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Mini's POV- The next day.

The whole morning I tried to convince everyone that Tyler was here but no one would have it. No one believed me, even showing them the purple and blue marks around my swollen hand didn't help. They all thought I was just too drunk to remember anything. I wasn't drunk, I was practically sober. I know I saw him, I felt him!

"Hey guys?! Some of us are going down to your bar for a bit, we'll meet the rest of you there!" Scotty's voice bellows out from the other room.

I notice Evan walking into the room with me and he sits down beside me. I look down at my hand, how can I prove Tyler actually did this to me? I'm not crazy! I know what happened. He suddenly looks up to me as I was staring at him.

"Yes...?" he asks.

"My hand. Look at it. Tyler did this, he was here! Why don't you believe me? He was literally in front of you last night, how could you not see him?!" I ask him, waving my hand in his face.

"I didn't see him but he told me he wasn't coming. Are you sure you're okay? I mean you could of done that when you were..."

"Drunk, I know... but everyone is saying that! I'm telling you, it was Tyler!" I interrupt him.

He shakes his head at me.

"I'm worried about you man. I don't know how many times I can tell you that he stayed in Cali. I can ring him and he'll say he is in Cali." he responds.

"Okay, do it. He is here, he was in my room. Call him. He wouldn't lie to me." I challenge him.

Evan's eyebrows rise and he takes up my request. He pulls out the phone, calls his number and puts the phone on speaker for both of us to hear.

"Yeah?" his voice comes through loud and clear.

"Hey man, you're still in Cali right?" Evan gets straight to the point.

"Yeah, I'm heading out though, so can I call you later?"

"Yeah sure thing. Talk to you soon then."

"Alright bye."

"WAIT!" I yell out.

"He's already gone." Evan holds up his phone showing me that the call ended.

This isn't right... He was here. I swear he was here... Was I just hallucinating him? People can do that right? But it just felt so real. My hand? How did I do this to my hand then?

Tyler's POV

I somehow ended up in Texas this morning after belting away from Mini's house. Lucky it only took a couple minutes for me to get back home but still, how long could I keep waking up in random places for? The only thing sticking in my head right now is how I almost broke Mini's hand. I couldn't believe I hurt him. He was scared of me and I don't think I can ever tell him about what I am. He freaked over what I did last night. How would he react if I told him that I am a werewolf. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue plus I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe in the supernatural, heck I didn't believe in it until all this started happening to me. I feel like punching myself for even trying to see him. What was I thinking? I need to learn to control my emotions so I don't hurt him or anyone for that matter. I knew he was on the other end of Evan's call though. I could hear him breathing but I had to lie, I want him to forget what I did. I need to find someone who can take away this memory from him. Is there anyone who could even do that? I gotta try and find someone to do it but where the hell do I start? I don't know anyone else like me or even anyone who knows about this kind of stuff. Well there is someone who might know... My uncle but I don't know where he is. It's been years since I last saw him. I need to find him and ask him about this. I just want to be with Craig without the temptation of ripping him apart.

"Tyler?!" a voice pulls myself out of my head. I look up to see Cartoonz looking at me with a worried expression. "Did you lose your keys or something?"

"Nah, was just... thinking." I reply. I pull the spare key out from under the mat and open the door but stop and realize that Cartoonz is still behind me. "D-did we have plans or something?"

"You asked for a lift to Mini's house? I told you I was coming to get you dude." he chuckles. "I can wait for you to pack your bags if you want. I'm in no rush."

I can't see Mini right now. I need to find my uncle. I need him to help me and I need to do this before I turn next.

"Actually... I can't go. I have to find my uncle. He's uhhh... I just need to see him before I go to Mini's. Sorry for making you stop but I'll shout you to lunch for the trouble next time I see you."

"I can help you look for him. Like I said, I'm not in a rush and we have plenty of time to get there. I have a friend who works at a police station. What's his name? He could help us with this kind of thing."

I immediately accept Cartoonz offer, giving him as much detail about my uncle. This will definitely speed things up and I could definitely get the help I needed right now so I can see Mini sooner then later.

Mini's POV

"Alright everyone this is Mariel, she's the one keeping me sane at the moment and..."

"Call me Maz!" she interrupts me. "You have no idea how much he talks about you guys, it's quite cute actually. Wish I had friends like that but what can you do when you live in a small town like this?"

Everyone greets her warmly and starts a massive chat at the pool tables. Lucky we're not busy otherwise Nik would be blowing his head off at her for not doing any work.

"Hey Mini, I gotta come clean to you for a second." Evan slides beside me.


"Remember how Cartoonz was coming up tonight? Well he was bringing Tyler with him..."


"...Well they aren't coming for a few more days now, he just text me saying he's helping Tyler with something but they'll be coming soon. He wanted to surprise you but Tyler wanted me to tell you that he was sorry?" he continues.

"I told you! I told you he was here last night!" I practically shriek out.

"You heard him before though, he's in Cali man." Evan replies in annoyed tone.

"He could of flown back home?"

"Only to come back the next day? I don't think so Mini..."

"I'm not crazy! I saw him. There's something strange going on. How could none of you seen him?! I hugged him... he hugged me. We talked about us but then I sort of started a small fight. Something happened and his eyes changed. They were like gold with brown in them Evan. He started squeezing my hand so tight that it felt like he was breaking my whole hand. That's what happened to my hand!  I ran away from him and that's when he showed up out of nowhere then disappeared into thin air after you asked what happened! How can you not believe me?!" I spit out so fast that I don't even know if he caught any of it.

He looks at me like I had just spoken another language to him.

"Mini, calm down. I don't know how many times I can say it. He was a state over. He was at home. I think you're seeing things man? Maybe you just had a few too many drinks?"

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