I ran to my room and threw myself in to my bed, with my face in to my pillow as I cried some more. I could hear my father on the phone with the police to report to incident. It was all my fault. I'm stupid. I didn't use my brain. I should of. But I didn't.
I lifted my stained face up off my now damp pillow and looked at my locket for a few seconds before opening it. I still can't believe it. She's gone. On my birthday... Why on my birthday? I don't understand life.
My phone got a text...
Connor: Hey. Wanna hang out with Sebastian, Nova, Joy, and I? We're at the park a few blocks from the school...
I read that and got a small smile.
Me: Sure. Be there in 5.
I grab my hoody walk down stairs,"Dad, I'm going out." I say before closing the front door all the way.