Chapter 8 (Picture of Dylan)

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"Ugh. Come on Christian. If we don't do this quickly, one, we'll get caught and two, Drew won't be happy about not getting what he wants." Me and the guys had another mission to complete and Christian was currently hacking into the security cameras. He didn't forget this time, thanks to me! Unfortunately, he wasn't quick at turning them off this time, unlike last time... Finally, he has shut down the cameras. Danny opens the gates quietly and we run in through the back. We always decided to split up so two of us can keep guard of any of the gang members and the other one can go to the guy's office to take what we came for.  Me and Danny are watching out for guards whilst Christian goes off to take the money. We were successful! Thankfully... We leave the building as quiet as possible but something just has to be on the floor in my way.. I accidentally kick whatever the item was causing a loud noise which got the guards attention. Fuck I'm such a fuck-up! Damn right you are! Thank you voice! Note to sarcasm. You spoke my thoughts. I am your thoughts. Smart ass. Why thank you. After my argument with my voice inside my head, I didn't even realise that I was over someone's shoulder. Who is it? Oh no! Have I been kidnapped?! Of course not, Danny and Christian would never let that happen to you, stupid. Hey! I know I'm stupid but no need to remind me. You're welcome. See what I have to put up with. Yeah, you. Oh, I really hate you! You hate yourself? Ugh! Shut up! Goodbye.

So anyway, luckily it was Christian who was holding me. I don't think I could even live for another minute if I was kidnapped.

We arrived back at Drew's place. I must say, he's house is a massive. It's big but not a mansion. It's very modern. The house is black with some white tiles, floor length windows.. I could go on and on but I was pulled out of my thoughts as Christian hit the back if my head. What did I miss? I give him a confused look but he nods his head in front of him I move my head to where he signalled me to look and there stood the 23 year old. The next thing I know, I'm being pulled into a hug? Why?

"Kelly. You were almost kidnapped and you ask why I'm hugging you. Maybe because I'm relieved that you wasn't taken away from me... Again" I must've spoke my thoughts.. Wait, again? What did he mean by tha- When I left.

"I already told you this before. Your little girl isn't going anywhere but it'll be great if you could stop hugging my because I'm having a little trouble breathing properly. Thanks."He pulls away and goes off to his office. I turn back to the others, "I need to go talk to him about Olivia... He's going to be so mad. He's never going to want to see me again..." By now, I was about to start crying. Drew means everything to me and having a feeling he will turn his back on me, I'll probably be a mess. You deserve it though. You did the same to him three years ago, remember? I guess. I will know what the three boys felt like when I want. In other words, empathy. (If you don't know what that is, it means to put yourself in someone else shoes, not literally)

"Kelly, he's not going to give up on you. You mean everything to him. Yes, he may be a little mad. Then again, this is Drew we're talking about, he may be very mad but he will never push you away. But if he does, which he definitely won't, me and Christian will take him to go have a reality check. Okay?" I swear, he always knows what to say at times like this. That's why I love him, not in love but love him as my brother. He gives me a reassuring smile and quickly hugs me before I deal with a-soon-to-be-angry Drew.

I just about to tap on his door and somehow he heard it as I heard a mumble saying 'come in'. I manage to open the door and slowly walk in closing the door behind me. Anxiety starts to kick in. Damn you, anxiety! I take steady, deep breaths to calm myself down before I have a panic attack.

"Drew. I need to talk to you about something.. Someone..."

"And who would that someone be, Kelly?

"... Olivia..." His head suddenly snaps up to my direction. I gulp. Is he mad already? He rises from his chair and walk towards me. I look back to his desk chair and admire how comfy it looks. I need to get that chair. It can go on my not-yet-written bucket list. Buy or steal Drew's desk chair.

"What about Olivia?" Oh, yeah. That's why I'm here. So stupid. Shut up!

"Um... Her dad and how it happened 'cause once I tell you his name, your going to go fucking insane. Believe me, I did."

"Well, spit it out then"

~*After telling Drew*~

"It was accidental. It was never suppose to happen. Please! Fucking listen!!! Andrew Louis fucking Sanders!! Listen to me!" I had told him and like I said, he's going fucking insane. Like I did. "I know I screwed up, literally, but he doesn't even know..yet. He needs to know who his kid is. Would you like it if you had a one night stand but got the girl pregnant and didn't even know about it? Having a kid you don't even know about? Because I know you too well to know you wouldn't care because you would care. I'm not happy he's my kid's father but oh well, shit happens. Drew this is real life and not some book where he doesn't find out and we live our separate lives. I will tell him. But please calm down and talk to me when you have. Bye, Drew." And with that said, I walked out but not without slamming the door behind me. I forgot Danny and Christian were still here and chose not to talk to them. I'm too pissed of because of Drew overreacting as usual...

I'm definitely not looking forward to school but then again, when does anyone look forward to school. School is only 'Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Life'. Class is 'Come Late And Start Sleeping'. See, I'm smart. But anyway, Liv's dad goes to our school but the worse part is that he's going to be there tomorrow... He was suspended for some time because of something he did. I've forgot what though because it was two months ago and I hadn't even applied to come here yet. I was kicked out of my old school for vandalism of school property. The amount of times I've heard teachers say that to me.

~*Next Day: School*~

I look nervously around the room. I am currently sitting in my English class, the class where annoying Conner sits next to me with Blake next to him. Apparently, Brittany is moving to this class with this guy called Dylan and someone else. I wonder who it is. But why is Brittany moving up into this class, she absolutely dumb. Seriously, she still thinks a tomato is a vegetable. It's a fruit. It contains seeds. My foot starts uncontrollably tapping against the floor. I really don't want to see her. After 47 minutes of panicking, they never came to class. I am so relieved. I have no idea how I would cope in this class if they showed up- All happiness soon goes away as the door swings open to a smirking Brittany, a expressionless Dylan I think and some person behind him. I can't really see him though as Dylan is taller than I imagined.All I know is that the guy has really dark brown hair. I kinda recognize that hair colour from some years ago. Oh well. Brittany goes to talk to our teacher but not without spotting me in the class and giving me a glare. Bitch.

~*Boy's POV*~

There she sat, glaring back at Olivia like she used to. Me and her haven't talked for ages but I care about her. She probably hates me for what happened. I'm going to have to talk to her about it. When I came back here, I had heard rumours about a new girl called Kelly but I didn't know it was this Kelly, the one I loved once. Worst of all, I heard she has a kid called Olivia but I don't believe it because Drew, Danny or Christian would never let that happen. Even though the four of them hate me doesn't mean I don't know enough about them. Brittany comes back and tells us to sit at the back of the class. The back of the class... Behind Kelly...

~*Kelly's POV*~

I watch them as they walk to their seats and suddenly realise who the boy is... Why him?! I finally see his face, the one that I actually loved once but because us being rivals, we couldn't make it work... It was Olivia's dad. He's called Callum. Brittany, Dylan and Callum are one of Drew's main rivals but not mine... Well only Brittany is. I have the urge to hug him but one, he's more than likely to hate me and push me away and two, it'll be awkward. I need to tell him he has a daughter...


I finally finished this. There, Callum is Olivia's dad. It explains why Danny and Drew were mad at her because he's one of his rivals. Kelly and Callum loved each other once but no one else knows that. Their relationship didn't work out because they had to act as if they hated each other and would have to constantly fight. So they ended it. I hope it all makes sense now..

Anna xx

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