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Mini's POV -  A week later.

Another friday night at work and the past week I've had a horrible cold to deal with. The common flu has been spreading everywhere and it's been killing me slowly, well kind of. Lucky tonight isn't as busy as the past few weeks which is sort of helping me a bit. Everyone else is sick so they stay at home rather then heading out to drink. Once there is a quick break  from customers I head out to the back and take some aspirin.

"Craig, go home man, you look like death. Tonight is dead anyway so go. Myself, Maz and Marcus can handle closing." Nik's voice comes from behind me.

I jump as his hand pats my shoulder. I wipe away the water from my mouth which slipped out as he touched me.

"No. I can stay really, I'm fine." I try to persuade him.

"If you're worried about hours I can put some sick leave through for you cause it's not like you're faking being sick. Go take a week off and try to get better, You're not gonna get better being here."

After a few more debates I agreed to take Nik up on his offer. A whole week off work? What am I going to do, I'm going to be so bored by myself. Once Nik leaves the back office I pick up all my things and clock out from the computer. I walk out from the office and get immediately stopped by Maz with her arms waving above her.

"Thanks for the extra shifts babe!" she begins chuckling. "You go have fun this week, you deserve it."

"Fun? What are you talking about? I'm going to be in bed all week..."

"I have a feeling you won't but seriously Min... Go enjoy your week off while I scab all your hours." She smiles at me.

"Oh I will enjoy my week off and still get paid for it." I smirk back at her.

Her mouth drops open like she's upset that she isn't getting my special treatment. I give her a quick hug and say goodbye to her as Nik was on her back about ignoring customers for me. I end up saying goodbye to everyone else plus her again before I walk out the front door. It's only 7.30 and I'm definitely not use to being home this early especially on a friday night. I just wish I drove to work tonight instead of getting a lift with Maz but what's done is done. I try to walk quickly since my cold is probably going to last even longer if I take my time walking home. I end up getting to my house and stopping at the gate. The events of last weekend  come into play and it really baffled me. Someone was in my yard just rolling on the ground but when I put the flashlight back on them they were gone. Was it even a person? No one could disappear that quick. Maz reckons it was just possum but the size of it was definitely not a possum plus I don't even understand how quickly they jumped the fence. All sort of different equations play through my head as I stare at the gate but a force of wind suddenly blows me back into reality, I shake my head and quickly head to the door, unlocking it and going inside. As soon as I get in I lock the door back up and turn around letting my back hit the door as I sigh in darkness. I flick the light switch on and chuck my keys on the table beside me.

"SURPRISE!"  Voices echo everywhere.

My whole body jumps and I fall back into the door. My heart jumps and stops as I wasn't ready for this.

People jump out from behind objects all around me. The first person I see is none other then Evan. I bring my hand up to my chest and clutch it trying to catch my breath back. I quickly scan the room to see who my invaders are. From left to right. Lui, Nogla, Moo, Marcel, Evan, Terroriser, Droidd, Scotty and Smitty. I notice straight away that Tyler is not here which makes me a little upset. Is he still angry at me for leaving LA? A sudden thought makes me stop thinking about him and question how everyone got into my locked house.

"Uhhh, I don't want to ruin this awesome moment but how did you's get in?" I question them all.

"Your friend Mariel." Evan replies.

"Maz?" I question again.

Wait a minute... She told me to enjoy my week off work. Did she plan all this?

"We're here to help you get better!" Lui comes up and gives me a quick hug.

"Wha? When did... How?" Was all that came out of my mouth.

"Mariel rang me a couple days ago, I guess she got my number from your phone though." Evan chuckles. "But she knows that you hate not being able to play with us or talk to us much so I gathered everyone together minus Delirious and Cartoonz though but they said they can't wait to play with you again. So you better get over your cold in the next day or so because we're here!"

The only thing I got out of that was he gathered everyone together except Delirious and Cartoonz but he never said a word about Tyler. Obviously Tyler doesn't really care for me at all right about now. I try to pull a brave smile and welcome everyone else as they all begin trying to get my attention. I take Brian over to my stereo and let him plug in his phone to play some music. The music starts blaring his favourite song of the month. Somehow Smitty and Scotty pull out a eski full of alcoholic drinks into the room out of nowhere and everyone takes a bottle. Marcel opens a bottle for me and gives it to me while he tells me everything I have missed back in LA. I really missed the guys...


"Come on, you're not going to have one drink?" Moo leans his body on my shoulder.

"I had one drink man but I still feel a little off. Who knows maybe tomorrow or the next day I can have a few more." I chuckle at him trying to keep his balance.

I try to walk him back into where everyone else is but there was a knock on my door. I stop Moo to go answer it but Evan comes along out of nowhere and tells me to take Moo back in while he gets it. I don't question him and let him answer the door. I sit Moo on the couch and get Brian to look after him as I want to see who is at the door.

"Man! Who is this babe?!" Lui rushes over to me with Droidd. He shows me a photo of myself with Maz, Nik and Marcus.

"Uhh, that's Maz. The one that Evan talked too. Why you asking?"

"She your girlfriend?" Lui asks me.

I pull a face in disgust as I never thought about her like that. She's like family to me.

"So you wouldn't mind if I talked to her...?"

"You're not her type man..." I lie to him.

Lui is exactly the kind of guy Maz would go for but I'm just trying to protect her. That and Marcus had recently told me he likes her so I kind of want them two together and not with Lui. He pulls a sad face and rolls his eyes at me and Droidd. "I could change her mind dude." He smirks at me.

I scoff at him and tell Droidd to get him some more drinks into him as I push on through to the front door. I see Evan walk past me as he walks back into the room.

"Hey, who was it?" I grab his arm.

"Oh uh, It was just a random person asking for directions. I gave them the map I had so they could find their way around." He smiles at me.


He quickly nods and forces his arm out of my grip. He rushes on in and leaves me stand at the doorway. That was weird. Nogla's voice comes bellowing from across the room trying to get my attention.

"Yes Nogla?!" I yell back at him in a sarcastic voice.

He starts yelling gibberish to me and I immediately turn my back and head off down the hallway into my bedroom.

"I am not talking to a drunk Daithi..." I mutter to myself.

I close the bedroom door behind me to gather myself for a few minutes. I can't believe everyone is here though thanks to Maz. I really love her right about now, I needed this. I needed to see my friends. It's been way too long. My computer screen captures my eyes as it's been turned on. I move over to it and see that Microsoft Word has been opened but minimized. Without hesitation I open it to see two words.

Turn around...

Hope you all enjoyed. I know I'm a little slow updating this story over my other two fics but bare with me and we'll get there. :) Have a grand ol day! :D


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