Chapter 30

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Joshs pov-

"Dude, you have to ask her out!" My friends said pushing me in the direction of her.

I looked over at her slowly. "I don't know about this man." Why would she say yes to me? I'm a dumb football player who the highest grade he's ever got was a C-.

"What the hell are you waiting for. Yous are meant to be! She's a dancer. Your a footy player." My whole group of friends erupted in cheers. "She's hot. You're meh." I then proceeded to punch him in the shoulder.

"It can't just be like that. It has to be special. She's different." I said thinking if they were the right words to say.

"Do you love her?" The whole group went silent while everyone waited for my answer.

"Yeah, I do." I said without thinking. Everyone hollered and cheered. Soon I was being carried and pushed to her.

"Oi guys stop, I can't just ask her out like this, it has to be special." I explained quickly before it was too late.

So that recess, we stayed in the schools library thinking of ways to ask Chloe out. Also, I learnt that the school had a library.

We decided on a plan and arranged it with everyone that will get involved. It would take place that Friday night at our football game. The only problem was that she had to be there.

I dialled Paige's number and listened for her to pick up.

"Hello?" I heard the voice on the phone say.

"Paige! You need to get Chloe to the football game on Friday!" I quickly told her.

"Ok? Is that all because I don't want to spend my recess talking to you." She said sassily. (Is that even a word?😂)

I hung up and gave a thumbs up to all my friends. And once again, they erupted in cheers.

Paige's pov-

Josh just asked me to get Chloe to his football game on Friday but I have no idea how that is going to happen since Chloe has never and will never show any interest in football.

I thought of ways to get her to go on my way to our usual lunch table. If I get all my friends to come along, then she will probably come too and I know just the way to get all of our friends to make an appearance.

"Guess what?!" I said excitedly to my friends while pulling out my seat.

"Bryson Henderson is playing the full game on Friday night!" I said trying to be excited. Pretty much every girl in our year thinks he's cute except me. Honestly, I think he's disgusting.

The girls all erupted in squeals.

"You I'm Chlo?" I asked hopefully. I saw her thinking and looking around uneasily.

"Yeah whatever, if every one else is going then I guess so." She said unamused.


"Okay cool." I said trying to act like I didn't care. (Wasn't easy)

Once the bell rang, we all went to class and got on with our days.

Authors note:

Hiya, so you may realise that I published half of this chapter and now the other half. I just thought you guys deserved something?😂

Love you, Bya xx

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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