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Thomas had a problem. Actually, WCKD had a problem, but they were using their workers to solve the said problem. One of the few selected singers that they had had was gone. Ben, the singer, was scooped up by some big name music producer and offered a contract. Thomas couldn't blame Ben for taking the job, but that meant that vocal service was down a man. No one was willing to cough up a rest day to work. The singers couldn't be blamed for that either.

So, Thomas or someone else had to find a singer by tonight, or everyone's pay could be at risk. It was the only reason they had this job. No one sane would take it out of pleasure. It was almost completely unheard of.

All through his morning classes, he could only think about his dilemma. He blocked out all of his professors' lectures and was playing finger football with his classmate, Newt, because he knew every word of the textbook. He had met the blonde during his sophomore year of high school. Newt was a genius of some sort and had skipped his freshman year and still managed to withhold more than enough credits by the time the two of them graduated. He had a spectacular application to turn in, and was on the rode to graduate as magna sum laude. To top it all off, he had had enough time on his hands to figure himself out and come out as gay.

Newt had a photographic memory, like Thomas, but, Newt knew how to apply his knowledge, unlike Thomas. Also, Newt's memory was specifically linked to the other four senses of touch, sound, taste, and smell. The most prominent example is when Newt eats peanut butter, he begins humming One Direction songs. Thomas didn't know how it worked, nor cared.

Now, he and Newt were roommates. Even though he knew everything, Thomas found Newt doing scholastic activities, such as reviewing notes for lectures or typing up an article on the state of the economy for some business magazine. It was shocking really.

By noon, the two of them were heading back to their apartment.Then Thomas remembered that he had a meeting with some of his colleagues. He and Newt then parted ways. Thomas found himself on the familiar path towards the fountain in the middle of the large nearby park. When he arrived, Theresa, Winston, Frypan, and Alby were already there. For some reason he did not know, Thomas relaxed as he saw Theresa smile at him.

"Brenda's running late because she was held back by her professor," Theresa explained, " And Gally's working on an architectural project with a group and cannot ditch. But he assured me that he had absolutely no luck finding someone to fill Ben's position."

"And Min?"

Theresa shrugged. When he looked at everyone else, they muttered, "I don't know"s or "Not sure"s.

"Oh," Winston began, "Harriet and Sonya are right behind you."

Thomas turned around and waved at the two women. They mirrored his actions.

As Harriet and Sonya were sitting down at the fountain, Gally and Brenda were having a footrace to the fountain. Brenda won.

"Ha!" she said with a large grin, "I told you I'd win." Then she stuck out her tongue. Thomas couldn't help but smile.

Gally rolled his eyes and gave her a five dollar bill.

"We thought you weren't showing up," Frypan said.

"I got the meeting time wrong, shank. But that means I only have fifteen minutes. Now, where's Minho."

"HERE!" yelled Minho. Everyone turned to look in the direction, seeing him in sweatpants and struggling to pull a plain white t-shirt over his head. The shirt temporarily blinded him and he ran into a tree. He instantly fell, but stood up. Winston and Frypan were laughing and were using each other as support to stop themselves from collapsing into the fountain. But that failed miserably. Frypan, not thinking about finding some type of support for himself, fell into the fountain, bringing Winston in with him. That was when everyone, including the usually straight faced Gally, burst into fits of giggles or laughs.

Minho finally got to the group, embarrassed by his stupidity.

"So, any luck with the singer?" Alby began. Not surprisingly, everyone shook their heads to confirm their lack of luck. He sighed.

For some reason, it was then that the thought of Newt came to mind. Last night, Thomas was able to pull Newt out of his little bubble of education and what Thomas thought to be utter boredom. The two of them were lounging on the couch when it happened. They were drinking beer and casually discussing basketball. Actually, Newt was trying to fascinate Thomas with algorithms that explained the ideal shot as a rebound, free throw, a three pointer, and even a simple jumpshot. Yes, Thomas did understand every word that he was saying, but it didn't make it anymore interesting.

Then Newt started to sing. It was probably because Newt was drunk. Very drunk. Thomas had never heard his roommate sing, ever. Through high school, he had seen Newt encased in his schoolwork and his study materials for the business club where he was now a prominent speaker and figure. Anyways, he began singing some rock song by Panic at the Disco. He had an interesting voice. It was rough and throaty, but in a good way that's soothing. It was beautiful. It was perfect. It was just what they needed.

Thomas took in a deep breath. He didn't know if he would be able to convince himself into bringing Newt into this lifestyle. He was still pretty pure, and hell, was probably still a virgin. Thomas felt that it would be wrong to bring him into this. But yet again, a little exposure may help him.

As he felt two conflicting voices in his head arguing, Thomas payed no attention to Alby waving his hand in front of his face.

"Hey, Thomas," Alby started, "You've been out for the last few minutes. I asked if anyone had any ideas."

Thomas then made his choice.

"I don't have an idea, but I do have something better."

heeeey peoples.
so how do you think thomas's idea is going to end?
well may i just say, there will be minewt in the next chapter.
i hope you liked this little prologue. it's not that good, but it will give a sense of what is to come.
i'm verrry tired now. i need to sleep.
i hoped you liked it.
next chapter will come as soon as possible.
bye. :)

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