chapter 5

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[Violet's Point of View]

"Hands, put your empty hands in mine
And scars, show me all the scars you hide
And hey, if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes
And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I
And love, if your wings are broken
Borrow mine 'til yours can open too
Cause I'm gonna stand by you."

I continue to sing Stand By You by Rachel Platten and I can feel Jax staring at me. I stop singing and turn to him, feeling shy.

"You can continue, you know."

"It's fine. I don't want to distract you from your driving."

"Trust me, you're not. You're actually helping me." I feel blood rushing to my cheeks and I can't help but slowly fall under his spell.

"Thank you."

I slowly begin to sing along again and by the time we get to the top of a hill, I've sung through five songs.

"We're here." He quickly exits the car and walks to my side. I allow him to open my door and help me out.

"Why thank you kind sir."

"The pleasure is all mine, m'lady." I laugh to our formality and walk near the edge. The sight was incredible. The city looked breathtaking from above and I gasp slightly.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I can only nod.

"But it's not as beautiful as you." Jax wraps his arms around my waist and I lean against his chest.

"I don't know if I should laugh at the cheesiness or be flattered."

"Be flattered? It would help my ego, that's for sure."

I laugh at his cuteness. I turn around and put my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm flattered then. Thank you for bestowing some cliche on this wonderful date." We laugh and both of us pull away.

He grabs the picnic basket I never noticed he brought, and we settle down on the green grass. I take a sneak peek of what's inside the basket and see many different varieties of food.

"Ooo! Is that grapes?" I quickly grab the container that has purple and green grapes and open it, grabbing two and plopping them in my mouth.

"Mmmm!" I lick my lips and see Jax staring at them.

"Hormonal teenage boys." I mumble lowly. I would like to say he heard me, but I can't be sure since he seems to be under some trance. I snap my fingers in front of his face and his daze eyes finally look clear.


"Mmmmmhmmmm. Pay attention to my eyes and not my lips, Violare."

"No promises." He winks at me but it looks like his eye is having a seizure. I laugh and I see confusion in his eyes.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Y-Y-Your eye! Oh god!" I hold my stomach and continue on laughing.

"Come on! Before this date turns terrible, I have one more surprise." He drags me away from the wonderful food and to another part of the hill. The sky was dark and the stars were glowing, so I'm guessing we're looking up at the stars.

"I feel like you know what we're going to do so I'm not going to even say anything."

I giggle at his statement and we quietly lay down on the grass. I look up at the night sky and my breath is taken away. The dark sky is littered with glittering stars and i swear I saw a comet or two.


"Right? It took my breath away."

"No corny joke?" I tilt my head a bit to look at Jax. He truly is handsome.

"You wanna hear one?"


"What do you and the stars have in common?"


"You both take my breath away." I blush. Not just the slightest, but a huge blush takes over my face.

"You're too kind."

"Not really, but beautiful people make me a better person."

By the time the date ended, I was a blushing mess and Jax was a nervous mess.

"Goodnight Jax."

"Goodnight Violet." I open the door of the car and slowly walked out.

When I got to the gate, I was about to press the button when I heard my name being called.

"Yes?" I look at him eagerly, hoping it'll be like in the movies.

"You... uh... forgot your jacket."

"Oh, thank you." I slowly walk to the car again, heels clacking against the grass. I swiftly grab the cardigan and walk away, my head lowered in shame. Why did I possibly think I can have something like the moves.

I look over my shoulders one more time to see him race off.

Was I really that bad?

|793 Words|
~HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Sorry for not updating. I got caught up in the winter break and didn't really want to update. It's not like anyone reads this anyway. Happier news... the story is just getting started. There may be a while until the actual Cinderella ball scene will happen, but I'll get there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!!!~
*Matt Lanter: Kevin Marigold*

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