John Cena x Donald Trump 2

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There was a knock on the door. Nikki looked up from her laptop. She was looking up recipes for holiday cookies on Pinterest. She gently set her laptop on her big fuzzy chair and walked over to answer the door.

"John! Nice job last ni-" she stopped mid-sentence and cocked her head. "Um... John? Who's this?" She stared confused at the blonde-haired man and her boyfriend.

"Nikki, we need to talk."John Cena said lovingly to his soon to be ex. He pushed his way past her and into the house, Donald silently following. John Cena moved his girlfriend's computer and sat in the chair. He offered Donald to sit next to him in the chair to the left. Nikki stood in front of them. Cameras and shouts began to sound from outside. Nikki looked around in confusion.

"D-Donald Trump?" Nikki whispered with a confused face. "John, what happened?"

"Well, we wanted to talk about a wall between you and my new boo's relationship." Donald Trump said quickly. Anger flashed behind his wrinkly eyes.

"John! What is this?" Nikki looked at her boyfriend with a confused and concerned tone in her voice.

"We are... breaking up, Nikki." John Cena looked at his feet and then at Donald. Donald's lips looked like a fish's, so they looked really weird. Cena didn't care. Donald Trump was his bae now. Nikki watched them stare lovingly at each other.

"Are you in love with him, John?" Nikki said in disgust. It couldn't be true, could it? Just the thought of them having... It just made her want to puke. Her boyfriend's response shocked her.

"Yes. We're breaking up with our partners. Trump already broke up with his wife." Cena responded slowly and dramatically. She immediately smiled and put her hand into her pockets. Nikki pulled out her phone and started calling someone.

She began speaking to another man over her iPhone. "Yeah. Okay. We broke up, sweety. He's gay." Nikki laughed into her phone to the other person.

"Nikki! You were cheating on me!?" John Cena stood up and loomed over his girlfriend.

"Yeah, booyyy. Now get outta ma house. Snoop Dogg is movin' innn!" Nikki felt as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She didn't have be to be the one to start the break up. John did it for her. Donald Trump stood up and looked at John Cena's face. A tear fell from John's face and onto the fluffy, white carpet as he looked at Nikki's eyes. Donald Trump leaned up to his lover's face and whispered into his ear.

"Typical woman." He said angrily. Nikki Bella turned toward the ugly old man. An angry cringe crept onto her pretty face. Donald Trump didn't react at all. Nikki ran toward him as she screamed bloody murder. She tackled him, punching him, pulling out chunks of his hay-like hair. Donald Trump screamed weakly as he flailed around on the floor.

"You d***!" she screamed over and over again. Donald continued to scream as well until John picked Nikki up and flung her out the window toward the cameramen and the paparazzi peeking in. Broken glass was everywhere. Donald sat there on the floor with tears and sweat all over him. The fight was done now.

"John... you saved me!" Donald Trump was then picked up in John's arms and held tightly as they kissed. This was true love of course. John felt it. Donald felt it. John Cena kicked the door open with Donald in his arms. Donald's head was pressing against John's pecks. They felt like pillows. They both flew through the night, their mysterious silhouette flying in front of the moon. Before they disappeared into the night, John Cena turned around to see his dead girlfriend on top of a dead paparazzi member in the front yard. There was blood everywhere and glass also. A man in the crowd spotted them flying away.

"There they are! And his name is John Cena!" The man pulled out a large gun and the bullets flew towards them. John Cena wasn't quick enough. The bullet struck Donald Trump's shoulder and passed through John's side. They fell from the sky and landed upon a tree. Trump passed out in John's arms.

Before he passed out, he whispered "Make America good again." A tear fell from John Cena's cheek as he watched Donald Trump go into a coma. He killed his girlfriend. He was an outlaw now. They needed to run from society. Otherwise, they would be in grave danger. As John Cena thought, he stroked Donald's hair and then they pressed each other's foreheads against one another's. They would have to hide away from everyone else. Together. Forever. Life was about to get way harder for them. Donald wouldn't be able to be elected President. He would be suspected of murder. They both would. As usual, it was weird.

(I did not realize how disturbing this was until I read it over. God help me. Part 3 is coming tomorrow. I promise you. Dora might take a while though. And like last time, I want to make an x reader in here. Suggestions. I'm going to make it weird of course. Bye. I hope this either creeped you out or made you laugh.)

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