John Cena x Donald Trump Part 1

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Johnald Trena

Another day in the ring, wrestling, pounding, beating up any opponent put in front of him.

"Watch out! Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!"

No shirt, sweat dripping. It was just a boring old day. Well, it wasn't really boring. It was just the same every day of his life. "Invincible! Incredible! Unstoppable!" all of T.V said. The internet? Loved him! He was one of the most popular guys around. The fight was destined to be done soon.

1! 2! 3! He's out!

The opponent dressed in corny bright colors lay panting on the ground like a dog, defeated by the fists of the adored wrestler. The winner was named John Cena. He was always the champ at everything he did. He was a wrestler, and actor, and a hip-hop artist. How could his fame get even bigger? He was a resident of Florida with its sunny beaches and all that stuff. And Alligators. He might've killed a few in his life, but that's not important. Anyways, the conclusion of the match was followed with screams of joy and oohing and ahhing of the people in the audience. Lights flashed above Cena, making his sweat shine around him like magic. One shout seemed louder than the others. A shout that seemed familiar. Before turning around, John Cena lifted his hands into the air and shouted into the audience. The screams grew for a moment.

"Wooo! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!" shouted the coach as he climbed over the barrier between the audience and the wrestlers. The coach walked up next to him and grabbed John's fist. John Cena looked down into his coach's weird sunglasses at his sexy reflection.

"You did great, bro!" The small man said, smacking John on the back. John laughed, not really paying attention. He was looking for the person with the loud screaming. He looked around at all the people with signs and such. They all rooted for him. The coach was still trying to get John's attention, but he was too short for John to notice. Suddenly, the screams escalated even louder. The voice over the intercom spoke again, but it wasn't about wrestling.

"Tonight, on this night of fury, we welcome the next president of Americaaaaa!" John Cena looked around a bit more. Cena jumped out of the ring with a quick leap and onto the red-carpeted floor. He hoped it was going to be Hillary Clinton. A few fake air horn noises echoed around the circular auditorium before the people on the intercom started talking about how "great" Trump was and all that crap. God. It's Trump. He thought as he saw the weird man smiling and waving into the audience, being all full of himself as usual. The stubby coach jumped down as well, but he couldn't keep up.

*imagine "The Time is Now" playing as Trump walks in slow motion*

John Cena high fived a few fans in the audience before going up to Donald. Trump laughed for a second as they stood in front of each other.

"Big fan of you, John. Biiig fan." John Cena smiled awkwardly. He was shirtless... in front of the "President". It was a bit weird for him. John hesitated at first, but then he shook Trump's hand. A fan tried to run up to Cena, but a security guard pushed him away.

"This is really, um... a treat!" Donald Trump was a big wrestling fan and he was in front of one of his idols, the John Cena. Donald's hair was a bit weird as it normally was. John couldn't even look at it. Donald leaned in close to Cena.

"I'll pay you $500,000 dollars to make a commercial for me." Trump whispered in excitement

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm a bit tired, Trump. No time." John said to avoid any more talk, but he was unsuccessful. Donald kept on talking.

"Come on! Can we at least take a picture together in the ring?" Trump said a bit angrily at John. John felt threatened by this.

"I told you! I don't want any commercials or pictures!" John flashed back hotly. Trump was really angry now and the cameras were closing in. Trump looked straight into one of the cameras.

"If I become President, I am banning John Cena from ever wrestling again!" There was a loud boo from the audience.

"What? No! You know what? Screw you!" Trump cringed at the word. A sour taste filled both of their mouths.

"You wanna do it don't you, Cena? You wanna screw me don't you?" John's face reddened. "$5,000,000 for you if we bang." Trump said, smiling creepily. John thought for a moment. 5 million bucks for one bang? Nah. It was Donald Trump. He would never bang some 70 or something year old dude.

"Nah." John began to turn around, but Trump grabbed his hand.

"5 million if we make out in the closet?"

John Cena told the cameraman to stop filming them. The cameraman turned toward the fans. Once the cameras were off them, John grabbed Trump by his tie and walked from the auditorium and through the halls.

"John, I knew you would agree." Trump devilishly mumbled as the two of them stood in front of the janitor closet. The halls were silent outside of the darkness of the closet. It was only them. John didn't want to kiss at first, but then their lips crashed together anyways in a flurry of awkwardness.

Twist. Twist. Twist. Slobber. Twist. Lick.

It was messy. Trump's kiss was fidgety and slobbery like a goat having a seizure. Donald occasionally licked John Cena's face, so John tried to repay him by licking Trump as well.

"John? Where are youuu?" called the coach of John Cena aimlessly searching the halls after he saw the presidential candidate being dragged away by him. The sound of the stubby man's calls couldn't be heard from inside the closet. The coach slowly walked past a that certain closet in a hurry, but strange mumbling and rustling noises emerged from inside. He paused and slowly turned towards it.

"Jawn! I-I wuv wew suuuu munch!" said a voice from inside. A strange thought lit up in the coach's mind. John's probably making out with some girl. But he already has a partner...maybe Nikki came? He walked toward the door. He flung it open.

"Nikki Bella! Nice to meet you here! You are such a cute coup-" He gasped at the horrid sight. Spit was everywhere, Donald Trump leaning close to John Cena's chest with their arms around each other. They were a tangle of sweat and body odor. The coach immediately backed away from the monstrosity. John slowly put his hand to the door knob and closed it.

"Marry me, Trump!" John Cena stopped making out for a moment, looking deep into the old man's eyes.

"But you already have a partner, Johnny poo!" Trump whispered, concerned and disappointed.

"We can change that, Trumpy." John responded with a tone as sweet as honey, and then they both began to kiss again in a tsunami of drool. How would their lives every be the same again after this day?

(Possibly continued??? Comment if you want more o' this crap. I wanna make an x reader, but I need help deciding the people involved. So... taking suggestions! I know this is the weirdest story ever so far and I hope you didn't die while reading it because I did, and I wrote this. It took me so long because I was watching John Cena wrestling videos and I needed a few seconds to stop and breathe every couple of minutes because I was suffocating. Bob the Builder x Dora will be continued too, so don't you worry. What am I doing with my life...)

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