Gaara POV
They forgot I was here.
Kyuubi deserves to be beaten up for messin' with people much older than him. He and that Uchiha have been messing up my chances with the blonde. Someone should probably tell him that. And I know just the guy.
Kyuubi POV
My eyes were wide as I listened to what Sasuke had to say. The confidence he spoke with made me believe every word.
Something wet and warm trailed down my cheeks. Bringing a hand up to inspect my face, I came to the realization that I was crying. Hard.
I closed my eyes tight as I tried to hold back the tears. And the sobs. But, they kept coming. I couldn't stop crying.
Soon I felt two arms wrap around my small shoulders. I sobbed into Sasuke's chest as he rubbed my back in small circles. I felt so happy that both of my brothers cared for me so much. I thought I was such a burden.
Sasuke POV
As I was comforting Kyuubi, I looked over his shoulder and into Naruto's beautiful eyes. They shined brighter than any star in the sky. My own eyes sent him one message. One that wasn't hard to decipher.
Come over here.
He complied, wrapping his arms around Kyuubi. I made room for him by wrapping one arm around him keeping the other arm safely around Kyuubi. He also buried his head in my chest. All of a sudden, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest. If either of them noticed, they didn't say anything.
Then, all too soon Naruto was ripped from my grasp as Gaara threw the blonde behind him. Immediately letting go of Kyuubi, I gently guided him until he was behind me. I sent a venomous glare at Gaara, noticing that Naruto was also glaring holes in the back of Gaara's head.
Right as I was about to tell Gaara off, he spoke himself, "Uchiha, you're wrong. Nobody likes Kyuubi and you know it. Naruto will forever be mine so you can stop saying those false words to impress him."
My glare intensified at his words. I would never do something like that just to impress Naruto! Unlike Gaara, I actually have a heart! And I meant every word I said to Kyuubi. There is no way I could make up something like that! Just as I was about to tell Gaara that, Kyuubi stepped up, putting his hand out in front of me. His face filled with fear as he stared at one person in particular.
His head was hung, but you could see that he was visibly shaking. His fists clenched tight at his sides. You could feel the deathly aura around him. For one terrifying second, I thought that he was angry at me. But, I was sorely mistaken.
"Gaara," he lifted his head and smiled a deadly smile, "Screw you! I will not stand here and listen to you talk crap about something you know nothing about!" By now, Naruto was glaring icily at Gaara.
"Nobody deserves to be bullied and beaten up! Not even the worst kind of scum, you, should be beaten up!"(1.) At this Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Reopening them, he continued, "And as for Sasuke, I know for a fact that he wasn't lying when he spoke to Kyuubi. I've known Sasuke since I was eight years old! If he was lying, I would have known about it ages ago! So shut up Gaara! You don't know anything!" After shouting at Gaara, Naruto was panting, for he had let out his frustration.
Naruto . . . stuck up for me. I felt my heart pounding wildly in my chest.
(1.) I know that Naruto just got finished beating some guys up, but that was self defense so it doesn't count.
Ok, so I just had to make this chapter dramatic.😁😁
Your favorite couple will probably get together in the next chapter.😌
If you like and comment!😇😇
Thanks for reading!😃🖐🏾✌🏾️🖐🏾😃

Emotional (SasuNaru)
Roman d'amourSasuke saves Naruto from his parent's murderer and runs away with him. Naruto's little brother gets bullied because he's an orphan and skipped multiple grades. Naruto and Sasuke are extremely overprotective of each other. The three are now considere...