Neutral Territory [A Harry Potter fanfic]

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 So, I really want you guys to read this book. If you don't like it, than that's fine. If you do like it, than keep readin'! This book is pretty good if you ask me. I really want this fanfic to last!! By the way I only own the characters that I made up. J.K Rowling owns the rest.


 "Sky! Get in here!" Emily yells. I roll my eyes and I walked over to the frustrated teenager that was supposed to be my friend.

"What, Emily," I sneered. Emily looks up to me with her slick iPhone in her hand. My eyes narrowed at the weird shape of the phone that covered her face.

     I began to get lost in random thoughts until Emily interrupts me with her loud moans.

"Sky! Did you not understand me!" screeches the bitch that spoke my name. My head flies up and I chewed on my silver necklace that I bought at Walmart. I look at her with a lost look and she slams down her phone. The desk shook and the sound echoed in the small room.

"Damn it! Get me my Latte!" she yells. I clenched my fist and I tried to hold it back from her beautiful face. I just wanted to break her bitter bones and listen to her cry in agony. Boy, that would be the day. The day when Hell's gates would break open, and take in her cold soul and make it rott in the flames.

"Get it yourself, Emily," I snarled and then I sat down on the chair. She does a evil laugh and then looks at me.

"Yeah! Like I would do that you self-centered loser," she laughs. I began to boil with anger and my brown hair began to shot up as the tension of the room began to pop like fireworks. Emily's fingers made a tapping sound that jumped in my head. Annoyance flushed on my perfectly tan face.

"I'm done," I say, getting up and grabbing my bag. Emily flinches with shock and then stands up.

"What? What did you just say!" she yells. I walk up to her and I got so close she could feel my anger evaporating in the air. Making the room humid. Emily looks at her hands as they got drenched in her own sweat. I smirked as her mascara went down her face. Soon fading into her skin.

"What the heck?" she says with a confused look. I look at the windows that once overlooked the city streets. But now it has a fog that covered everything up. I look at myself and I was okay. I had no sweat, no nothing. I look at Emily who had a huge frown across her eyebrows. Anger was plastered on her face.

"I don't know what you are doing, but get. Out!" she says through her teeth. I stood there frozen for a second as I was overwhelmed with everything that was going on.

"Get. Out!" she yells. It echoes in the room and I stare at her. Her face was getting closer to mine and her cat-like nails were coming towards me. My mouth opens wide but then I stare at her for one split second and then I fling her across the room. I soon run out when I got the chance, before security came after me and directed me out of the small building that Emily's dad owns.

     I sigh and I sat down in the curb and I kicked a small rock that flew across the road. I fumble with my fingers and a sad look appeared on my face.

"There goes my one job," I mumbled. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I spin around and I looked up. I see a old man that wore cloaks and a beard that hung down to the ground. My eyes widen and I sat up. I was stiff as the old man hands me a letter.

"You won't need a job in the future," the wise old man says with a smile. His eyes twinkled and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. I gave him a weird look and then I slowly opened up the letter that popped into some weird figure and began to float. I jump back, startled, and my eyes got big.

"Hello Miss Laken, you are invited to come to the Witch and Wizard school of Hogwarts. Here you will learn how to master your magic skills and become a great Witch or Wizard. You will soon receive a form, that shows you what you need to get before you enter Hogwarts. I hope you joined us, in the school of Hogwarts." I grin as the letter landed in my palms. I look up at the strange old man and he lent out a hand. I grin.

"I don't think my parents are going to like me going off with strangers," I say with a suspicious smile. The old man chuckles and then he smiles.

"Your parents already know that I'm with you. I'm Professor Dumbledore," he says.

"I beg your pardon," I laugh.

"I'm Professor Dumbledore. I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts, and I'm here to help you with your materials," Professor Dumbledore says to me with a calming voice and a bright smile. I grin and then I take his hand.

"My mom knows you're with me?" I question once more. He slowly nods, and soon we disappear.


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