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'It hurts! Make it stop!' Rin screamed in his head, as he was desperately clinging Bon and trying to walk.

"It's going to hurt to begin with, Nii-san." Yukio spoke, as he sitting in a chair a few feet from them. "You'll have to push yourself a bit, before your demonic powers kick in."

'I can't do this! Make it stop!' Rin whined, as he stopped trying to walk and squeezed his eyes shut. 'It hurts.'

"You won't get anywhere, if you give up." Yukio scolded him, as Rin shot him an angry and teary glare.

'You take over my place and try this!' Rin screamed in his head, just as Bon gently tilted the demon's head up and the demon froze.

"It's alright, Rin." Bon spoke, giving him a soft smile. "Let's try this a different way."

Slowly, and carefully, the older teen set the demon's hands on the bar railings on either side of him and stepped away from him. Rin letting out a mute whine in protest, as Bon walked to the other end of the railing and pulled up a chair. As his classmate sat down a smiled at him.

"If you make it all the way to the end you'll get a kiss." Bon spoke, making the demon blush. "But you have to make it over here by walking. No cheating."

"Not a bad idea, but it could do without the kiss." Yukio frowned.

'Shut up. I don't need your input.' Rin growled, as he shot his brother a dirty look and looked back to his classmate. 'Besides, at least I get something for killing myself with the pain.'

"Then hurry up. We don't have all day."

Rin mutely growled at his brother, as he focused on the ten feet ahead of him. The demon nervously taking a step, as he hung onto the bars, and flinched at the pain that ran up his legs. The teen letting out a mute whimper, as he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped the bars tightly.

"Think of it as training." Bon spoke, getting the demon's attention. "You're just training your legs, so you can walk again."

Surprisingly enough, his classmate's words clicked in a lot easier than his brother's. This only set a new fire in him, as he gave the older teen a serious nod and kept going. The demon ignoring every sharp pain and jolt, as he forced himself forward and finally reached the halfway point. The demon panting in exhaustion and his legs shaking violently, as he gripped the bars tightly and looked toward his classmate. A worried, but happy look on his face, as he leaned forward in the chair and rested his elbows on his knees. The notion creating a whole five inches less to walk, as he smiled and reached out his hand. Leaving the demon only a few feet before he reached his hand. Leaving the demon only a few feet before he reached the teen's hand and a foot or two before he reached Bon. This left the demon with a lot easier goals, as his younger brother stayed silent and the demon reluctantly continued forward. It taking the demon ten minutes to finally reach the teen's hand and nearly lose his balance and fall on his knees. Which had his brother up in an instant and behind him, catching him before he fell.

"Take it slow, Nii-san. You don't have to push yourself to the point you collapse." Yukio spoke, as the older twin let out a growl and frowned at his brother.

'Says the guy who told me to push myself!'

"I never said to the point your legs would give."

'Stupid moley four-eyes!'

"I heard that."


Without a second thought, the demon's younger brother let go of him. Rin letting out a mute gasp, as his knees gave and he hit the floor and inwardly whined in pain. Only for the teen's younger brother to angrily walk back to his seat and leave the older on the floor, as Bon gave Yukio and glare and got up.

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