Chapter 3: Airport

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Sarah's P.O.V

Arabella fell asleep. I feel bad for Arabella. She's has a rough life. Lives with her druggy sister and had to live with strange people who she doesn't even know. Her parents randomly died when she thirteen. I've offered her to live with me but she wants to earn her own money I guess. To each their own.

We stop by Chris and Melody's house since they are sisters. They come back out crying and they have two bags each. "What's wrong" I ask. "We are just sad because we have to leave our mom and dad" Chris says. I nod in response. Stan starts to drive back to my house. Once we get home I wake up Arabella. She groans and gets up. She grabs her bag and goes up to my room. She flops on my bed and falls back to sleep. I pack all the stuff I want for the next 7 months. I pack my new cloths, my passport, my laptop, phone and my chargers. I change my cloths and hop into bed next to Arbella. "Goodnight" I say softly. I fall asleep thinking of what will happen tomorrow.

Arabella's P.O.V

I wake up about 5:45am.  The manger thought it would be a good idea to go early into he Morning so not so many fans would be there. Which is probably wrong since fans are dedicated. Everyone else is already awake and ready to leave for the airport. I change my clothes from yesterday. I put on a pair of black leggings, a over sized sweater and a pair of tan boots. I don't bother brushing my hair and just put it in a messing bun. I brush my teeth and grab my bag. I make sure I have my phone charger and iPhone which is the original iPhone. I go down stairs to see Sarah, Chris and Melody already to go. We walk to a white van. I climb in to see Stan. "Are you ready" he asks sadly. "Yeah let's go" Sarah says. I put my headphones in and fall asleep.

I wake up to hear screaming. I jump and I hit my elbow on the side of the door. "Ow" I moan. I turn my head to see Melody waving to the thousands of fans outside of the van. "Rated X, Rated X, Rated X" is all I hear. I can't believe how many people actually listen and appreciate our music. We pull up to the gate and security pull apart the fans so we can get out of the van. Sarah is the first one out of the van and the fans scream. I mean Sarah is the prettiest out of all of us. She has long blonde hair and brown eyes. She tall, thin and tan. Chris is the next one to get out. Chris has pretty green eyes and short black hair. She's shortish and thin. She is also tan. Then Melody gets out. She is tallish and is pale. She has medium length brown hair, Brown eyes. I on the other hand has Purple short hair, Blue eyes. I am short and some what thin and pale as hell. I see why everyone would love them.

I finally get out of the car. "Hey Arabella" someone squeaks. "Who said that" I ask. A little girl about 14 raises their hand. I walk over to her. "Hi, what's your name" I ask her. "Crystal" she says  "Can I take a picture with you" she asks. "Sure" I say as I pull out my phone. I take a picture with her and I ask her what her twitter is. She tells me and I follow her and tweet her the photo. "Thank you " she says. "Your welcome" I say as I hug her. I walk through the gate and next to the rest of the girls.

We walk through security and everything else.  "Flight 184 is now allowing passengers to aboard the plane" the lady behind the desk say. We all walk towards the plane. "Its about to happen, our dream is actually happening" Sarah says. "What if this was just a one big joke, like Impractical Joker's" I laugh. Melody slaps my arm. "Don't joke like that" she says sternly. We all find our seats. I sit next to the window. I put on my sit belt. The place takes off. I take a quick photo if the sun rising. I post it on Instagram and twitter. I already have over thousands of likes and comments. I put in my head phones and just look out of the window.

Hey there. I'm writing this at 5:50am so I'm sorry if there is any miss spelling errors, I'm to lazy to fix it. Also I never been on a plane so I don't know how any of that stuff works. But if it's wrong just go with the flow. Okay thanks love you bye.

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