Chapter 7: The Return Of Lucy Heartifila Part 2

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(In the train, Lucy's pov )
I sure miss the team. Wendy was depressed about her chest as Erza, Juvia(popped out of nowhere) and me sat with her while Lisanna sat with Natsu, Gray and Happy. Happy was faking his emotions. Poor guy.
I looked at the secenery as I thought about the job.

Job: Need help to move cargos in the harbour. 6000000 jews.
It is pretty simple. Erza, Juvia, Lisanna, Natsu, Gray and me could carry it. What about Wendy? I looked at Wendy. Nah, she can handle it.

"Dammit Natsu, Can't you control your motion sickness?" GRAY angrily said with both of his legs lift up.
"Do y-you w-want to f-f-fight? I feel s-s-sick. " Natsu replied. Then Natsu hurled, vomiting. "NOT THIS DIRECTION, YOU FLAME BRAIN!" Gray shouted. Like a miracle, the stuff that Natsu vomited didn't touch gray, instead they hover a bit before going outside from the window. Gray looked out from the window and saw the vomit is at the track, not moving. Suddenly, the train jerked forward, causing Gray to fly out. Instead of hitting his face to the tracks, he found himself hovering just 1 cm to the ground and he flew back to his sit. Gray was dumbstruck. "Did I just fly? Cool! I've gain an ability to fly!" Gray mentally cheered. Lucy giggled at the thought. Erza frowned at the scene. She looked at Lucy, who was reading a magazine,"Is that her power? It doesn't look like it is." She thought before dismissing it.

(Time skip to the harbour )
"Wah! So many cranes!" Natsu and Gray said with sparkling eyes. "We are not going to use that. I just talked to the person in charge. We are moving it to the red flag over there. Natsu, you and Happy take the north side, Gray west side, Lisanna and Juvia south side while Lucy, Wendy, Charle and I take the east side. Got it? Let's go." Everyone went off to their designated area. Gray created a huge ice slide to the red flag, and hover up to the top, pushing the cargos down. Natsu carried the cargo while Happy carried the smaller ones. Juvia use water to carried the cargo, Lisanna turned to a huge bird, carrying cargo. On the east side, there were a lot of smaller ones. Charle and Wendy carried them while Erza carried the big and heavier ones. Lucy contemplated what to do to her pile before using her telekinesis powers to carry them, along with Erza's and Wendy's to the red flag. Erza, Wendy and Charle was shocked.
"Its nothing. Anyway, we won! Natsu and Gray is our slave now!" Lucy devilishly said. They strolled to the Natsu and Gray sides. They were having a competition, glaring at each other. "We won!" Lucy said triumphly. "Nani? Since when you guys participated?" They chorused. "I did told you, in your head." Lucy faking hurt and pouted. "Huh? Wait you mean just now the voice -" Lucy nodded. "Kawaii." The only thought that ran through Natsu's mind when Lucy pouted. Lisanna and Juvia came back, confused. Lucy turned to the girls, "Girls, It is time for shopping! " Natsu and Gray groaned.

First, they went to the onsen to relax, then having a cake feast, followed by clothes shopping. Of course, Gray and Natsu's money paid all of them. They felt their money is getting emptier by a second. They were officially broke when they reached the guild. They quickly went to jobs to earn back. Lucy bought a baby blue dress and a white katana(just felt like buying) . Erza bought a few dresses, armours and swords. Lisanna bought a few clothing and shoes.
Juvia didn't bought anything, contented with Gray spending time with her. Wendy bought a cute outfit and a black arm band with fire design for Romeo.

Just then , the guild door opened........

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