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Luke's POV

Dani fell asleep in my arms. god i missed this while i was on tour. i miss being here with Dani. i missed us messing around, playing Xbox, or just simply playing our guitars and doing covers on YouTube as just the two of us.

"Luke, she can come with us, we are so sorry for over reacting, It's just, you never told us you had a sister let alone a hot one. oww!" i shot Calum a death glare as Ashton punched hi shoulder.

"Thanks Ash." i flashed him a smile because well i couldn't hit Calum myself cause Dani was still in my arms. Ash nodded.

"Hey! Im right here ya know!" Calum shouted causing Dani to flinch.

"Shut the hell up Cal. you can't yell, one shes still asleep, and two she hates yelling cause my dad would always yell at her, plus she was bullied throughout high school, so yelling at her is a no, so if you do I'm going to punch you in the face, even if you're my best friend or not." i shot back but i whispered it cause Dani is right on me.

"Anyways you can't date her, if you do i will still punch you in the face,if you hurt her you're dead, if she breaks up with you i will laugh at you because you couldn't get to second base even by a Hemmings. Deal?" i laughed a little referring to the second base part . they all nodded their head and Calum smiles. aw god i know that smile. He's gonna ask her out, watch it happen.

i stand up and take Dani upstairs to her bedroom, laying her down on her bed and leaving the room. i head downstairs to see all the guys on the couch and Calum has his face in his hands like he's embarrassed or blushing.

"Why is Calum like that?" I asked obviously laughing.

"Little Calum over there has a crushy wushy, on your wittle sister." Ashton spoke and I froze and my gaze trailed back over to Calum. He looked up and his gaze met mine and his head snapped down again.

"Caluuummmm....." I started but he started before I could say anything else.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, don't hurt her or I will kill you, don't brake up with her or I die, and if she breaks up with me you'll laugh at me, I know Luke, I was actually paying attention, unlike everyone else here. I always pay attention, yeah I know I dropped out of school but I'm not stupid." He spoke with his head still down.

"I wasn't going to say you were Cal. It's just befriend her before you ask her out, I wanna make sure first that she can trust you." After I said that Calum looked at me like he saw his idol. To be honest it was creepy, he somewhat looked like the Cheshire Cat.

"Cal, stop doing that is freaky. " I laughed and so did everyone else, even Calum.

"So you like my baby sister huh?" I knew the answer was going to be a yes but I want him to admit it.

"Uhh... Yeah." He smiled and so did I. So before I could say anything I heard a thud from upstairs and a loud groan. I laughed.

"What was that?" Are you stupid or something Michael?

"Dani. She fell out of bed. She does that a lot. Usually that's how I get her up. I throw her on the floor, and sense the floor is freezing in her room it wake her right up, so as of now Dani is awake. Ooo, I wanna play a video game." I smiled and I ran upstairs grabbed Dani and threw her over my shoulder knowing she wouldn't care and threw her into Calum.

"Ow! What the hell Luke?" She snapped with her eyes still shut.

"Aye, watch your language." I shot back laughing.

"You're not the boss of me jackass. I can say whatever the fuck I want."  She snapped and opened her eyes a little to see who I threw her on.

"Why the fuck did you throw me on Calum? Why didn't you just throw me on the empty part of the couch dumb ass?" She shut her eyes again.

"Ehh, you'll live. Hey Dannnii.." I stretched out like I was 5 or something.

"What do you want now Luke?" She was still laying on Calum and I didn't see him complaining. I ship them actually #Cali all the way.

"Wanna play me in Halo?" I smirked and a smile grew on her face with her eyes still shut.

"You mean beat you in Halo, like every other time we play Halo?" Oh my god, she brought up that she's better then me in video games, she's dead.

"Ugh sure, whatever lets just play then whoever wins plays Mikey." I state and she nodded and sat up in between Calum and Ashton. I turned on the Xbox and handed her the controller.

We started playing and before I knew it she was winning. Aw fuck.

"I win, like always. Hand the controller to Mikey." I scoffed and handed the controller to Mikey. He just smirked. Just wait that smirk will be wiped right off his face once he plays Dani. She's like a younger me but better at video games, sports, and well playing other instruments other the. The guitar, I dominate on guitar and plus she's a girl.

So once the game was close to the end we all decided to close our eyes to see who won. So I knew exactly who won after hearing this.

"Ha good job Mikey, but you lost, at least you're better then Luke, he's terrible, and plus at least you know how to aim." I opened my eyes and I scoffed.

"HEY! I know how to aim, it was the first time I played that I didn't know how to aim." I defend but everyone just laughed at me.

"Tell them what else do you do beside dominate at video games." I smirked and her gaze shot at mine. She mumbled ' I hate you ' but I knew she was kidding.

"I dominate in softball, soccer, basketball, dance, track, drums, and singing, and I play guitar." She smiled and the boys looked surprised and taken back.

"You have to prove to us you can play all of our instruments." Ashton challenged. Oh god, here we go again. To the basement that we have full of instruments that she CAN play.


Thanks for reading! ~ Lexi Damerell5️⃣🆘

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