was dragging her on the ground. Her body felt so tired and sore, as it felt like she lifted tons of heavy rocks in her back, she couldn't even lift her finger let alone her body. Every inch of her body was in excessive pain.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked around, first thing she notice was panic faces that surrounded her. She was confused but then after a minute the realization hit her faster than a thunder. She and her father had a car accident.
"Baba" she said as she looked around for her father at that moment a loud blast sound had appeared. She forced herself to get up little ignoring the pain. It was her fathers car, which now was burning. The reality hit her hard, her father was still on the car.
"Baba.....Babaaaaa" she scream at the top of her lungs, tears were rolling down nonstop, she was watching while her father burned before her eyes. She forced herself to get up but failed as she fell back on the ground and the next thing she remembers was darkness.
End of Flashback......

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