Chapter 10: Twins

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Both Emma and Chris were excited to decorate the tree. Emma was able to put several decorations on the tree where she could reach. Emma wanted to put the star on but one problem. She's too short. Chris lifted Emma up and she gladly placed the star on top of the tree with a big smile. Chris balanced Emma on his hip with a smile. Emma clapped her hands together excitedly. But then the phone rang making the three of us jump. I walked over to the phone and picked it up seeing it was Emily's number.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Riley! Oh my god! Alice is in labor!" Emily said.
"When did this happen?!" I asked.
"Uh well it happened about maybe an hour ago. David called me" Emily said.
"Okay. We'll be there soon" I said.
"Hurry. They are at the hospital now" Emily said before hanging up.
"What happened?" Chris asked.
"Alice is in labor" I said before grabbing my bag, "let's go!"
Moments later we were at the hospital, Emma was so excited to see the twins. Emily and Wade met us in the waiting room. I haven't seen Wade in a while so I was kind of shocked. He reminds me of Ryan Reynolds. Emily and Wade rushed over to us.
"She gave birth... Twin boys" Emily said smiling.
"Oh my gosh!" I said as Emma yelped with excitement. She was so excited to meet her cousins. Jayden and Madison were in the waiting room as well. Wade loves Madison and Jayden, he treats them like his own. The door opened to the room where Alice was and out walked David. Why does he have to look like Ryan Gosling?! He's such a nice guy.
"Hey Riley" David said hugging me.
"You look great, David" I said smiling widely as he turned towards Emma.
"Hey Booger!" David said tickling Emma's shoulder making her laugh and hide behind me. David noticed Chris and smiled, "Chris!"
"David! What's up dude?" Chris asked as the hugged each other. It wasn't like a normal hug it was a manly hug. Guys.
"Well these twins are gonna be the death of me" David said as Madison ran over.
"Daddy!" Madison said with excitement.
"Hey pumpkin" David said picking up his baby girl.
"So what are their names?" Wade asked as Jayden hugged his dad.
"Kyle and Dylan" David said.
"Can we meet them?" Emily asked.
"Of course" David said as all of us rushed to the room. I almost squealed at the sight of the new born twins. David pointed to which one was which. Dylan had more hair than Kyle. I picked up Dylan with a smile. Emma waddled over.
"Can I hold him?" She asked.
"You're to young, Marshmallow" Chris said picking her up.
"Oh" she said as Dylan opened his blue eyes. It made me think about having more kids, Emma always wanted siblings. I felt happy. Emily picked up Kyle and kissed his chubby cheeks. I rubbed my thumb across Dylan's rosy red cheeks. Chris walked over and allowed Emma to see Dylan. Emma kissed Dylan's small head with a smile. She'd be a great big sister. Alice was laying down sleeping. I remember when I had Emma. She was so cute when she was little. Well she still is cute. I remember I would always rub my thumb gently on her bottom lip. After visiting Alice and the Twins, we headed back to Chris's house. Emma was tired and had fallen asleep in the car. Chris carried her inside. She had her head rested on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry if she drooled on your shirt" I said as we tucked Emma into bed.
"It's fine" Chris said as we smiled at Emma as we exited the room, "Riley?"
"Hmm?" I asked smiling as I shut the door.
"I love you. I love you so much. I want to grow old with you. I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you" he said smiling.
"I-I love you too" I said before he pulled me close to him and smashed his lip gently onto my lips. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist. We stopped to breath, I stared into his ocean blue eyes and he stared into mine. His eyes were so beautiful, they looked like gems. He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed my face with his thumb. He cupped my face in his hands and brought his lips to mine once again. I smiled against his lips when he moved his arms down and wrapped them around my waist before picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom. He laid me down gently before continuing to kiss me. Well that night was amazing. Use your imagination to what happened.

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