Twisted Part 2 ~ Breaking out~

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*A/N lemme know what you think. Got a lil crappy at the end...SORRY!!! :(. Anyhoo Marcus if you're reading this...babe our soul mates are out there. So hang in there. We will find people worth breaking out of our closets for. But until then Sir. Marcus ... we have narnia. Love Haria. xxxx p.s vote & lemme kno what you think** *

*2 months since Tom's return.*

Tom Parker 's tounge was deep inside my throat . His hard buldge rubs against mine through our boxers making me moan loudly forgetting where I was. He jumps away from me to the foot of my bed. Wrapping himself in the sheets. The door bangs open just as I turn to the side with my eyes slammed shut. "What the fuck is going on?" shouts Luke. Tom who jumped up as though awakened by the door opening says in shock "What? What's...? What's happening?". His acting was pretty damn impressive. I rubbed my eyes sleepily "Luke? Is that you?" I ask pretending to be confused. "Luke! What in the world is going on?" asks my mother running up to the door from their room downstairs. "I...They..." Luke shutters. "Shut the hell up!" shouts my twin brother Tom from Luke's room. "School tomorrow!" he shouts. My mother apologies to Tom, my best friend / lover that is, & drags Luke off shutting the door. "You almost screwed us over, mate!" whispers Tom crawling over to my end of the bed. "It's not my fault you're so damn sexy" I fuss. He grins widely at me. "How could I ever stay mad at you?" he says giving me a quick kiss before crawling back to the foot of the bed to sleep.

*Next morning (only a few hours after Luke's outburst)

I open the fridge to grab the milk as Tom chose a cereal. We sit down at the table. Me next to my brother Tom & Thomas (my bestmate) sat next to my sister Eleanor. "How are you this morning gorgeous?" asked Thomas. El giggled & blushed as he reaches towards her ear& tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. I frown jealous because he couldn't touch me like that in public . I can't believe I was jealous of my 12 year old sister but I was. Tom who was busy gulping down the cereal milk slammed the bowl on the table saying "Yo Tom. Whatsup?" "Nothing much, Tom. Whatsup with you?" asks Thomas. The 2 Toms grin widely as I shake my head. It was a stupid game they used to play. It drove Haria & I bonkers. Eleanor & mum laughb even dad break outs a smile. Luke walks in with Paul after their morning jog. Paul smiles widely at Thomas showing all of his teeth. "Oh! Our little Paul is growing up isn't he? How old are you young man?" Thomas asks. "11. I'm the captain of our footie team just like you were!" Paul replies delighted that he was being noticed by his idol. "Well done my lil man! I'm so proud. Soon you'd be in high school & playing all state games like I am!" Thomas says ruffling Paul's hair. "Let's hope he doesn't turn into a psycho like you." hisses Luke. "That's enough." says dad & my twin at the same time. My mum apologies to Thomas while I nod appreciatively at my twin for defending my bestmate . A very loud & very familiar horn bares. Damn it. If only it had been just a minute earlier! I grab my book bag & run out the captain door without a goodbye. Thomas shouts his goodbyes & thankyous as I drag him out the door without & into Haria's car. We get in the back because Louis was riding shotgun. "Hello boys!" says Haria looking at us through blue tinted sunglasses . "Hey!" I say surprised to see Louis was because he usually hitched a ride with Marcus. "Marcus's car broke down so here I am. He said he'll hitch a ride with his brother." We nod. " was the sleepover hmm?" teases Haria.


"Mar-mar!" Haria yells making the whole class turn & stare as she throws her arms around Marcus. "I told you not to call me that!" he says embarrassed but hugging back nevertheless . "But I do it anyway!" she says. Tom & Louis start talking about football. It has been 2 months since Tom has been back & he got in the team. Louis was the captain & popular so people didn't say push Tom around but the whispers & name calling never went away. As Tom gestures wildly explaining something to Louis I couldn't help but stare at Tom. At his lips, his beautiful brown eyes he was perfect. My gaze slips to a figure behind him whose eye I could feel on me. It was Arizona her mouth was turned down & eyes wide open. I must have looked love struck ,which I was with my eyes wide & gooey my mouth in a wriggly smile. She glared at Tom & looked away. Oh Shit. I looked at Haria to see if she had witnessed the exchange. Her widened eyes implied that she had.

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