Chapter 27

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Hello Everyone I know like always I am late for Updating but As everyone else I do have a personal life. Anyways I dedicate this Chapter to my little sis seykhatN for Birthday surprise(which was a month ago sorry little sis) I also want to thank Night_walk and Beauty4evar and lily_darya for their biggest support with my stories. Love:ElmNur


Asya was watching ahead as the little girl was running around playing with the biggest smile she ever had. Her long hair was rhythmically moving with the wind as her father was chasing after her while they were playing a game. This moment reminds her of her father, she have missed him so much. She toos used play fun games with her father.
He used to be her saver in every trouble or situation she was in. His wise suggestions were always important for Asya.
Asya retrived her thoughts once the little girl run towards her and hugged her. Asya was surprised with her action but quickly hugged her back. Then little girl kissed Asya on her right cheek.
"I wish you were my mom" little girl said while looking at Asya. Asya eyes widen as hearing the words, she was brother Ardas daughter. Asya and Seda became really close these couple of weeks but she did not expected this to happen.
Arda came beside her daughter Seda and sat on the bench. He stared at Asya in a wierd way that she could not describe it.
"Seda you go ahead and play, me and Asya will be here" Arda said to his daughter. Seda nodded her head and ran off for the swings.
"I am sorry about that" He apologized behalf of his daughter.
Asya just smiled softly and replied "Its fine she is just a kid".
"How do you feel?" He asked her.
Her face became serious and look at her brother in law.
"He came today" she said almost sounding like a whisper. The mention of him was bitter in her heart. She wanted to avoid any eye contact so she looked at away.
"Maybe its better this way" brother Arda spoke.
Asya didnt replied to that comment, she just stood quiet. She came to the park not to think about him but to get fresh air and to get rid of her thoughts temporarily.
She stood up from her seat and slowly ran againstthe strong wind. Next Seda the little girl ran up to her and held Asyas hand, after a moment Arda joined as well holding his daughters hand.
They were laughing and smiling, Asya was finally enjoying the moment after being hurt. On the other hand Arda was starring at Asya and coulndt forget the fact that his daughter already accepted Asya as a mother. He was happy inside, now he realizes clearly that he has feelings for her since the first day he saw her.
After an hour they all went to get lunch and went to get pizza. Asya refused to eat anything her appitate was long gone after seeing him. She only drank lemonade and fed the little girl. Arda carefully watched Asya as she took care of his daughter, he was pleased.
"Thank you" said Seda and kissed Asyas cheek.
"You welcome" Asya replied.
"Can you teach me Turkish please" the little girl asked.
Asya looked at brother Arda and then back to Seda.
"Of course I will if your father lets me" she answered.
"I would love that" he smiled.
"Then its settled, I will see you everyday after school" said Asya and then they hugged each other.
Asya checked the time and saw it was almost two. She wandered if Azad get to eat his lunch, there were no maids to cook for him. She felt guilty and that she hated she dindt wanted to starve someone, she knows very well that Azad would never go out to eat he prefers home made food.
"Brother Arda can you drop me home please" she said while getting her stuff ready.
Arda just nodded his head, he wanted her to stay more but he cant do that at least not yet he thought to himself.

Brother Arda have dropped Asya front of the front gates. Asya quickly ran up to the mansion unlocked the front door and headed towards kitchen and start to prepare food. She noticed that her so called husband wasnt home but she didnt care she started to cook.
She have baked and cooked alot of Turkish dishes due to her anger. By the end of cooking and cleaning she was exhausted so she decided to lay down little.

She went up to her room changed her clothe to something comfortable. She checked herself in the mirror, she can clearly see her pain in her own reflection. No matter how tough she looks she knows her pain is greater than her pride. She closed her eyes and touched her chest towards her heart. A salty tear drop flowing into her cheek. She quickly opened her eyes and whipped her tears. She realized now that her pain was much than she thinks of it.
"No Asya be strong dont let this affect you" she tried to convince herself.
She washed her face to cover her tears, so there wont be any marks of it.
She closed the washroom and lay on the sofa and felt tired since it has been two hours of cooking and cleaning and finally she can take a rest.
She slept on the sofa as always, she hated the bed it reminded of him. His perfume was all over the bed she didnt want anything to do with him anymore. 

Asya slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Her thoughts and heartbreak was temporarily forgotten and was replaced with peace. Her body felt relaxed and in rest until she heard slamming of the door. Asya quickly opened her eyes and wondered what was the cause of it.
She quickly went downstairs and into the main living room. Before she could see the person she heard her name and stopped once she realises the voices.
"Ohh come on you knew very well that she was allergic to nuts and besides I know you told me this intentionally so I can switch the cakes" it was Melissa.
Asya was shocked, how could he go this far. Something bad would have happened to her or even worse she could have died. Tears were gathering in her eyes ready to flow but she manages to keep herself together. Without thinking she stormed in front of Azad, she didnt wanted to do something before asking him.
Azad face was too in shock, but quickly was covered with cold face. He knew very well that she heard their conversation.
"Is it true Azad?, did you say it intentionally?" Asya asked hoping the answer would be 'no'.
"Yes baby tell her that it was intentionally, and that you just wanted to teach her a lesson" Melissa said while came and stood in front of Asya. Which might be the biggest mistake, Asya grabbed Melissas hair and pulled her in front of her.
"I didnt asked you I specifically said Azad not Melissa" with that she pushed Melissa to the floor. Melissa quickly stood up and was about to do something but Azad asked her to leave and she left. So now there were only Azad and Asya alone in the house.

"Answer me now did you or did you not.." before she could finish, Azad came closer to her and said "I intentionally said it so she could switch the cakes".
A load fire was thrown into Asyas heart which burned her alive, no ice cold water or wind can prevent from burning heart. She stepped back as she was taken away from his words. That moment whatever hope she had left was vanished forever.
Azad stepped foward leaving a little distance between them he touched her cheek and traced her lips with his right thumb.
Anger was all she was without thinking Asya grabbed his right arm and twisted and pushed his body against the wall. Azads back was facing Asya while she was holding his arm still.
"I warned you to many times not to touch me, now you will deal with me" she said with anger. Azad was quiet there was no expression.
Asya then let go of Azad and walked away, he tried to grabbed her hand but with quick reflection Asya have punched him.
Azad felt on the flood holding his left cheek, he knew she was strong but now he knows she stronger than what he have thought. Asya bend down to his level and shook her head.
"I warned you didnt I?" with that she walked away leaving Azad in surprised.

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