✖️ 11 ✖️

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Luke's POV

I ran out of the hospital with tears streaming down my face. It's dark out and I started running away from the hospital knowing that all the boys would run after me. Sadly they did but I was so far ahead of them that I just kept running until I reached the destination I was always planning on heading too. It was the park the Dani and I would always go to as kids, we would go over by this one tree that I carved our names into, and we would talk things out. Weather if it were from school, to our parents, to us, we would just talk to each other just to comfort each other because being alone isn't the best feeling in the world. So I walked over to the tree and grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. I flipped on the flashlight so I could actually see the tree and I looked around the tree in search of our names. But once I found it I started crying. Next to our names was Dani's carving of the 5 Seconds of Summer symbol. She told me she added something to the tree but I never had time to see what it was. She supported me like no one else did, not even the guys. Like I love them like brothers and all and their pep talks always worked but eventually I would just think about all the pep talks Dani and I would give each other. She was smart. She understood a lot more then I did at her age. She helped me with a lot of problems weather it be from school, friends, or family. Even if I had a problem with her should wouldn't let me leave the room until things were solved. I love Dani so much. She's my everything right now. She was always the Hemmings' problem solver. Cause when mom and dad actually liked each other they would have fight sometimes but it was rare and when they did fight Dani would make them sit in the same room and they wouldn't be aloud out until they apologized and if they didn't Dani stepped forward and always helped them jump start the apology. So these thoughts ran through my mind for another half hour before someone found me, sadly it was Calum.

"Oh my god Lucas!" He screamed tackling me to the ground even though it was already sitting but he was now on top of me and I was laying on the ground.

"Ughhhh... Get off of me Calum." I snapped and he sat up which gave me the advantage to slap him.

"OW! What was that for?" He asked rubbing his cheek were I literally hit him.

"Don't mess with me while I'm upset, otherwise this will happen. If you came earlier I probably woulda beat the crap out of you." I answer truthfully standing up and putting my hand over our names as I traced them. Calum just stared at me like I was crazy.

"What the hell are you doing?" He laughed and I turned my flashlight on and showed him our names I carved along with the 5sos symbol Dani carved.

"Oh cool. Who carved the symbol?" He asked looking at it closely because well she did an amazing job at it, it almost looks like she hired someone.

"Dani carved it a couple of days before I left. I just didn't have time to come and look at what she carved until today." I answered not bother to look away from the symbol.

"Wow, she amazing at carving, when did this get carved?" He pointed to our names and I smiled.

"I carved that when I was 10. We were here and we would always come here to talk thing out so I carved it out to let everyone know that it was our tree. I still come here to clear my mind and everything, cause that's what Dani and I would do. We would talk out the problems even if they were to big or too small we would cover all of them before heading home. It was out thing." I smiled and a tear slipped down my face.

"You're talking like she's dead. She isn't dead Luke. She's in a coma. Those are very different things. One means that she will be in our hearts forever just not with us physically and the other means she's still alive but isn't physically reactive." I know this hurts him almost as much as this hurts me considering that he has this thing for her but hell I don't even care if they date, to be honest I'd be perfectly fine as long as he doesn't hurt her.

"This hurts you, huh?" I asked looking directly at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh as Justin Bieber's song "What do you mean?" Played through my head.

"What I mean is that I know you have this whole thing for Dani, and I can tell that this hurts you almost as much as this hurts me." He looked down before nodding. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. He responded quick enough to hold on to me as I felt my shirt get damp so when I looked down to see tears rolling down Calum's face. I pulled away from him to look at him directly.

"You don't need to cry, yes I know I cried earlier but I know Dani wouldn't want us to cry even though she isn't dead. She still wouldn't want us to cry." He nodded and wiped the rest of the years from off of his face and he let out a smile chuckle before he got his phone out and took a picture of the carvings on our tree. We eventually started to head back to the hospital with Calum telling me that that's where we would find Ashton and Michael. So we kept walked and walked until fully reaching the entrance of the place I joyed and dreaded so much at the same time. I joyed it cause it's keeping Dani alive but I dreaded it because Dani's still in it. So Calum and I walked into the waiting room to find Ashton and Michael fast asleep.

What time is it?

I looked at my phone to notice it was 2:46.

"Okay it's tomorrow I'm tired." I laughed and he joined in. We took seats next to Michael and Ashton and we both eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Thanks for reading!!❤️❤️
~Lexi Damerell5️⃣🆘

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