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stamp: 01.03.2016

Newt never said that he wanted to be involved in this club/ classy orgy/ strip club. All he needed was a job to pay off the buildup of student loans he had. It could have been anywhere; preferably something pertaining to the majors he was taking, business and computer science. But no, his roommate, Thomas, had heard him singing after he had gotten buzzed in their apartment. When Thomas told him about the event, Newt found himself silently cursing his Irish ancestors for not passing down their tolerance for alcohol that they were so famous for.

Newt was completely oblivious to his talent. All through high school, he only concentrated on school and FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). And eating peanut butter. Man did he love that shit. And One Direction. But don't tell anyone about the latter.

Anyways, people did question his British accent while he was competing, but it usually didn't matter because he was a badass at Business Management, Cyber Security, Economics, and Public Speaking. It helped him get into college. So did his 5.0 GPA.

Thomas offered him a job at his workplace, singing. Newt then began to question what his roommate's occupation was and why such a job would need a vocalist. Thomas just waved him off and agreed to tell Newt later. Newt hesitated at first, knowing that he should focus on his studies, even though he already knew everything. Thomas then mentioned that the annual pay would be six digits, sometimes borderline seven. Newt was hooked.

An hour later, Thomas took Newt to the bad part of town. Newt saw horrible things that he wished he could forget. The two boys then arrived in front of a building with the letters WCKD in unlit neon lights. It was a club.

Newt turned to look at Thomas skeptically. "I didn't know that you worked at a club."

"It's not a club," Thomas simply answered, "It's more of a classy underground orgy."

Newt's eyes widened in surprise, "You dragged me into what?"

Yet again, Thomas simply ignored him. "You'll be fine. You won't be the one that has to get dirty."

"Do you have to?" Newt found himself asking.

Thomas shrugged his shoulders. "Once in a while, but most of the time, I play keyboard for the bands. Now here's your uniform." Thomas pulled out a clothes bag from the backseat. Out of curiosity, Newt unzipped it, to reveal a mahogany, but slightly reflective, suit.

"You weren't kidding about the classy part," Newt muttered.

"No, I was not," Thomas replied, "Now let's go. We may be late." The two men got out of the car and went into the building. Newt found himself incapable of differentiating different colors. The room was dimly lit by blue and pink lights. It gave the place an incredibly eerie aura. The lobby was full of people, around fifty or so, and everyone was each in their little pocket of friends. Thomas dragged his roommate towards a group of about ten people. The first to greet the two people was a tall dark skinned man casually dressed in a dark V-neck and jeans.

"Who's the Greenie?" the stranger asked Thomas.

"He's the new singer who's replacing Ben."

"Does Jorge know?"

"Yeah," Thomas replied, "I called him a few minutes ago and he just said to bring Newt in."

"Odd name," the stranger commented, "My name's Alby." When Alby reached out his hand for Newt to shake, Newt instantly took it.

"Who are they?" Newt asked pointing at everyone else. He soon learned that Winston and Frypan were friends from high school. Winston was a tall scrawny Indian med-student whose parents would kill him if they knew he worked at WCKD, while Frypan was a broad African American man who had a love for cooking, and as a result, was a culinary student. Aris, Sonya, and Harriet were the best of friends. Aris was a pale dark haired boy with startling grey eyes who majored in literature, Sonya was a beautiful chemistry major with white blonde hair and a glittering smile, and Harriet was a dark skinned woman who had dreadlocks trail down her back and had plans to become a lawyer. Then there were two other girls, Theresa and Brenda. Theresa was a very beautiful girl with dark hair and piercing eyes. She was a psychology major. On the other hand, Brenda had a very boyish face, but beauty radiated off of her. Her dark hair was cut just above her ears. She wasn't in school and wanted to travel. Finally, there was Gally, a broad man who detached himself from the rest of the group. He was a Caucasian man with dark blond hair. He majored in architecture.

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