Chapter 3 (Picture of Blake)

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So, remember how this guy had my fist in his palm before I was talking to the girls, yeah, he's part of my past. He hurt my feelings ages ago but I left without ever talking to him. He doesn't matter and will never be apart of my life again... I hope.
Anyway, after walking out the school with my new 'friends', we had gotten into a car, I'm guessing Kacey's car, and drove to her house.
When we arrived everyone started to get out of her car but someone held me back.
"Erm, can you let go of me?" I look up and see Blake holding my wrist.
"Look, you know Connor and what happened earlier, look what you said about his mom, just don't bring that up again.."
I looked at him with a confused expression, "Yeah, I'm, okay. Should I apologise to him or something cause the look on your face... it looks like I really crossed the line or something."
He looked up at me and gave me a small but warm smile.
"Yeah. Thanks. Just remember what I said." We were interrupted by someone, "Come on, love birds!"
"Is Lea always like this?" I giggle.
"Yeah, I guess. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Believe me." We laugh a bit more and then get out of the car.

"What took you guys sooo long?!" Of course Kacey if the nosy one.

"We, erm, just had a small talk?" It seemed like I was trying to convince myself more than them.. But that's all it was, a small talk. Ugh, whatever.

"Really. What was it about then. If you don't mind me asking." Ugh. Now it's Conner's turn to but in.


"Nothing that will concern or bother you." Thank goodness that Blake cut me off there. I don't think I could've convinced him it was nothing about him even though it was..

I look around the room I'm in and notice how neat everything is. The wallpaper is a lilac-ish kind of colour at the top of the walls and starts to get lighter further down the walls. The floors are covered with a soft, creamy coloured carpet. I wish I had this room.. Whilst I was taking in my surroundings, I catch a glimpse of Connor but noticed how he was staring at me.. More like checking me out. I blush at the thought. Wait. Wha-- I DON'T FUCKING BLUSH! Never have, and never will. But you just did. Oh my god, my voice inside my head is back from vacation! Where were you when I needed you the most, huh? Like you said, I was on vacation. Ugh, whatever.

I didn't realise that Kacey had been calling my name the entire time. How did I notice.. Hmmm, well it could be the fact that Kacey is burning up like she's about to explode or maybe it's the fact that I'm covered in water because I wasn't lis-- WAIT! WHAT!!!!

"KACEY! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU?!" I probably now look like her twin because I am now, also, burning up with fury.

"Maybe next time you would listen to me when I'm trying to talk to you. Want a towel?"

"No, I think i will just stand her and get pneumonia. What do you think?!" Note to sarcasm..

She huffed and grabbed the towel that was there already off of her desk. "Happy now"

"Very." I look up her and give her a beaming smile. "Now why were you calling my name for the past 10 minutes that cause you to soak me?"

"Oh yeah. Um.. Dammit what was I gonna say.." While she was there trying to recall her memory if what she was going to say to me, I once again look around the room and notice now Blake and Connor are talking further back in the room. Unlucky for them, I'm a good lip reader.. I could make out some words like; her, ask, like and.. Kelly? But not in that order. Wait, did Blake just say my name to Connor? Why?

"Oh. I got it! We need to--" She was cut off by a hot jerk calling for Seth.


"As I was saying, we need to give you a bit of a makeover but also give you a talk. Which one first. A or B?" Makeover? Talk? Why?

"Makeover? Really? I don't want a makeover, nor need a makeover!"

Out of nowhere, Sadie speaks up, "I agree with our newbie here. She's already good looking. Anyone would be lucky to look like her." Wow. She's actually really nice. Never thought she would be.

"Thank you for stating the obvious, Sadie. I didn't mean that kind of makeover. Not her face. Maybe just styling you hair with a bit of a curl at the bottom. Oh, maybe a different colour like dip dye! I think you should have a bit of turquoise blue kind of colour. Highlight even!"

"We are not destroying my beautiful hair with neon/vibrant colours. End of! But you can do the curl idea. I don't mind that."

"Lea, you get to work on her hair like you did with Sadie last week. Sadi--"

The hot jerk returns. You mean the hottie returns. Ugh, shut up voice! But you know it's true.. Believe me, I know.. "Kacey, can you come over here? Please." Then off goes Kacey.

Sadie then goes to help Lea with my hair.. I wonder what they're talking about over there. I choose just to shake it off and close my eyes to enjoy the pleasure of no one talking to me.. But with luck being my enemy, someone just had to call me to get my attention. I open my eyes and see Connor standing near but not close to me. I give him a confused look but he carries on speaking. "Can I talk to you outside in the hallway..?" I look around and realise everyone else is in a deep conversation on Kacey's bed but also my hair is done. How long did I have my eyes closed?

"Sorry. Yes, I will.."

I get up out of the comforting desk chair and follow Connor out of the door. How I wish to be still sitting in that chair..

"Loo-" I cut him off accidentally, believe it or not, by saying what I should've said before.

"No. I'm sorry about earlier in class. You were just really pissing me off and I'm not really used to all of the attention but then you wouldn't stop calling my Blondie and just to answer your question, yes my name is Kelly. Just next time, don't call me Blondie. The name kind of holds a past that I don't like.. Sorry about cutting you off there, please proceed." He looks gobsmacked. Yeah, I am too. I'm just not showing it.

"-k. I'm sorry about irritating you in that lesson too. I didn't mean to but I was originally going to call you by your eye colour but one, I don't even know it and two, if I did call you by your eye colour, I'm pretty sure you would've been even more pissed off. But you're insulting comment did also bring back not so pleasant memories.. But I accept your apology. Do you accept mine??

I look into his eyes but I couldn't make out his emotions.. I give him a genuine smile and nod but what surprised me and him the most was how I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. After a few seconds, he does the same but around my waist. I smile into his chest but I think he felt my smile as I also felt him smile into my hair. He's not so bad after all.. Damn right! Ugh, way to ruin the moment, voice! Oops, sorry.. Whatever.

"Kel?" I smile again at the nickname.


"I need to ask you something.." That's what caught my attention. Whenever I hear someone say that to me, I panic as you never know what they're going to say. I look up at him and ask, "What?"

"Erm.. Will.."


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