Needing Answers

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Tyler's POV - In New Orleans.

"So let me get this straight. You want her address for what?" Cartoonz asked with a suspicious tone.

"I just want to ask her some questions about Mark. He's still wanted by the police remember? I'm in the area so I thought I'd stop by and ask her some things."

"What do you mean still wanted? Do you even follow up on anything on TV?" he instantly replied. "He gave himself in like a few months ago dude. I thought you knew? I think he's back at the mental clinic but I'm not sure. I can ask Michael if you want?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mark turned himself back in. All this time I thought he done a complete disappearance act on me.

"Don't. I know the place anyway. I'm going to go see him. Thanks for the help man. Catch up soon." I reply quickly, hanging up immediately.

It was time to see Mark.


"Hello, welcome to Oceans Behavioral Hospital. How can I help you?" a man with a wide grin welcomed me.

He acted strange right off the bat with that awkward grin he had going on. I squinted my eyes at him but gave a quick look around the room. The first thing I noticed about the place was, this man was the only one here. It was quiet also, all I could hear was his breathing. The place was dimly lit which was weird. What kind of place is this being dark during the day? Something strange was going on here.

"Are you visiting someone?" the man questioned.

"Where is everyone?"

He shifted his eyes, looking around the place too. "I don't know." he shrugged.

I gulped at his response. He seemed like he genuinely didn't know either which bought up red flags about this place. He still had a wide spreaded grin though.

"Is there a doctor around?"

"Not at the moment but I can leave a message if you wish?" he happily replied.

"I'm looking for the guy who escaped here awhile ago. He turned himself back in though. Is he here? His name is Mark."

He blinks a couple of times and directs his attention to the computer in front of him. He begins typing then stops. His eyes skimming the screen in front of him. I was getting the feeling that something was not right. The way this guy acted was completely weird.

"Well?" I added.

"Well what?"

"Is he here or not?!" I grumbled.

This guy was getting me to lose my temper quite quickly. Was this Mark's doing? Does he not want anyone to see him?

"I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave." he smiled in that stupid weird way again.

I folded my arms and stood my ground. There was no way, I was leaving without seeing him.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with." I growl back.

I hoped it might scare him into giving me his room number but instead the guy stood up from the counter and eyed me down. His reaction confused me, he seriously doesn't think he'll win this does he? He was a human and no match for me.

"I asked you to leave." he demanded again.

I suddenly felt a gush of wind whirl around myself. Paper started to circle around in the wind, paintings dropped to the ground and the lights begun to flicker. I tried to break free by using my speed but it blowed me back onto the ground. I looked up to see the guy moving out in front of the counter.

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