Saving me

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**A/N Hi guys! To everyone who commented and voted thank you. I love y'all. Seriously. Alot of you guys offered to listen and thank you for that because it means the world to me. I just didn't feel like talking but thank you so fucking much for caring enough to offer. Something amazing happened. HAHAAAA OH MY FUCKING GOD TW TWEETED ME!! on the 23rd of september "hey you keep strong and keep smiling x ." Best day ever. So for those of you who care I'm doing...o.k I suppose. I still don't know what I'm gonna do or where I'm going from here but...yh. Love is patient love is kind so hopefully someone out there loves me and I'll find that someone soon enough to help me, support me and give me the strength I need. This is like a IDK preview maybe of LovelyTeaTW's prompt (cinderella themed) I watched Gret Gatsby which was sorta the root for the inspration so yh please tell me wha you think. If it gets atleast 8 votes and 3 comments (from 3 different people! :p) I'll update. Again I love you guys thank you for caring.**

Fortune. In it's alluring deceitful ways beckons many of us who are foolish enough to fall for it. The lifestyles. The fame. The comforts. In the prime of fortune & fame is the man of the hour. The man with fortune of both inheritance & good looks. Thomas Anthony Parker of Bolten, England. The Parker parties were grossly over funded. With the finest champanes, crystal glasses, world famous performers & even fireworks (which are incredibly rare in 1830, England) his parties were the place to be. Living right next door to the mansion which spreads over acres & acres of land I oft see hordes of priviledged individuals hustle through the gates in their grand auto-mobiles. No invitation was needed to enter the party only social status mattered. It was not the money or the alcohol or the women that lured me into the mansion. It was him. With his dark eyes & poised confident frame he beckoned me to him. With every speech that he made during his charades, clicking on the champane glass as the music stops. With his confident almost arrogant voice of wisdom, he spoke. Although only 25 he memorized all of the party goers both young & old & of course me (I listened over the perfectly cut hedge restricted in my room or the porch.) With those words of wisdom & confidence he seduced me. And I Jay McGuinness fell hopelessly in love. 

It was the fall of 1845 that resulted in our meeting. I was wiping the windshield of my father's car which he gave to me the week before. The hoots of laughter distracted me from it. I turned my head in time to see girls clad in bikinis & head scars waving at me. "Yoohoo! Hey cutie! C'mon over!" they say giggling. I blush a deep red. "Stop embarrassing the poor lad!" said a lad of about 23 or 24 wrapping his arms around the giggling gorgeous girl. "No. No. I'm quite alright." I say hurriedly glancing at the door worried that my step mother would see me fraternizing with them. She never approves of me talking with anyone. I don't know why I even hang around here. Perhaps it's my longing of a family. "I insist." the girl says swaying up to me, her sheer dress blowing revealing her bright red bikini. I turn away blushing. A lad with light brown hair runs up behind her throwing his arm round her as to mark his territory. The platinum band on his wedding finger matches that of her's which had the biggest diamond I've ever seen. "Come." she says extending her hand to me. "My step-mother will see." I whisper. She glances towards the house. "I'll be back..." she whispers looking at me questionly. "Jay." I whisper staring into her brown eyes. "Jay." she repeats moving backwards towards their car.

* The next day* 

I lift the heavy case of wine. "Put that on the basement, Jay. When you're done with that go clean the stables." I sigh quietly before replying "Yes mam." My step sisters crackle as their mother touches the string of pearls around her neck. I frown clutching the case my fingers shake as anger pumps through my veins. They were my mother's. How could my father just give them away? There is a knock on the door. She nudges her chin towards it. I clear my throat & pull it open. The man at the door lifts his hat revealing... him. Thomas Parker in the flesh. My heart beats against my chest. My jaw drops open in shock. Someone peeps from behind him. I see the oh-so familiar brown eyes. The girl from yesterday. She winks & waves at me as her husband walks up smiling. "Mr. Parker! Mr & Mrs.Tomlinson! Well hello! Jay move!" says my step mother as I shuffle out of the way when she & her daughters push me aside. He removes his right glove to shake my step-mother's hand clutching the removed glove in his left. "I'm actually here to extend an invitation..." Thomas says in the confident voice that he always talks in. I stare at him with my mouth open mesmerized by him & his simple words. "Oh the honour is ours!" says my step mother. "Ehem... it's actually to Jay McGuiness." Thomas states abruptly gesturing with the glove he held in his fist. Everyone in the room turn & stare at me. "Haha" my step mother lets out in surprise. "You. You can't be serious Mr.Parker! Jay is the help. Surely you wouldn't want him as a guest!" says Eleanor running a freckled hand through her curled hair. "I'm as serious as I could be, miss." My knees shake & a chill runs through my entire body. "Would you come tonight?" he asks me his beautiful brown eyes burning into mine. I stare mezmerized. "James?! Say you'd come, darling!" says the gorgeous half of the Tomlinsons as her husband raises an eyebrow urging me to say yes. I nodd too shocked to respond. "Brilliant. That is all for now. I'll be off. So pleased to have met you." says Thomas already halfway down the porch & past the garden. Like an unexpected cyclone they dissappear as quickly as they appeared. We all stand as we are in shock and disbelief. That was the begining of the rest of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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