✖️ 14 ✖️

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Dani's POV

I woke up with the thing still over my face. I took it off and when I moved my arm I surprisingly didn't scream. I just looked around the room before standing up and walking away from the bed but once I turned around, the bed was gone. Like I was by myself in this dark area. So I decided to keep walking. I walked and walked so after walking and I got to this really funny looking door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge so I gave up and looked behind me. I found Calum with 3 girls just talking and laughing. I started to walk towards them but once I got close enough there was this glass wall in front of me. So I tapped on the wall to get Calum's attention and it worked. But not how I would've liked it too. He looked over to me and just laughed. The 3 girls who were now completely looking straight at me were laughing along with him. They then started to make fun of me. Saying that I should kill myself and that I was a big mistake. What hurt the most is that Calum was agreeing. Then Luke, Michael, and Ashton all walked up to Calum, when Luke saw me he smirked and walked over to me on the other side of the glass.

"Hey look it's my mistake of a sister. I don't get why you're still alive, you've been to the hospital so many times just go away, you were an accident, a total mistake." He laughed in my face and walked back over to the guys. What hurt most it that my brother would actually say something like that to me. Everyone was spitting mean things at me. Even Ashton and I thought he would never ever do that to me, but I guess I was wrong. they kept calling me names until I finally found something on the floor. It was a gun . Like an actual loaded gun. So I picked it up and held it to my head. I cocked the gun so it was ready to fire when I pulled the trigger, so when I had enough I surely pulled the trigger.

I woke up for real this time and looked over to find Ashton, Luke, Michael, and.... Calum...... All asleep on chairs in my room. I don't really wanna talk to him because that dream just felt so real, like it actually felt like that was real life and that was actually happening. But no. None of it was real, it was all part of my dream. That us the worst nightmare I've had in a really long time, but I just know someday that someone I truly care about will hurt me in a way that will hurt me so terribly bad. To be honest I want to know who will but I don't want to know what is going to happen. I want to figure it out for myself. I tried to move my arm but I couldn't bend it because it was wrapped. Like my whole arm was wrapped in some type of material. I guess this is their version of helping me, but I don't know. I pressed the button to my side to call a nurse in, so when she finally came in I asked her if I could go to the bathroom. So she had to help me out of the bed considering I just woke up from the general anesthetic. So she helped me up but I quickly recovered on how to walk to I thanked her and went into the bathroom. I had fear written across my face. It was so easy to see that I was terrified about something, so I washed my face and quickly went to the bathroom. But dragging a IV pole doesn't help either, it's just an obstacle in the way. It annoys the shit out of me, anywho I finished my business and walked out of the bathroom to find everyone asleep except for Ashton, who I'm assuming just woke up, considering he was past out cold just a few minutes ago.

"Aye hey, look at that. Sleeping Beauty is awake." I teased him as I hopped back into the bed. he smiled and laughed a bit before sitting up completely, and getting his phone out to look at something.

"Doesn't your family miss you? Like you've been with me for a while now." I had always wanted to ask that question but I never really had the time to do so, so now here I am, sitting on a hospital bed, talking to Ashton about his parents.

"Well they understand what's happening so I just text all of them, but I do miss Harry. He was my little buddy. Then I also miss Lauren cause she's my little sister. I miss her like crazy but then there's you. You're practically my other sister, so I'm going to be here for you when times get rough like right now." He smiled and I smiled and jumped off my bed not forgetting the IV pole and I jumped onto Ashton, attacking him into a hug. To be completely honest this boy is like another big brother I never had. I only had Luke and he did what he could and I appreciate it because even at his limit he tried to help more. Luke is my idol and he will always be my idol. You can't forget about someone you love just because they leave for a couple months because in reality if you love something you have to let them go, and if they love you back they will find their way back to you no matter what. Luke has always been that way, and that way he shall stay. I'm glad Luke came back. I'm glad he surprised me, because if it weren't for him I would still be all alone in the big house that I am forced to call my home.

Thanks for reading!!❤️❤️
~Lexi Damerell5️⃣

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