Lavander, cinnamon & summer weddings.

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**A/N bad day. Please read vote & comment.**

<< 1842, England >>

I swallow the alcohol. It burns my throat. The bartender serves me another round. "Mr. Thomas... I know this may seem... unusual but I... I... like..." What am I thinking I couldn't possibliy go through with this charade. Duke Parker would murder me or have me hung if he learns that I'm in love with his son! I gulp down the glass before me, my fingers shake & eyes brim with tears of frustration. "One drinks that much for 2 reasons it's to either kiss a girl or to kill a man! So tell me James, which one is it?" asks the thick Bolton accent which has oft caused my heart to stop & for me to blush like a common maid. "Actually it's to kiss you" I think turning to look at him. In his suit he looks like royalty. Maybe it's because he is in fact royalty. Being the duke's son his blood is as blue as ink. In the pub filled with commoners Mr. Thomas stood out like a rose among thorns. I sigh shaking my head. I shall not let him turn me into a common love stuck poet! "Mr.Thomas! What are you doing here?" I hiss clutching the bar for support. "I wanted you." he says looking around his nose wrinkled in disgust. "Not like I want you." I mumble. "Whats that James?" he asks. "Nothing, sir. Surely you know better than to come here looking for me." "Apparently not my dear fellow!" He says spreading his arms laughing at his own joke. I smile at him. His laugh never failed to delight me on my darkest days. "Now. Follow me James. You must come with me to the pub Bavarian. I hereby forbid you from coming to this dump." He says dragging me by my coat whilst tossing 5 pounds at the frowning bartender.

*The morning after*

I groan as I wake up my head felt as though a bullet was wedged in it. I look around I was lying in bed. Argh. I try to focus my vision. I find my self staring at Duke Parker I'm jolted awake. A painting. I breath a sigh of relief. Oh thank godness. Wait. I look around to see Mr.Thomas in the arm chair next to the book rack. I feel my coat pockets for my pocket watch. It was 9 o'clock. " Mr. Thomas! Wake! Wake!" I say shaking him gently. He groans opening his wide brown eyes. He smiles at me. My heart soars. He isn't just handsome. He is beautiful. No maid will ever compare to him. After he's dressed for the races we run down the hall. We hear Lady Katniss. He makes a face, & pulls me into the broom closet & shuts the door. Face to face our bodies were up against eachother. He smelled of the cinnamon scent imported from Ceylon. His breath hits my face. My mouth waters. My heart beat quickens & by blood is pumped with animalistic lust. I wanted to touch him. To feel him against me. To love him . I feel my face redden. He grins like a fool whilst listening through the door. I too automatically grin back. Nothing makes me happier than the sight of him enjoying himself. When the coast seems to be clear we exit the closet & run to the stable. Saddling our horses we ride to the race grounds. As wind blows in my face all I can think of is the feeling of our bodies pressed together, his breath on my face & the perverted thoughts I have about him invade my mind almost making me fall off my horse. As I grip the reins I realize how I've lost myself to him. I'm his & his alone.

*That night*

It was the dead of night when Duke Parker, Thomas & I returned after hunting with Duke Maximillian . Mrs. Pickerings was drawing water for the baths. I help her to carry the water. "Oh bless you James! You are such a precious lad!" she says touching my face. I carry the water to the wooden bath tub in the middle of the bathroom. Thomas hated the porceline tub for it was in his point of view too shallow & impersonal. I empty the last pail of water into the tub & look around. I lit the lavander candle above the sink. The smell of lavander spread across the emtire room. He loved the smell of lavander As did I, for it was during the lavander fair 10 years ago that I confessed to myself my feelings towards Thomas. He had been 14 & I 12. When he had held my hand to drag me through the lavander I knew that I loved him more than a brother or friend he was my soul mate. Our differences in wealth & prestidge never bothered him. The fact that I was his father's servant's son never kept him from treating me like one of his own. Though covered in mud & sweat the light hint of cinnamon enters the room with him. The lamp glowed illuminating the entire room. Giving it a gold light. Tom's body & bath robe glow under the golden glow of the lamp making him look god like. He enters in his bathrobe. "Oooh. My body hurts!" he whines. " The last fall was pretty brutal. Are you sure you're alright?! I think it'll be best if the doctor takes a look at it, sir." "James. We have been friends since before time itself. Please I'm begging you to call me Thomas atleast when we're alone. I do hate it when you call me sir. You aren't just some common servant & I am not my father. I have no intention of being so either. Hell. Maybe I can run away with you. We could live a bachelor's life." he says walking up to the lavander candle. "That sounds wonderful, Thomas!" I say before I could stop myself. He looks at me startled. I blush. Oh no what have I done? I curse my heart. "I'm sorry sir Thomas..." "Again with the Sir?! Stop it James. Or I too shall call you sir!" he says "Now James if you don't mind could you help me take off my robe, please? My arms hurt." he says looking up at me through his long eyelashes. I gulp moving towards him. My heart beats in my ears whilst I pull the sash tied into a bow in front of the robe. He shrugs, the robe slids down his shoulders as I try hard not to pass out. The robe falls to the floor. I realize that I had been holding my breath. I try not to look at him in all his glory & look away as indecent thoughts take over my mind arousing me. Thomas gets into the tub. "Stay." he says as I turn to leave. I pause at the door & reluctantly stay for I could never disobey him. I've loved him for more than half of my life. I take off my coat and fold it so not as to leave a cease & sit on the stool by the tub. We sat in silence. Thomas's arms were draped on the sides of the tub. My back was to the tub. His finger tips grazed my hair but neither of us moved away. He takes a deep breath. "James. There is something you need to know." he says his voice which normally has a confident air to it breaking with emotion. My blood runs cold. I face him to find his lower lip trembling holding back a sob. My heart quickens in fear & worry. "I am to marry lady Katniss Crowley. Father had already arranged the wedding. It is to be taken before the end of summer." he says. The moment the words "I am to marry" escapes his mouth I feel as though my heart had been broken into a million peices. My eyes water & as does his. "No! Please!" I choke out before I could stop myself. Hot tears stream down my face. Thomas leans back. He placed his left hand over his eyes to hide the tears running down his face. I touch his bare arm. Blue eyes meet brown. I run my hand over his arm right up to his shoulders. I was on his right. I grabbed his right arm with mine whilst holding his shoulder with my left. I broke down in sobs & pleas. My life would bare no meaning. I really could not picture a life without him. My best friend, my life, my love. He leans it holding my head & stroking my cheek. Our faces were mere inches apart. He pulls me by the front of my shirt & brings his lips to mine. Our lips press together. They break apart. We stare into eachothers eyes. His were red & puffy from the tears as were mine. We kiss. Our mouths open our tounges collide. My body goes rigid with desire for him. We kiss passionately. I kiss him like I had always wanted to like I had always dreamed & fantasized about. Thomas unbuttons the first two buttons of my shirt. Could he want what I had wanted the moment I started craving for him sexually. Thomas's brown eyes look at me in way that I had never seen him look at anyway. I unbutton my coat vest & shirt. I stand undoing my belt quivering with excitement. I take off my riding boots & let my pants fall to my ankles. Brown eyes stare at my exposed body as I get into the huge wooden tub. The water level raises as I do. Thomas puts his hand on mine pulling me towards him. I straddle him. With my bent legs on either side of his body I kiss him yet again running a hand over his chest while the other tangles in his hair. I feel my-self getting more & more aroused by the feel of him inside my mouth & the feel of his body against mine. I harden. My erect penis presses against his chest. His presses against my behind arousing me more. I moan into the kiss. I hover over his erection & slowly lower myself on to him sending him deep into me. A cry of pain escapes my mouth. I thank my stars for it being the dead of night so that everyone was asleep. He moans with pleasure. That moan makes me move up & down on him disregarding my pain & discomfort. As I get used to the sharp pain I start to let lust take over my actions. I push my arms down on his shoulders lifting my body up & bringing my self down on him with a force. His hands grip my hips lifting me & pulling me down hard. Waves ripple the water as I slam down on Thomas's erection. Thomas lets out a shout of pleasue. My mouth moves from his mouth to the bridge of his nose & back down to his lips as I move up & down. "Uh. Uh. Oh. Thomas!" I say keeping my forehead on his turning my head to the side. "James! I love you more than anything. I want you. I...I... Oh. Ja-a-mes!" He shouts at the top of his lungs. It was a miracle noone came in with a gun pointed at us. He touches me. Moving his hand up & down my length fast. He rubs my balls with his hands lifting me higher & bringing me down harder. The feel of the man I have had loved inside me was too much to bear. I yell his name biting down hard on his shoulder. He comes. Shooting his load into me. "I love you too, Thomas." I whisper.

*2 months later*

{ If I had known that that was the last time I would kiss him. I wolud have never stopped. Thomas was sent away to visit Lady Katniss then very next day & I hadn't seen him since. How long must he visit het? It has been almost 2 months.} I sweep the floor when suddenly there is a knock on the door. I open the door. 'James! My man! Guess who came back for you! I promised we would run away remember?!" says a Bolton accent speaks. I engulf the man I love in a huge hug.

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