Chapter 6: Fun

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Emma excitedly ran through a large pile of leafs as me and Chris followed her down the path towards the park. Today we were just going to the park. Emma looks at Chris like a father figure. She even calls him daddy sometimes. Chris ran after Emma and picked her up. He carried her back over to me as he tickled her sides. I took out my camera and took a picture of them. So cute. We walked through the park listening to cars going past as we just talked. Emma was excited for Christmas. Chris and me went on a few other dates but other times Emma was with us. It's only been 5 days since our first date. I was still thinking about what to get Chris for Christmas. Chris is amazing with Emma.
"What if I stayed the night tonight?" Chris asked breaking me away from my thoughts.
"That would be fun. We could watch some Disney movies" I said as Chris balanced Emma on his hip.
"Yay!" Emma said clapping her small hands together.
"Movie night it is" Chris said as we walked toward the play ground.
"We could make cookies!" Emma said with excitement.
"And popcorn" I added.
"I'll bring Doritos" Chris said making me laugh.
"The amazing Doritos" I said as Chris let Emma go play.
"Chris come push me on the swing!" Emma said as Chris and me ran after her. She's fast for a 2 year old. Chris set her on the swing and told her to hang on. They were so adorable. Tonight would be fun. Alice would be due in about a week. Oh and I forgot to mention that Alice's husband, David, came home yesterday. He's in the US Army. I was happy he was back. He's such a nice guy. Emily also has a man. His name is Wade and they've been together for 2 years and I'm waiting for him to pop the question. I sat down on the swing next to Emma and started to swing next to her. After having fun at the park we got back in the car and drove back to the apartment. Emma took off her jacket and gave it to Chris before she ran off to her bedroom. I took off my shoes and beanie hat. Chris took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack.
"Riley?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Hmm?" I hummed as I looked into his blue eyes and kissed his cheek.
"I love you" he said making me smile widely.
"I love you too" I said.
"Mommy!" Emma called from her room and the two of us went to her room, "have a seat." Me and Chris sat down in the small chairs.
"I think that chair is a little big for you Mr Evans" I said laughing.
"Same to you, Mrs Matthews" he said as Emma put a plate of plastic fake food in front of me and Chris. She then gave us two empty tea cups.
"I made dinner!" She said happily.
"This looks amazing, Emma!" Chris said, "you should be a cook."
"Thank you" she said as Chris pretended to eat the food and he quickly put it in his pocket.
"All gone" he said putting his hands up. I did the same and smiled.
"That was amazing, Emma" I said making her smile widely. Her smile could light up a room.
"But I'm still hungry" Chris said in a dark voice making chills go up mine and Emma's spine.
"Uh oh" I said as me and Emma took off running with Chris hot on our heels. Chris wrapped his arms around my stomach and picked me up off the ground.
"RUN EMMA RUN!" I yelled while laughing as Emma ran to the living room. Chris carried me back into Emma's room. Chris made a bunch of funny noises and tickled me making me laugh.
"Stay here" he whispered as we walked out of the bedroom.
Emma's P.O.V
I hid behind the couch clearly terrified. I listened to the sound of Chris's footsteps getting closer. Oh no! Where was mommy?! I held my small Captain America shield in front of me as I slowly crawled around the couch only to come face to face with a pair a familiar brown boots. My eyes widened as I slowly began to look up. Chris stared down at me with a smirk.
"Uh oh" I whispered as he scooped me up in his arms.
"Thought you could get away" he said smiling.
"Where is my momma?" I asked.
"She is my prisoner" he said.
"Oh no!" I said making him laugh like a villain from a Disney movie. He carried me back to my bedroom.
"Mommy!" I said reaching for her.
"My baby" she said in a southern accent as she came over.
"Howdy ma'am" Chris said.
"Wait... We're playing cowboys now?" I asked.
"I believe so" Chris said in a funny accent.
"I got just the thing!" I said as he put me down and I ran over to my Dress Up box. I pulled out a cowboy hair and Chris bent down. I put the hat on his head.
"I AM COWBOY!" He said making me and mommy laugh.
Riley's P.O.V
I couldn't help but laugh as Emma put the hat on Chris.
"Can we play Castle?" Emma asked smiling.
"Why not" Chris said. Moments later Emma was wearing a princess costume and I decided I'd wear my Wicked Witch costume from last Halloween. Chris was dressed as a knight. Well he was wearing a bowl on his head and had a Captain America shield and a plastic sword.
"Release the Princess" Chris sad pointing his sword at me.
"I've put her under a spell" I said smiling as Emma laid down on the floor. She opened her one eye real quick.
"The curse that was put on the witch can be broken with true loves kiss" Emma said before closing her eyes again. Chris smiled before dropping his sword and dipping me down to the ground kissing me.
"The curse is broken" Emma whispered.
"What happened?" I asked pretending to be clueless.
"We must save Princess Emma" Chris said as the two of us kneeled down to Emma's side, "use your magic."
"Awaken dear Princess and shine your light on the Kingdom" I said as Emma opened her eyes.
"She's awake!" Me and Chris said excitedly.
"The Knight was secretly a Prince" Emma said taking the bowl off of Chris's head, "I thank you for waking me from my slumber and breaking the curse."
"What is my reward, Princess?" Chris asked.
"Love" Emma said using her plastic wand. She hit us both gently on the head, "I cast a love spell on you two."
"Best reward ever" Chris said smiling.
About an hour later, I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, I walked out into the living room. Chris was making dinner while Emma was sitting on the couch drawing. I walked over to Chris and wrapped my arms around him.
"Hey Meatball" I said.
"Hey Cinderella. Dinner is almost ready" he said as he reached over and grabbed two plates and Emma's colorful plate. He put the pasta on the plates and I helped set the table.
"Emma dinner is ready" I said as she stopped coloring and walked over. Once we finished eating I put the plates in the sink.
"Alright, Chris you start the popcorn. I'll get blankets and pillows" I said sprinting to the bedroom grabbing a bunch of blankets and pillows. I ran back to the living room as the microwave went off. Emma sat in between Chris and I. She held the popcorn. Chris put it The Little Mermaid. Emma's favorite Disney movie. The three of us were all snuggled on the couch.
"I'm gonna go take a shower" I said when the movie ended.
"Okay" Chris said as I got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water and let it warm up as I took off my clothes. I washed myself before washing my blonde hair. The warm water felt good against my skin. After I was done and turned off the water and stepped out of the shower letting the cold air hit me making me shiver. I wrapped a towel around my bare body and put my wet hair into a bun. I walked back to the bedroom and changed into a oversized t-shirt and shorts. I walked back out of the bedroom in my bare feet making a small noise when I walked. When I got back into the living room I smiled widely. Chris laid on the couch still awake but I couldn't say the same for Emma. Emma was fast asleep on Chris's chest, his chest went up and down as he breathed softly. He had one of his hands on Emma's small back and he rubbed her back gently as she slept.
"Hey" he whispered as I walked over still with a goofy smile.
"Hey. When did she fall asleep?" I whispered.
"A few minutes ago" he whispered back making sure he didn't wake Emma. He looked at Emma with a smile before turning back to me, "she looks just like you."
"I guess you're right" I whispered smiling at my baby girl.
"Of course I'm right" he whispered back as he continued to rub her back softly not trying to wake her.
"She really looks up to you" I said smiling, "she looks at you as a father figure."
"Riley, if we were ever married... Would you want to have more kids?" He asked catching me off guard.
"Maybe" I said, "I've always wanted a momma's boy. I remember back when we were 14 we wouldn't stop talking about what we wanted in the future. We shared similar dreams."
"Maybe we'll be able to live those dreams" he said.
"I'm already living one and it's with you" I said making him smile.
"Let's get princess to bed" he said carefully picking up Emma trying not to wake her. I followed him as he carried her back to her bedroom. I pulled back her bed covers as Chris slowly laid her in her bed. I tucked her in and the two of us tip toed out of the room. I turned off the light and he slowly closed the door. I stood on my tippy toes and gave Chris a peck on the lips. He smiled before without warning he picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. He laughed quietly as we jumped onto the bed and laid down. He pulled me close and kissed my cheek. He pulled the covers up and the two of us snuggled together. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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