Chapter 29

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After the insident she stormed out of the house her sleep was long gone, she was out at night for a walk. Anything to get away from the him. Whatever sympathy she felt for him was vanished instead hatrade and anger was replaced. He torn her apart, her dignaty her feelings most of all her heart. She even forgot the pain in her arm, that pain was so minor compare to the one in her heart.

The dark night of October was an unpleasantly cold and mystifying, the moon was sheltered by the murky looming clouds. She felt anxious and uneasy it was just a little past two.
She walk and walk for hours just needed to be alone. To think and get everything sort it out in her mind.
'I never thought that love would hurt so much ' She thought to herself.
'I never wanted this' once more she thought to herself.
She stopped walking once she saw a bench that was near. She went and sat and relaxed for a little bit.
All memories flash in her mind the good and the bad but its seems like they have more bad memories. Always ending up in fights and heartbreak.
Her mind was lost in the middle of nowhere. There was no anwser and no decision, just blank.
At this moment she wished she had someone from her family to be beside her. To help and ease her pain, but  there were no one around not a single person. Even if they were here she still had to hid the truth, truth that is slowly kills her inside.
She hugged her knees and rest her head on her knees tears were dripping in her eyes without her consent. She couldnt manage to hide her tears anymore. How could she, she was hurt and broken.
As she was sitting on the bench she felt someone behind her. She stood up quickly and saw two men was near her. She ignored and slowly walked away but one of the guys rushed and grabbed her arm and turned her towards them. It was the bruised arm, so she felt a sharp pain.
She felt her blood boiling in anger her hands tight in fist.
"Let go of me now" she command while looking at the man.
He was tall and bulky, he was twice bigger than Asya. She knew that he was drunk or high either way his intentions weren't innocent.
"Ohh I found such beauty why let go huh?" He said and then touched her cheek with his hand.
"Big mistake" she said.
This made her more angrier, she raised her fist and throw a punch at him. The men immediately fell on the ground, Asya didnt stopped there she started to kick and punch him. The second guy tried to rush and save his friend but Asya stopped him with a kick. She punched and kick both man as if she was releasing her anger out indeed she was.
Asya stopped after she saw them half unconscious. She checked for the pulse and it was still beating.
She bend down and grabbed one of the guys shirt. He was half awake, his eyes barely opened but Asya knew he could hear her clearly.
"This may be a lesson to learn, dont judge anyone by the look I may be tiny but I can break your bone... but I should also thank you for relieving my stress out" she said with a smirk and slowly walked back to the house.

Asya was back at the house and after cleaning the mess in the room, she finally drift off to sleep. Her body was sore and num, her mind was unsettled. She felt so tired and as if a car crashes her body. Indeed it was but instead of the car, her husband was the one who crushed into pieces.

It almost one in the afternoon when she woke up. She felt refreshed and much relaxed, her arm and hand was still in pain. After she fought with the strangers last night her was bruised up as well her arm, so thats why she decided to wear long sleeve to cover her bruises.
After she was done taking a shower she went ahead and prepared herself lunch, the maids wont be here until after a week. Her so called husband gave them another week off.

As she was sitting outside eating her lunch, memories from last night bothered her mind. She had to do something about it, she had to teach him a lesson. A lesson that he will remember for the rest of his life.
Asya was sipping her coffee when she heard her name being called. She stood up and turned towards the sound. She saw brother Arda was walking towards her.
"Selam" he greeted with a smile.
"Aleykum Selam" she greeted back. She hid her arm behind so he wouldnt see. He sat beside her and Asya.
He noticed something was odd about her. As if she was hiding something from him.
"Asya are you ok?" He asked with worried tone and touched her arm.
Asya hissed in pain and moved her away from him. Arda gently took her hand and automatically his eyes widen. Her hand was bruised, he quickly went inside the house and came back with first aid.

Arda disinfected the wounded area and wrapped with a gauze.
"How did this happened?" He asked
"It just happened and no its wasnt Azad" she answered quickly before he asked for it.
Asya hard face expression, she cant trust anyone about anything even brother Arda.
"Aysa you know you can tell anything right?" It was more of a question than a statement.
She look at him with cold emotion, Arda knew very well than something must have happened that she acts this way.
"Brother Arda I am fine" she said.
As Arda was about to talk Azad appeard. Asya looked away avoiding any eye contact but she had to make to do something. Brother Arda was suspicious of them, without thinking Asya came beside Azad and hold his hand even thought it killed her inside.
She smiled at her husband, Azad was shock at her reaction but still stood quietly, Asya then looked at brother Arda. He was clearly angry and surprised at the same time so he just rushed out.

Asya and Azad were still holding hands neither of them wanted to let go of each other. Asya slowly removed her hand away from his.
"I need to talk to you" she said looking at him.
Azad look down at her hand and saw that it was wrapped with a gauze.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Nothing important" she replied
"Go ahead I am listening" he said and looked at her eyes.
"Azad I will sign the papers but you have to give me another six month, I am promised brother Arda when signing the contract that I will stay in this marrige for a year, six month have already past. I.....promise I wont do anything that you dont please in these next six month" she explained still looking at him. This was hard for her to do but had to do it anyways.
Azad was in shock to see her so calm but continued listening.
"I know that you hate me, for selling myself for money..." she breath in heavily to avoide any tears.
"But I had a reason, I had to get the money in order to.... " she stopped she wasnt ready to tell him the truth yet.
"Fine" Azad said
Asya smiled a d thanked him and slowly walked away but stopped once he spoke again.
"After six month I dont want to see you near me or my family" he said.
Asya turned towards him and looked in his eyes, her was once more in pain. His words were harsh but she cant change it anymore.
"I promise after six month I will no longer be your wife" with that she walked away.

"But Azad Altin I also promise that I will teach you a life lesson"she thought to herself.

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