One Wolf Down

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Mini's POV - Two days later.

Laying around in my bed is not something I wanted to do while my shoulder heals up.

My doctor decided to come check up on me while he was just around the corner and I really wish he didn't come. He pretty much called Nik as well and demanded him to not give me any shifts or anything. It's a bummer because I am not the kind of person to just sit around and do nothing. I have to be up and about or I'll go crazy.

"Well hello sunshine!" Mariel pops her head in the door.

I refused to even look at her. She's following the doctors orders as well, she's suppose to be my best friend and she's siding with him.

"Oh come on now, don't pout! We need you healed up!"

I furrow my brows. "We?"

"Oh uh, I meant me." she smiles.

I scoff at her and look away. I could see out the corner of my eye that she was making her way over to my bed. She plonks herself down, laying beside me. Her eyes meet with mine as her head hits the pillow.

"So..." she smirks at me.

"Don't talk to me." I pout again.

"You haven't even said what happened when you got stabbed. Was it someone we knew? Was it a stranger? Why did it happen to you?! We've had no stabbings, nothing criminal related happen in this town for like twenty years and you happen to be the first one? I find it very strange..." she squints her eyes at me.

I couldn't tell her Tyler was the one to stab me, she hates him enough as it is already. I don't think my story would check out. If I told her the truth then it might sound a little awkward. Tyler's uncle kidnapped me. Then Tyler tried to kill him but he stabbed me instead? That sounds incredibly stupid and weird.

"It was dark Maz. I don't know, it just happened so fast." I lie through my teeth.

"Did the person say anything?!" she leans up on her elbows.

I shake my head. "I just saw them come up to me and full on stab me."

"If I was there with you, I would of beaten the living hell out of them!" She says as she quickly does a Kung Fu move and one of her legs kick in the air.

"Yeah okay Bruce Lee, next time someone jumps me, I'll be sure to have you around." I chuckle. "Hey, when is Lui coming up here? No offense but I need a male friend already."

She gives me an offended look but takes it as a joke.

"He's actually coming up here tomorrow night. So you are one lucky man!"

"Tell him to come up tomorrow morning please!" I whine.

"I already asked him to come in the morning but he was just like 'no, I'm coming tomorrow night. K.' in such a tone. Argh, he's such a turd sometimes."

I still couldn't wrap my head around the idea of Lui and Maz together. Never in a million years would I thought Lui would actually date someone again. He likes being single way too much but he could of definitely changed in those six months when I left LA.

"Oof, no need to tell me twice. Well tomorrow night will have to do..."


The next night.

"Wow, you really couldn't come earlier? I was so bored man, you have no idea." I pout as Lui comes in the front door behind Maz.

He presses his lips together and smirks. "I was busy."

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