Nik Saves Tyler

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Nik's POV

"Do we have a deal Mark?"

"Yes." he replied in a defeated voice.

"Good, now if you'll excuse me, I have too go talk to your nephew." I smirked back.

I slammed the door shut behind me and walked the hallways. As I come around the corner, I saw a figure quickly run around at the end of the hallway. Was that Jeff? Why was he at the cells? I didn't give him an order to be anywhere near the two locked away. I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed his number. He immediately answered. A faint ringing was heard in the distance.

"Yes sir?"

"Come out and I won't think about killing you for disobeying me again." I demanded, hanging up the phone.

I waited for him to come out and low and behold he did. His head hanging in shame as he slowly walked to me.

"I haven't fed in days... I'm starving..." a voice comes from the behind the door.

I stopped at the door as I heard the vampire talking. I ignored him though and focused on Jeff coming towards me.

"What the hell did I tell you? Stay away from these two unless I give you a reason. How hard is it to follow instructions?!"

"NO! DROIDD! RESIST!" Tyler's voice suddenly bellows out.

My head snaps to the door and then back to Jeff. "What the fuck did you do?!"

I pushed him out of the way and frantically tried to open the door. I grabbed my gun from the back of my jacket, ready to use. The first thing I notice is Tyler laying with a knife sticking out of his back and the vampire coming towards him.

"Are you fucking kidding me Jeff?!" I yelled. "Seriously?!"

I drew my gun up to the vampire.


I was seriously over him trying to take over my job. Who does he think he is? This was going to the first and last time he ever tried something like this again.

"Nik. You don't need them!" he demanded back.

"You're right. I don't need them." I dropped the gun to my side.

"Yes..." he nodded his head.

"But I don't need you either..." I looked him dead in the eye, drawing the gun to his face. Without any hesitation, I pulled the trigger.


Little bits of his blood splattered over my face as his lifeless body falls to the ground.

"Droidd! Please!" Tyler's voice comes from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and turned around facing the gun towards the vampire. I know it won't permanently kill him but it might just save Tyler's life. I needed Tyler alive.

I pulled the trigger once more.

Mini's POV - Two days later.

I avoided going outside ever since I threw Maz out of here. Ever since then, I get her knocking on my door at 9am, 3pm and again at 9pm. She really wanted to make things right between us but there was nothing she could do. She and Nik are the reason why Tyler is on the run. Why couldn't they leave him alone?

I was reading old messages Tyler and I use to send as a reminder that he promised he'd come back. How I wished, we could just go back to last year where everything was great between us.

"MINI! OPEN UP!" Maz bangs on my front door.

I looked over to the clock and notice it's 9pm. "Right on time..."

"You have to know something!" she called out again.

I tried drowning her out as I turned the volume up on my TV, doing my best to really avoid talking to her.


I sighed loudly and turned the volume up some more. She had to give up soon surely. I wish she would get that I didn't want to see or even speak to her thanks to all her lying. I don't even know who she is anymore. Do I even call her Maz anymore? I noticed that the banging on the door stopped and I felt a little bit more relaxed knowing she had given up finally.

Thinking for the past half hour about how I don't really have anyone to talk to now, gave me an extreme headache. To avoid getting a more intense headache, I quickly made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a couple tablets just so I could have a night without any more painful throbbing going on.

After I took my tablets, I washed up the glass I used for my water and placed it back where it belonged. I thought about calling it a night as I really had nothing better to do. I couldn't just wait up hoping Tyler might show up. I know he's still running with Mark so I had to trust my gut and let them deal with it.

"Mini?" Maz's voice comes from behind.

"Argh!" I jumped and screamed to see Maz at my back door. "Good god..."

"I'm sorry but I really need you to know something. Please don't send me back out. It's about Tyler." she folded her arms into herself.

I was still trying to catch my breath as she scared the living hell out of me. I gotta learn to lock my back door more often. I really wanted to throw her out but once she mentioned Tyler, I had to listen to what she had to tell me.

"You have two minutes."

"Nik has Tyler... and Mark."

"What? Since when?!"

She looks to the ground and back up. He can't have Tyler. They can't have gotten caught...

"The morning he left here... Mark was caught before him. Nik ordered me to ring him if he was to come back here and then he did so I had to call him. That's why he hasn't come back to you either." she mumbled.

I take a gulp. I knew Tyler wouldn't just leave me hung and dry.

"You knew this whole time and you didn't say anything?!" I raise my voice.

"Look, I tried but you didn't want to invite me in! And you don't understand... I'm terrified of Nik and if I do what I'm told then I'm on his good side. You don't want to know what happens if you get on his bad side. Trust me Min, I feel horrible about everything that is happening right now." she said softly.

I ran my hands over my face, wiping my eyes as well as trying to take in all this new information again. He's been in captive for almost a week and I've been kept in the dark once again.

"The whole problem is you and your family! What did he ever do to your family? Nothing! He's innocent so why is Nik trying to kill him?!"

"It's payback. I don't know if Tyler told you but it's personal for Nik. He wants revenge."

I furrowed my brows. I still couldn't understand how this was personal. Tyler and Nik have never met.


"Before Tyler's dad passed away, he killed my mom and dad aka Nik's brother. My mom's best friend wanted her revenge too so she started to talk to Tyler's dad and he fell for her. She lead him into a trap and... she pulled his heart out, killing him instantly."

I could feel Maz was uncomfortable even telling me the story of Tyler's dad. Tyler told me that his dad died from a car accident. Does this mean he doesn't know the real story? Surely Mark would of told him...

"Nik still wants his revenge though and he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants." she adds. "I don't want to do this anymore. I was fine with it before but now it involves my best friend and I can see what my family is doing is wrong. I want to be on your side. Let me help, please?"

I shook my head. She still lied and I don't know if I can ever fully trust what she is saying anymore. This could be a ploy into something bigger, getting myself in trouble in the process. The only thing is that she knows where Tyler is. I want to see him. I want to know if he is okay with my own two eyes.

"Take me to Tyler... now. Or our friendship is over for good."

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